Swami always look for your feelings; Different examples from Mythology
More than the Vedas, it is very essential to understand the teachings of Vedanta. The path of love i
Don't try to understand Me, experience Me
Seeing My physical form, you may be deluded into thinking that I am also a human being like you. You

Never become a Lover, become Love: Beautiful Analogies
Students can understand the interpretation of subtle aspects. One must never be a lover. A lover may

God is very soft, even to melt the butter one needs to use fire: Beautiful Analogy
God too is very soft; soft and sweet. But if one wants to experience God, one must expose oneself to

If you follow Swami's command and lead life, HE will manifest in a second
First and foremost one should have steady and intense faith in Vedanta. One can conduct oneself prop

Krishna Asked Arjuna to pray during the war: Faith is pre-requisite for leading life
Krishna told Arjuna, “Arjuna! You may be wondering about how to think of me in battlefield. But yo

Do not indulge yourself in too much talk: With analogies
What is awareness? It is ‘Chith’. What is ‘Chith’? It is total, comprehensive wisdom! Today

What is Amanaskamu in Vedanta
Next is the ‘Amanaskamu’. What is the meaning of ‘Amanaskam’? The thing that is seen with

What is Sankhyamu in Vedanta
The second one is ‘Sankhyamu’. It refers to the ‘panchendriya’, the five senses, ‘pancha p

What is Tarakam in Vedanta
What is meant by ‘Tarakam’? It is ‘Khechari’, ‘Vechari’, ‘Madhyama’ and the true ess

Where Vedas end, Vedanta begins, explanation of Vedanta
Therefore Vedas are limited to the physical world. Next is the ‘Vedantam’, which is most importa

Vedas classified into three Samhithas
However, all the Vedas pertain to the physical world and its affairs. Further each Veda is divided i

God bestows two-syllabled name for man's redemption
The earth prayed to Lord Vishnu, “Swami! I can bear any kind of sinners but I cannot bear a person

Story of Mother earth and Fox
Everything in this world deserves to be worshipped. That is the reason why many pay their respects t

Community bhajan is noblest of all
The word and the mind are futile in their attempts to understand the Divine. By singing together the

Man is deluded by Money: With analogy
One only thinks of money now-a-days. How can money uplift man? Developing compassion or righteousnes

God is present in everyone: Episode of Lakshmi bai Danghe (Shirdi Baba)
Shirdi Baba too taught wisdom on many occasions, in many ways using many examples. God is everywhere

Mind is the root cause for everything in life: Analogy
One only punishes the body for the mistakes committed. But there is no fault in the body. All the fa

The purpose of Life is to know who you are
Will a snake be killed by mere rubbing of its hood?” Will mere punishing the body, s

As is your feeling so is your vision
God is never selfish. He is selfless. How can selfish people to know the selfless? One’s own thoug

Health confers salvation or liberation, so protect your health
Embodiments of love! All said and done, the summary of Swami’s talk is t

Durbuddhula Talanunna
Today, in human beings , how do you find intelligence? If we have heads with wicked thoughts, ears t
Never give up truth in lIfe
Never give up truth. Truth is our life. Truth is changeless in all the three periods of time. Truth

Students always be in a good company
When once students go out of the portals of the educational institutions and enter the society, thei

Everything depends on your mind; Purify it
For good and bad, our behavior is the main cause. Nothing wrong in education, nothing wrong with the

Your heart is the seat of the Lord, it is reserved for Him
students must be vigilant and should not let bad and wicked thoughts enter their hearts. Good and sa

The words, mind, ego and the spirit belong to the same family
Students!! The culture of Bharath is noblest and second to none. Man is sum total of hi

Manasulo Nunna Bhavambhu
Manasulonunna bhavambu manchidaina, Kalagi teerunu phalasiddi karyamandu Manasulonunna bhavam

Purpose of worship is to have faith and love
To shed off the bad qualities, one should develop selfless love. That is Devotion. Different modes o

Power of thought, word and deed; Dhruva story
The character of Dhruva in Maha Bhagavata is familiar to all of you. He is a five year old boy who d

Nothing exists without Atma
I told you yesterday that Aham (feeling of me & Mine) is the son of Atma and mind is the son of Aham

God always knows what is best for you
“Oh mind! Do not ask. Do not ask. As you go on asking it keeps getting delayed. If you don’t as

Adagakuve o manasa
“Oh mind! Do not ask. Do not ask. As you go on asking it keeps getting delayed. If you don’t a

Pure love would never change; An illustration
Many students are with pure love as long as they are in our institute but when they go out, they say

What is true love according to Swami
Ornaments may be different but gold is one and the same. Color of the cows may be different but th

Prema Lenatti Manasadhi
Heart and mind devoid of Love are really like a burial ground Just because there is air going in a

Born as a human behave like one
Embodiments of Love!! Having being born as human one must try to broad

You would be called Sathya Sai Sevadal only when you engage yourself in His work truly
To be called as the “Sathya Sai Sevadal”, one must imbibe the qualities of Sathya Sai!! “Dal

What is Satvika Seva: Hanuman Analogy
Swami has said the previous day about the three types of Seva namely: Satvik Seva, Rajasik Seva and

True spirituality is seeing oneness in everything
Sathya Sai Organisations must not only teach spirituality but efforts must be made to change every a

Sevadal shouldn't have part time devotion
In view of the conference of Sevadal, thousands of names were sent from each district. But of these

Who is a true Sadhaka and a devotee
A good person is described using many adjectives in Bhagavatha and Bhagavad Gita. He has been likene

Selfishness is the cause for man's distress
It is the quality of selfishness in man that subjects him to many troubles. Selfishness is like a te

Service is the highest form of worship
one must not look down upon Seva. Belittling Seva shows one’s petty mindedness. One must strengthe

What is Seva and how Seva instills in you courage and determination:
The one who calls himself as “Sevak”, a servant, should always be ready to serve others but shou

