Manasu Nirmalambe
Bangalore, Brindavan (Ugadi )
“Manasu nirmalambe manchiki margambu” Pure mind leads to goodness; “Manasu nirmalambe mahitha shakthi”, Pure mind is the mighty power; “Nirmalambu manase neeradi mutyavu!” Pure mind is the pearl of the great ocean of life.
Manasulo Nunna Bhavambhu
00:01:15Manasulonunna bhavambu manchidaina, Kalagi teerunu phalasiddi karyamandu Manasulonunna bhavambu malinamaina, Phalamukuda aa reethi malinamagunu!! If the thoughts in the mind are unsullied and pure One’s efforts and actions are bound be successful! If the thoughts are polluted and sullied, The consequences of such thoughts are bound to be polluted!!
Chitta Suddhi Leka
00:01:26Deeds done without purity of mind will never confer peace on the seeker. He who can still the mind without agitations and impurities is the one who is really great.
Mranu Diddavacchu
00:01:27A wooden log can be corrected and made straight. A raw stone or boulder can be bevelled. Can the human Mind be ever corrected without any aberrations/idiosyncrasies?! Listen to this Truth Oh! Son of Bharath!
Manasu Nadaramugagonna Manavundu
00:00:39“Manasu aadharamugagaonna maanavudu Bhramalakante heenamai brathuku chedunu, Budhdhini aadharamuga gonna budhajanundu, Madhuvuniga maarunu mahiniyendu!!” The one goes by the vagaries of the mind wastes life worst than that of a bee. The wise who acts based on the intellect becomes truly the divine on the earth.
Manase Hethuvu
00:03:15Mind is the cause for the existence, bondage and condition of affairs of man. It is important for liberation. Mind is responsible for intoxication with the world and for the experience of hell! It is the mind which matters whether one is in the house, in a temple, or in the forest. What does it matter if one is present in a shrine or in a forest when one’s mind is absent? It is the mind that is important for getting liberation.