We need to do service activities to cleanse our hearts
One without the purity of thought cannot understand the “Paratatwa”, the principle of other, the

Atma latent in everyone is the same
Whether it is in Sai Organisation or in any Organization, or in any region, or in any country, or in

Unity of thought word and deed confers Divine grace
Even an insect can cause harm. To do good is difficult. Anybody can do harm. But only few can do goo

Radiance of Atma and progress of science
Life is a blend of both sunshine and shade. There is no happiness without sorrow and sorrow without

Develop qualities in life
We tell something but do something else. This is a bad trait, common, in many human beings! Now-a-da

When ego enters the mind, downfall is imminent
From the viewpoint of physical strength, Ravana was a very strong person. He had even conquered Kube

What is Sacrifice?
Giving with a sacred feeling, a ripe fruit is sacrifice. Giving a rotten fruit is not sacrifice. It

Try to lead your life with good qualities
Sages have given us great ideas. We should reminisce and practice them. Performing sacred rituals is

Mere listening to discourses take you nowhere
In-spite of listening to several discourses, despite spending long spells of time in participating s
Dual nature of human beings
The nature of human beings may be categorised under two types. One is ‘animality’ and the other

How will power can make or mar a person
Contentment is another name to denote equanimity of mind. It is only due to the will-power that the

Vivida Sastra
Various scriptures, Vedas, and Vedangas cannot facilitate ‘tear open’ the curtain masking the mi

Tell me your company, I shall tell you what you are
A tree stands still when there is breeze but sways when there is a breeze. What is the reason behind

How to tune yourself to God
The entire world is full of electric power. There are unchanging electric waves at a certain level.

Science doesn't encourage broad-mindedness
Today the progress of science is on an individual level with a narrow outlook. There is a lack of br

Conscience, Conscious and Consciousness
One should not follow one’s body or mind as ‘mind is like a mad monkey’ and ‘body is like a

Limitless human desires are the cause for unrest
Many people due to the impact and influence of the Kali age, perceive the relationship with the divi

Baba's effort in bringing muslims and hindus together
A number of controversies arose when people could not decide if He was a Brahmin, a Hindu or a Musal

Shirdi Baba's Life Story
There is another speciality associated with this day. In the year 1838, Shirdi Sai Baba was born in

Do everything with a Divine approach
Where is ‘brahma’? Brahma is all pervasive; omnipresent. That is also called as ‘chaitanya’

Role of meditation for steady body and mind
One should steady one’s body to have steady mind. If one’s body is continuously in motion, how c

Understand the significance of Durgashtami
Man must make an effort to recognise and understand the inner significance of ‘Durgashtami’. In

Swami on Nature or Prakruthi
Hence this body is born of nature. There are two types of natures- ‘Para prakruthi’ and ‘Apara

Pradhan constructing Baba's Samadhi
Baba called Pradhan after a few days and asked him to build a small tank in a certain place. It was

The entry of Shyama into Shirdi: Story of Shyama and his experiences with Baba
Shyam’s parents brought him to Shirdi after their retirement. He was two years old at that time. H

Taanu Cheyakunna
“People do not mind if they cannot do a work, but get jealous of others who do it. They gather nea

Swami on the Shirdi Baba devotee, HV Sathe: Sathe Wada Experience
Swami on the Shirdi Baba devotee, HV Sathe: Sathe Wada Experience Gradually the news about this B

Eat less, talk less, work more and derive great joy
We should all be united. Hatred might arise among brothers, but there must never be any room for hat

Bhaja Govindam, Bhaja Govindam
Chant His name, chant His name, Chant His name O ignorant minded! When the destined end is near,
Discriminate to know yourself first: Shankaracharya teachings
Man is discriminating everything but himself. Man must examine himself. That is the essence of spiri

Concentration and interest are more on TV than on themselves: Practical examples
One sees and experiences in a varied way in this world. If one enquires properly the history of Bhar

Lyrics are not given importance in music today: Humorous analogy of Thyagaraja Krithi
In a music concert the musician concentrates on the ‘raga’, the tune, ‘tala’, the beat and t

Why Do We Chant Shanthi Mantram Thrice
People say “Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi”, peace, peace, peace. Why should one chant it thrice? Is

Youth should have more patience: With analogies
Human mind is completely polluted due to cinema, TV, and radio. All the sacred qualities latent in m

Imitation leads to blindness; Follow your conscience
Man must not imitate in order to experience freedom. In the modern age, due to the influence of the

Who is Indra?
One might conquer Indra, the King of celestial beings, but without conquering one’s senses it is u

Food and television are the causes for the agitation of mind
What is the cause for the thoughts that arise either in the mind or outside? One might conquer Indra

Direct mind towards heart and march towards Divinity
Therefore, it brings forth the right combination of mind and the nature. There is no difference betw

Every Sadhana must lead you on the inward journey
The day one develops inner vision ,one pacifies the attractions of the external vision. Man today un

There Cannot be a Healthy Body Without a Mind Filled With Sacred Thoughts
Mind is responsible for both bondage and liberation. We must entertain only those thoughts that are

It is a Pity that Yoga is Not Valued as Much in the Land of Its Birth
Yashoda brought up Lord Krishna has her own child, earned the name that she is Krishna’s mother an

Yoga Can Bring Benefits Way Deeper Than Just Physical Health
It was also investigated in a different way in old Mexico. There in old Mexico, they had jailed many

Increasing Number of Researchers are Converging on the Medical Benefits of Yoga
In an international university in America, a physiology professor experimented in different ways. He

Yoga is the Best Solution for Problems Caused by Modern Lifestyle
In this age of technology, in order to maintain the burdensome family life and to bring more prosper

Chitta Suddhi Leka
Deeds done without purity of mind will never confer peace on the seeker. He who can still the min

Man can put an end to the cycle of birth and death: With Beautiful Analogies
“Apart from the will of the Lord, there is man’s effort also, to some extent, in the process of
Inner Significance of festivals in India
Embodiments of Divine Atma!! The festivals celebrated by people of Bharat, are all signifi

The divine source is responsible for all our senses to function: Analogies
Vision is not in one’s eyes, listening is not present in one’s ears; speech is not present in t

Mind is pure and blemishless: With analogies
Students!! There are many things that are not known to the students and many things that need to

Everything happens according to the will of God: Example of human body
Everything conducts itself as per the will and discipline of God. There is a good example to unders

Understand the difference between intellect and intelligence: With analogies
Students should understand the difference between intellect and intelligence. One can earn “O” g

Do not pride yourself of young age: Message to youth
Students must realise this concept of love. Unfortunately the students today allow this love to be d

Sadgunambulu Sat Buddhi Sathya Nirathi
Good virtues, good mind, and adherence to truth Devotion, discipline and duty,

What is true education?
The education imparted to the students today does not conform to the moral, ethical or spiritual val

Doctors need to be more compassionate
The field of medicine too is plagued with money. Embodiments of Love! All the doctors should b

Office bearers roles and responsibilties
Today man is entering a very narrow minded path. But man has to develop broadmindedness. Every offic

Accept everything in life as God's prasadam: Beautiful Analogies
The essence of Ugadi lies in being calm and composed in both happy and sad circumstances. It signifi

Chitta Suddhi Leni Shiva Poojaletiki
“Chitta sudhdhi leni Shiva pooja yetiki?” What is the use of all the worship without a pure hear

All the defects lies in the way we see things: With beautiful analogies
Man is earning much wealth and various forms of education, but there is no defect in either the educ

Atma is embedded in man; Like a pearl in an ocean
“Manasu nirmalambe manchiki margambu” Pure mind leads to goodness;

Manasu Nirmalambe
“Manasu nirmalambe manchiki margambu” Pure mind leads to goodness; “Manasu

Mind is the reason for liberation or bondage
One gets both the results. What is the reason for both the results? It is the mental weakness and la

Difference between an Optimist and a pessimist
“Korika teerina vela nanu goppaga pogidedaroyi! Korika teeraka pothe uraka tegedadaro

Whatever happens is for my own good: Beautiful Analogies
“Korika teerina vela nanu goppaga pogidedaroyi! Korika teeraka pothe uraka tegedadaro

We should exercise unity in diversity
“Isa vaasyam midam sarvam” the divinity that exists in all manifests as humanness. Man today is

Man is unable to see the divinity present in living beings
“Chillara raallaku mokkutu vunte Chitthamu chedura orey orey!!” Bowing to every
Significance of Angeerasa year
There are sixty years as per the Telugu calendar beginning with Prabhava and ending with Akshaya. Th

Nature of Mind compared to Sun and the moon
To think that one gained victory without mastering the mind is mere delusion. The mind is like the m

Who is victorious in life? Questions Shankaracharya: With beautiful analogies
Shankaracharya questioned, “Chitam jagatyeva?” meaning who is the winner in the world. Each stud

Life dedicated to know Atma is the real life
Therefore in this world the atmic life is most important. The lives lived through the body, mind or

Man needs to have an eye of wisdom
Every being has eyes. It is not only the humans that have eyes but even the animals, birds and insec

Develop sacred thoughts from this Ugadi
Today is the beginning of sacred New Year. On such a day one must develop sacred thoughts. Developin

Praise or blame doesn't belong to you
People think that others have accused them. If they go on worrying and feeling bad about the accusat

Don't get attached to the body: Swami's example
People know that Swami leads by example. This is Swami’s body. But Swami is the not the body, Swam

Parents should be role model to children
One must not indulge in worrying about others the moment one gets up from sleep.

Bhajan training is must for all the Samithis
Therefore, training in community singing must be developed on a large scale by women. Men too must p

Roles of State presidents, district presidents and other members of the organisation
In the beginning the rules and regulations are necessary. As the members have understood the rules a

I have resolved to guide you onto the path of Advaitha
Therefore, I have resolved to spread the principles of spirituality based on the ‘Adwaitha’ path

Path of bhakthi is very sacred
Shankaracharya expounded the principle of adwaitha. He declared, “Sathyam gyanam anantham brahma

Become servant of servants
Every human being should keep in mind the principles of adwaitha, enter into the society with princi

What is true Adwaitha
Therefore, one must hold on to that which is the basis for everything. The root cause for everything

Swami explains the workings of body, mind, intellect and atma
Man must aspire to become broadminded living in this vast and wide world. Every human being has four

Mind is the basis for everything
Man must aspire to become broadminded living in this vast and wide world. Every human being has four

We need to expand our love
“Prema swroopinam jeevanam!”-– Love is the essence of man’s life. Man today does not experie

Service enables you to develop love
The mind of a man bereft of service, is devil’s workshop. An idle man sits around inert, like a p

Peace rests within you
Everyone aspires for peace but peace does not exist somewhere distant from one. To search for peace

Talk Less and Understand the power of Silence
“Mitha bhasha ati haayi”-Talking less makes one happy. Noble people in the Sanyasa stage used to

Students should never get into other avagations; They should concentrate on education; Message to students
The youth today is gathering all unnecessary things into their minds. The student enters the precinc

Kuracha Buddhula: Poem by Arjuna to Krishna
“Krishna, the mean minded fellows that the Kauravas are, will they want peace?

Man creates his own problems: Analogy from Mahabharatha
Others do not give either pleasure or pain. Man’s thoughts, words and deeds are solely responsible

God's grace never forsakes you
So the recipient of God's grace will never have any problems, he will never suffer. He will never ma

Malinapu Kompa, Rogamul
"“What is this body? It's full of dirt! It’s afflicted with diseases! It’s born again and a

Cry for God; Ramakrishna said
Many went to Ramakrishna and asked him. Vivekananda also was there. They asked him, 'Swami have you

Turn the key of mind towards God
The effect on the mind is very severe. Mind is the main cause for the liberation and bondage. If you

Reasons for diseases and bad health
The other day in a conversation there in Bangalore, he said, “I take bath in the river of life her

Without peace, one cannot be happy; Analogies of Churchill and Prahlada
We find the science more and more increasing. It gives you lot of comfort. What is the use of all th

Expansion of love is ideal in life
In this vast world, Our love also should be broad and wide. Our compassion should also be broad and

Man is precious among all
Man is the embodiment of God. Man has got latent sacred qualities. In fact all the values he has inh

Body is an instrument in realizing God
The Scientists said, the place where the science ends spirituality begins. This is important. All th

Mind can make you an animal, human or Divine
For a human being to live like a human being, or behave like an animal, or lead a life with divine f

Reading scriptures cannot give you wisdom
Sastras....Sastras...Sastras.. What are these Sastras? They may impart some general knowledge. It is

Divinity is present in everyone in myriad ways and innumerable forms: Example of Nagayya actor
I am the seed for all the elements and the entire Creation. So, there is no birth for divinity. All

Why does the Divine take the form of a human?
So, divinity doesn’t surface with a special form. Divinity also puts up a human form and appears.

How Nana Saheb Chadorkar became the devotee of Baba
At one time Baba, in a sitting posture, was smiling which no one around could understand! Some peopl

As is our association, so is our Mind
For both the good and bad qualities, Mind is the root cause. The good quality present in the Mind ca

Mind and its working
Students! Mind is very peculiar. Mind moves very fast. Mind is highly wavering. Mind is very powerf

Mranu Diddavacchu
A wooden log can be corrected and made straight. A raw stone or boulder can be bevelled. Can the hu

Have firm faith in God; Story of Matthew
At one time, Matthew was the tax officer. He used to meet the fishermen to collect taxes. (He asked

Paul and Jesus
Initially, Paul was a fierce critic of Jesus. Jesus appeared in a dream to Paul, and smiled. He patt

Swami on Prahalada and his devotion
Here is Prahalada. Prahalada is a tiny tot. Though he was so young, he never disobeyed God. He was u

God's love is true wealth
If money is lost, you can get it back. If the health is lost, you can regain it. But when character

What is true devotion; From Jesus life
Many consider themselves to be devotees. What is this devotion? Mere worship and service cannot be c

How to attain peace and happiness
What is this peace? We repeat this word "Shanthi", Peace, thrice. (This stands for) Peace at the phy

Types of Sankeerthana
This sankeerthana is of four types. One is ‘guna’ sankeerthana, singing the qualities. Second is

You are Brahman, realise it: Analogy of a Camera
Man is the embodiment of the Brahman. One should consider oneself as the Brahman and by believing an

Explanation of Gayathri Mantra
Swami tells that in Gayathri Mantra “om bhur bhuva suvaha”, ‘bhur’ means earth; ‘bhuvaha

What is the meaning of word Guru
What is the inner significance of the word “guru”? ““Gu”, “Ru”= “Gu”- gukaro andha

Manasu Nadaramugagonna Manavundu
“Manasu aadharamugagaonna maanavudu Bhramalakante heenamai brathuku chedunu,

One can understand Divine Principle by following intellect and by giving up mind
Some might think that Brahman can be achieved through some Sadhanas or spiritual endeavours, but Bra

Significance of night long bhajan during Shivaratri
One thought, one vision and one action, we need to consider all the three as one. Then we would not

You are verily God; Do not limit God and His actions
When one is the embodiment of the divine, there is none outside that one can seek as God. Therefore

Service is the biggest Sadhana
Service to others is means of great ‘Sadhana’, practice or spiritual exercise. People do other S

Do not have any misunderstandings within the organisation
The organisation and Swami are not related but the workers and Swami have a close relationship. None

Do service within your limits
Therefore, all the members of this organisation should become “thyagarajus”- men with spirit of

Being bereft of ego would lead you to attain Mukthi
There is yet another type of people that want to control and destroy mind. Such people believe that

Man's fortune or misfortune depends on his thoughts
Mind is not like the blank white paper. Mind is imprinted with the tendencies and experiences of man

Mind and its mysteries
Mind is responsible for all the business dealings and activities in the world. A school without a te
Mind and its working
Embodiments of the Divine Atma!! The human body made up of the senses and five e

Manase Hethuvu
Mind is the cause for the existence, bondage and condition of affairs of man. It is important for li

Involve in social service every sunday
In this summer class, a decision has been taken to undertake social service on every Sunday. Such se

Involve in Social work and not in show work
Unfortunately today, the social work undertaken in many countries and many parts of the country has

How to render different types of service: Examples from Krishna's life
Man is attracted by clean surroundings. Similarly a clean mind in a human being is attractive to God

No act of service is low: Analogies from Lord Krishna life
When people think of service, they seem to equate it with menial work, usually done by a servant. Th

Man must use common sense, discrimination and intelligence
A relative who does not help in times of need, God who will not grant boons in spite of worship,

One should not breed any differences in bhajans or in prayer
The bhajans were sung in a worldly perspective. Swami has observed it. The boys did not join the sin

Adugakuve o manasa
Adagakuve, o manasa! Adugukoladi adi aduguna padunani, Adagakunna pani adi vadigaa agunan

Prayer is the magnet
Today man is not keeping his mind in a proper way due to an increase in the worldly desires.

Do not blame others for your actions
“Manayeva manushyanaam, kaaranam bandhamokshayoho”- mind is the cause for bondage or liberation!

Mind can separate the good from the bad
Here is a small example: The water of the ocean is salty. The heat of the Sun converts the ocean wat

Turn bookish knowledge into practical knowledge
They do not explain clearly about what truth is and what is justice. All of that amounts to impracti

What is form and formless: Analogy
Therefore all the worldly actions must be based on spiritual principles. There are two aspects, ‘S

Money doesn't confer happiness and peace: Beautiful Analogy
Money is necessary to lead life and there nothing wrong in man working for it. But one should not be

Man is completely deluded and he is behind worldly pleasures
‘Ya chinta bhuvi, putra mitra bharanau, Vyapara sambhashane, Ya chinta dhana dhaanya yas

Good qualities depends on the company we keep
“Budhdhihi karmanusaarini!!” One’s intellect develops based on one’s good and bad actions. B

Uddhava-Gopikas episode; Devotion of Gopikas
In one context, the Gopikas questioned Uddhava. Uddhava summoned the Gopikas and told them, “Come,

Sevadal must find unity in diversity
We must also learn to speak in a good manner. In trying to get youth, especially the students, into

Purpose and significance behind Seva
Embodiments of the Divine, the workers in social service! For the last five days, Seva

Work, worship and wisdom; Karma Marga
“Work is worship”. Sevadals must work with the body, worship with the mind and merge in wisdom t

Concentration, Contemplation, Meditation
These western people, because of the frustrations and depressions they feel due to the materialistic

Sadhana is important for Sevadal; Analogies
In our organisations, whether one preaches it or not, seva and “Sadhana” or self practice should

How to do Jyothi meditation
Look at that flame with your eyes wide open. Now close your eyes and imagine that the flame that you

How to control your mind; Analogy of a monkey
So instead of undertaking this kind of meditation with a wavering mind, it is better to undertake ot

Analogy of a dog to explain about the mind
There lived a rich and prosperous householder whose heart was filled with love and compassion for ot

Analogy of electric wire to explain mind
In our organisations, whether one preaches it or not, seva and “Sadhana” or self practice should

Youth should giveup impure thoughts and develop pure heart
So the young men and women should make an effort to know the sort of life they want to lead and the

Youth have the incurable disease of Ego
Young men and women today, prone to the effects of their age lose all patience and have no sense of

Youth should involve themselves in Satsang
The well being of this world depends on the men and women. Hence, young men and women should have a

Mind is the cause for use or misuse
Every material in this world should be properly used. There is this knife here. One can use the knif

Two qualities immanent and latent in man
Man has two types of natures imminent in him- one is animal nature and the second one humanness. Thi

Man must realize the value of life
The bygone days will never come again. River Yamuna cannot come back when once it merges in the vast

The welfare of the world depends on youth
The prosperity and welfare of the future rests on the behaviour of youth of this world. The world wi

Mind is a conglomeration of thoughts
One must accumulate good thoughts and intentions in the mind. We have discussed earlier that the min

Our faith in God should be undeterred
Distortions, fear and illusions are not natural to man; they are external factors. There are neither

Religions are created by minds
All said and done, one can realise that it is due the different mindset that the different religions

Matamulanni koodi manchine bodhinche
All religions teach only the good, Know this and conduct with wisdom,

All religions taught to be good
Every religion has been teaching and stressing the importance of devotion and wisdom and have upheld

Religions are meant to mend the mind
The broad ideology that religion is for mending the mind is absent in today’s man. The essence, th

Analogy from Mahabharatha explaining the importance of aim and concentration
The tree born out of mud is mud and cannot be anything different from mud. Likewise prakruthi, natur

Unwavering mind is a pre-requisite to attain Samadhi
In order to understand and reach the state of Samadhi, the fourth line of the verse: ‘Kuruavadaana

What is Samadhi State
Students!! The word Samadhi is understood in many different ways in the world.

How do we get to Samadhi state
The third line of the verse refers to the state of samadhi. To attain Samadhi one has to follow cert

Atma is permanent and body is impermanent
Atma is permanent and body is impermanent: When one controls one’s mind, prana too is

Pranayama and Prathyahara
Embodiments of the divine atma! Young boys and girls!! The path of spirituality can be co

Na Raaka Yeriginanthane; Krishna - Kuchela
“As soon as I sent word to Krishna through His gatekeepers about my arrival, He personally came to

Kuchela - Krishna episode; Love of God
Be it morning or evening I am your servant An incident described in the Bhagavatham, offers an i

India has proclaimed that truth is one
However, the same Atma was present in both of them. Truth is one and age becomes irrelevant where Tr

Scriptures and Puranas proclaim truth
It is only when action is related to the Atma that the nature of Sathya or Truth stands revealed. Wh

Analogy to explain time, duty and place
There is plenty of water in the Ganges. However, what each person carries home depends on the size o

Swami on the origin of Aham or I
What is the primordial essence of oneself? The answer that comes from within is that it is Aham or

Swami on Kundalini and Yoga practices
There are 33 rings in the spinal column, and located between the 9th and 12th rings is the Sushumna

All are embodiment's of God
One must consider every other as the divine self. ‘There are no enemies and no haters. All are my

Can we do salutations to humans? Chinnakatha from Ashoka's life story
Many have a doubt whether it is alright to do namaskar to human beings. But who else will one do nam

Body is the temple, God is the indweller; Man should realise it
‘Deho devalayoprocto, jeevodevah sanatanaha”—body is the temple and God is the in dweller. Why

Mind is Vishnu, speech is Brahma and heart is Eshwara
There is divinity in every man and so everybody should feel that one’s heart is the place of divin

Who is trinity
Who is ‘Eshwara’? Vedas refer to “Eashwara” as the soul or the atma. It has also stated that

Man is losing his morals today
Man is the combination of three aspects namely, morality, righteousness and spirituality. Such a sac

Rukmini weighing Krishna
You all know this. Sathyabhama, wanted to possess Krishna, keep him all to herself. Sathyabhama has

Types of people who hate God
There are four types of people who turn against God. The first category are those who don't have fai

Follow truth which is Eternal
In this world there is an eternal conflict between Good and Bad. It is only the ignorant foolish man

Swami on Abraham Lincoln
You should recognize one important point. Lincoln was born in a very poor family in United States of

You are atman; Realize it
Bhagawan said, You are all the embodiment's the divine. You are imperishable. The spirit or Atma is

Youth should develop human values and be in good company; With an analogy
You should acquire the qualities of truth, prema and forbearance, as also the quality of sacrifice

Good people wouldn't get hurt; With analogy of an Goldsmith and gold
Here is a story of a goldsmith who during the practice of his profession was once melting gold. In

Benefits of being in a good company; With analogies
You may ask what benefit we may get out of such good company. Man’s good as well as bad features

Human beings should help each other
When our fellow men are in difficulty, we should go to their help to the best of our ability. You s

Swami on the role of youth in uplifting India
Sacred students! There are two things which are important for man’s life. One is confidence in o

Sath sangatwe nisangatwam
From keeping good company, detachment follows as a consequence. From acquiring detachment, removal

Who are truly Lord Yama and Chitragupta
Your intrigues may succeed with various people whom you want to deceive, but it is not possible to

Vidya degreela korakukai verri maanu
You must forget the foolish idea that education is only for acquiring a degree. Do not seek educati

True education leads to control of senses
Education has the proper meaning only if you are able to control your sense organs, set your ideas

Control your body and mind at young age
Your life can be peaceful only when you can control the agitations of your body and mind. These are

Develop patriotism towards your country
My country is India. My religion is the religion of India. My ideals and traditions have been born

Why summer course for youth; It's purpose
We have come into this world with our body as a part of ourselves. So long as you remain a part of

Man's ignorance towards death; With analogy
These feelings are all wrong. Even though death is staring in the face of an individual every momen

The world is an illusion and impermanent
The world which we see around us has been referred to as the Mithyaloka (deluding world). If we thin

Swami has placed all hope on Youth
A great many people who are educated, who are in charge of education and who are in responsible posi

No one is following religion truly
Different religions have some differences and some different ideas about the unknow-able God, but

All religions taught us to be good
Young students! Indian culture is based on non-dual thought and non-dual philosophy. This special

Swami on Pancha Koshas with analogies
Without food, the body cannot live. If there is no body, we cannot really picture the mind. If the

Prahlada on intelligence and mind
It is in this context that Prahlada proclaimed that there is no pleasure in this world. There is no

Swami on the deterioration of Indian culture
Young students! Today, the question arises in the mind of every youth, whether our country Bharat

All religions say,
All religions, in essence, preach that you should purify your mind and know your own self. We shoul

Education enables discrimination
Education does not consist in the accumulation of information and facts from a multitude of books.

Teachings of ancient Gurus and disciples
From time immemorial, this sacred land has had good traditions, had expounded many spiritual truth

Sevadal should not misuse Sense organs
Members of Sevadal! There is one other thing which we should recognize clearly. We have got five org

Important Ingredients for Seva
In the first instance, strengthen your confidence in your own self. It is only then, that you will d

What is the true essence of Seva
While doing service, it is not enough if you alone have satisfaction but you should bear in mind tha

Service is verily Sadhana
Mohammed was driven out of Mecca, because he steadfastly stick to one objective. Because Christ taug

God is present in everything
At one time when Krishna was a child, he came to his mother Yashoda in great hurry. Yashoda looked a

Swami on Ancient and present schooling
From many past ages, this phrase 'service to the society' has been accompanying us and has been comi

Clear Mind Leads To Societal Service
For acquiring success in our attempt to do service to the society, the first step will be for us to

Swami on the devotion of Thyagaraja
Thyagaraja was a great devotee but he too had to face so many difficulties.Thyagaraja, who could bea

Don't cry for mundane things; Cry for God
You must develop such faith, courage and conviction and should not cry over others words. Crying com

Youngsters should talk less
Today’s youngsters should talk less. One can experience in abundance the sweetness in talking less

Nerves in the brain get damaged if you talk too much
Therefore, to the extent possible, one needs to observe silence atleast for an hour in a day. Incess

How to find peace and where is it
Where is peace? Physically, one is at peace in deep sleep. When the thought process is withdrawn, on

Why Nagarsankeethan is prescribed
Why is ‘nagarsankeerthan’ prescribed? Is it done for lack of doing anything useful at that time?

What do you mean by search for truth
Search for truth! Bhagawan has spoken on this yesterday. Why does one search for truth? Bhagawan is

Swami on modern day meditation
One can meditate if one finds time to do so. But in this modern age it is too difficult to do medita

Valmiki, Lava and Kusha's role in spreading Ramakatha
One day Sage Valmiki, who wrote Ramayana, was sitting in front of the Ramayana and was lost in deep

See Unity in diversity and not vice-versa
Depending upon the circumstances and the state, the inner entity can be classified into four types.

Names and forms are many, God is one
God is only one but names and forms are many. Each one likes a particular form and or a particular n

There are no limits for doing Seva
Our service should not be confined to a chosen place here or there. We should do service everywhere,

You see your own reflection in others
Premaswarupas! You must establish in your heart the idea of brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God

Give up bad qualities while doing Seva
A man whose heart is filled with excessive greed is the home of all bad qualities. Hence, sevaks sho

Seva is the expression of Love
The feeling of service in the sevaks should enter your hearts, should flow in your blood and should

What is Selfless Service
Premaswarupas! Today, the fact that the all-India Sathya Sai Swayam sevaks are celebrating their fou

Swami on the role of doctors and on the current state of medical colleges
Many doctors raised doubts in the reports submitted yesterday; they were concerned about the success

Swami on the importance of mind, matter and awareness
In the humanity today this equality is the ‘integrated awareness’ or ‘pragnya’. This ‘inte

Doctors are concentrating on physical ailments and not on mental ill-ness
Many doctors prescribe proteins as necessary and suggest eating meat and eggs as they contain protei

Diseases will not come if you are equal-minded
One is developing one’s intellect but not channelizing it properly. The intelligence will have a v

Role of food and water in maintaining good health
The subtle form of water is life. The subtle form of food is mind. Thus there is a close relationshi

Message of Bhagawan to all the Sai devotees
Therefore Sai devotees must, to some extent, sacrifice the selfishness, reduce the involvement in th

Rules of grammar do not come to your rescue
“Punarapi maranam, punarapi jananam Punarapi janani jathare sayanam, Iha samsare bahu

Man needs to have the sense of gratitude
The main quality gifted to man by God is “gratitude”. In the ancient culture of Bharath, it was

Unity is the essence of human life
Embodiments of Love! Ages have gone by and the world has undergone many changes; but there is no tra

Giveup narrow mind from this Ugadi
Embodiments of Love! WE have been experiencing the bliss of celebrating Ugadi (Telugu New Year) fo

Pleasure and pain are the reflection of your own self
The things which appear as dual to an individual namely the good or the bad, happiness or sorrow are

Difference between waking and dream state
There is a considerable difference in the experiences that a man under goes in the wakeful state and

Equal mindedness would take you closer to God; With analogies
The tree which gives us what we want has been described as the Kalpavriksha. In this description, a

Importance of Yoga in realizing Atma
One individual, that is the Atma Swaroopa, either in the waking state, or in the deep sleep state

Focus on Atma and not on form
When we make an attempt to realise and understand the real situation and the nature of Atma, then

There is only one Atma present in everyone
Today, one should understand and experience the oneness of the Atma which goes through every form

Lack of patience leads to anger
Shankara stated that if you have no patience, your anger is fruitless. Such anger is even harmful

Neelo Naalo Nijamuga Vishnuve
In you and in me, truly there is Vishnu. Your anger, devoid of patience, is of no use. You can be

Mind is the cause for sorrow or joy
All the types of sadhanas that we perform today are meant to control our mind. There are certain sub

Body is given for performing sacred actions
Whenever you have a litte pain, if you go on thinking, 'Pain! Pain!', the pain only increases. If yo

Body is the temple of God
Worship alone is not devotion. Just going to a temple is not devotion. Consider your body itself as

Man essentially means Mind
Man essentially means mind, but we are only taking note of the physical form of man. This is a great

Physical body is temporary and transcient
This physical body which is made up of five elements is temporary, transient and is not going to las

Swami on the devotion of Gopikas
This physical body is a mere instrument. It is God's will which makes this move, which makes this en

Say to God,
Not only that, you say that you belong to God, you don't say God belongs to you. These are the two t

Mind can achieve anything
Real Sadhana consists of turning our mind according to our will. We get all types of joy by turning

Swami on service in ancient India
Whether it is the ancient rishis or devotees of the lord or great and noble men in this country, the

Ofiice bearers must speak softly and sweetly
In some instances, some are bringing in politics. Embodiments of love! Most importantly, in Sathya S

Office bearers should not have Ego
Embodiments of love! There is one other thing. In the Sathya Sai organizations, We have appointed pe

All spiritual paths are challenging
Whatever path one may choose, facing difficulties is inevitable. This world is a dual world. With ha

Power of divinity is all pervasive
As has been said, for the moving and the non-moving component of this world, there is only one fathe

Tana Jeevithambulu
In this world, there are righteous people who would sacrifice their lives and in the present times,

Do not imitate others; Message to Sevadal
Man's thoughts, words, looks and appearance reflect his true inner feelings. Therefore man's thought

Role of Sevadal in rural development
Further, in these organizations, some mistakes do creep in. Truly, if there are ten thousand members

What are the qualities a Sevadal should have
Members of sevadal should not become like people today who are putting machines on high pedestal and

Do not expect results from your actions
We only consider the results of the deeds that we do and the type of deeds that we do, as important.

Do service with pure heart
Tirutthunda alwar of Tamilnadu used to say, “Swami, it is with a clean and pure ‘chitta’

How to control your senses; Bhagawan explains
For every human being, control of one's senses is essential. It would be wrong if we think that this

First aid kit for Sevadal according to Swami
Amongst the many conclusions that we have reached today, we have made one decision that the members

Serve with patience and humility
In another situation, while we do such service and serve others, some people may interrupt the servi

Ego and attachment are hindrances to service
Before undertaking this kind of selfless work, we should see that all attractions, likes and dislike

Human values are latent inside
Today we have lost the sacred human values. Because of the loss of the human values, we have become

Friendship with Mind
All potentialities are the reflections of mental feelings. We should have friendship with our mind.

What prize man should aspire for
All the prizes that we receive are not prizes in the true sense. One with mathi or mind faces so man

Do not be a slave to your Mind
We should control our mind and make the mind our slave. If you are a slave to your mind, with all yo

Power of Mind
In fact, there have been tremendous beautiful sentiments in every man. This mighty strength is not n

Significance of Sankranthi
Embodiments of love! Men and women youngsters! The Sankranthi festival of this day has stepped in wi

What is true education
Embodiments of Love! Fill your hearts with love. See that you grow truth in your mind. Let all your

Do not pollute your mind; Purify it
We have the body and with this body we do many acts but this is not that important. We should purify

Man is all powerful
Many people compose poems. There are lakhs and lakhs of compositions. Of all these compositions, lov

Swami on Confidence and Faith
The culture of Bharat lays much emphasis on three principles in the field of education. The first de
How to make Swami happy
How to please Bhagawan? First we should fill our hearts with good virtues. We should not go on chang

Significance of Shivaratri
Today is Maha Shivaratri. We experience night daily. That’s just ordinary night, full of darkness.

Man has Incredible powers
Man has infinite power within him. In this world there is no other power which is not present in man

Why are we in search of God
We don't need to search for God. Why do we search? Because there is no sanctity or sacred quality in

Exercise the power of Discrimination
You should exercise discrimination, between the transient and the permanent. What is permanent? All

Duty and Truth are verily God
The body is an instrument. The mind is an instrument. You are the very embodiment of the spirit. Wit

Creation, Sustenance and Annihilation
The whole of this universe depends upon three forms of activity. Creation, sustenance and annihilat

Through Love we can achieve anything
Always and at all time you should have the feeling of Love. From the time you get up in the morning,

Follow balvikas teachings all your life
Embodiment's of Love! Since you are children of Balvikas and since you have already understood and a

Cultivate Love and Reverence
Sweet and tender hearted boys and girls! You should recognize that in our culture and in our traditi

Children have tender hearts; Mould them
Boys and girls who are the future citizens of this country and those who are responsible for the fut

Discrimination power of man
Our life will not move forward if we don't have any knowledge of Sastras or knowledge of experience.

Role of Balvikas Gurus and Parents
Teachers, who are verily embodiment of Divine souls, must imprint in their mind that it is very nece

Develop love in every act of yours
Therefore, Divinity will be emanated while working together i.e Unity in Divinity. Any work we may d

Swami teachings to balvikas teachers
Modern-day teachers, 90 out of 100 have no spiritual knowledge. They should recognize the truth that

Impart both Spiritual and Secular education
Spiritual education provides permanent happiness, lasting prosperity and welfare of the world.Today

Sense control is important
Embodiments of Divine Souls! Man wants to know everything in this world, but he is not making an att

Lack of kshama leads to jealousy; Analogies of Ravana, Asuya and Anasuya
Anasuya who had three sons. They were no ordinary sons for they were none other than Brahma, Vishnu,

Follow the culture and tradition of Bharath
You young people should clean your minds, develop pure ideas, and take this opportunity to see what

Know yourself first; With analogy
Without knowing who you are and without realising the nature of your true self, whatever you may d
Indra Lokamaina, Chandra Lokamaina
According to the words of poet Vemana, it does not matter even if you go to the world of Indra or t

Understand your Body, Mind and Intelligence
According to the words of poet Vemana, it does not matter even if you go to the world of Indra or t

Understand yourself; Sanath Kumara to Narada
Once Narada met Sanath kumara and asked for enlightenment. Sanath kumara asked Narada about the sp

Swami on waking, dreaming and deep states
During the day, while he is awake, man gets involved with his mind, body, intellect and other orga

Balasthavath Krida Saktaha
While one is in his boyhood, he has the desire to play and sing. When he grows into a young man he

How to understand Atma; By Shankara Disciples
There is some justification in our trying to first understand the aspects of the human body and the

God exists; Message to youth with analogies
Young people generally do not have faith in God and they get into a despondent situation by asking

Stages in human life; with analogies
Truly, our body goes through various stages like boyhood, youth, adolescence and old age. Dependin

Swami on the importance of life and Atma
Sacred minded students! Man generally desires to get something and in fact gets something differen

Bhagawan's message to all on new year
The new year does not bring anything new with it. The day when fresh and sacred thoughts originate

New year doesn't bring joy or sorrow
Embodiments of Love! YEARS have rolled by, but man has not developed noble feelings. A true human

Swami on significance of Bhakthi
You are not increasing your faith in spiritual things but you are going down towards the material th

God who resides in everyone is only One
The whole world is universal mother. All are children of the whole world. Everybody is brother and s

Importance of Mothers words
Mother's words are very sweet! She may beat you or scold you when she is angry but she can never hav

Human life is very precious
Obtaining this divine as human birth - you have got the birth of a man which is very precious, beyon

Body is not permanent
Whatever endeavours you perform, nothing can happen without the grace of Bhavani and Shankara. Ever

You are the embodiment of God
Wherever you see, there is principle of God. You are also God. But you are unable to understand thi

Swami on three types of Shakthi
Therefore, Renunciation, Wisdom and Bhakthi are due to these things. Iccha Shakthi, Kriya Shakthi, J

Who are Bhavani and Shankara
Bhavani Shankara is the name by which the deities are called. Bhavani means earnestness. Shankara me

Festivals teach us to be united
To make our hearts sacred we perform and observe so many festivals. The aim of a festival is the tra

Offer your mind and body to God
Do not think too much of your body. You have to protect to the extent necessary. Body is the instrum

Meaning of Gayathri Mantra
He said, 'Bhur Bhuvah Suvaha'. There is nothing beyond these three in this world. The BHUR is materi

Turn your mind towards God
So today we should fill our hearts with love. What sort of love? Love is One. We find many types of

Follow your Conscience
Embodiments of love! Emperor Bali attained heaven because of truth. Bali wanted his position due to

Remind yourself, "I am a human"
All of humanity belongs to one clan. In fact, there is only one race - the human race. It doesn’t

Swami on Emperor Bali and Vamana
Embodiments of love! Based on the principle of truth Emperor Bali considered all his subjects as his

Sacrifice is most important path in life
There is no quality higher than sacrifice. To be able to sacrifice is like the king of quality. It i

Bhagawan on today's education system
Today, because teachers who only care for their salary, comforts and their life, we are not able to

Ideal teachings to Balvikas Gurus
We have been working as Balvikas gurus for the last four years. What is the result for the last four

Swami's teachings for Balvikas Gurus
Today in the context of there being about 5000 Balvikas gurus and if each teacher can set right at l

Students should be far from Vices
Today we shall have to promote a situation where there is no attachment, there is no one blame to ou

Students should giveup Ego
Today's students by promoting in their own mind, inferior thoughts and inferior education, they are

Swami on the Sacred texts of India
When one wants to fell a tree or destroy a tree, he can do so only by cutting the roots. By working

Pankajakshuni Pooja Palumarlu
Without performing the pooja of Pankajaksha several times again and again but to think of others and

Important lessons for Balvikas Gurus
It is important to assess to find out of if what is being taught in Balvikas classes are liked and a

Sath Chith Ananda is the form of Dattatreya
The basic qualities or attributes of divinity are three. They are Sat, Chit, Ananda. These three, Sa

Control your Senses at young age
You should bring out the great ideas that are contained in you with the urge to do better. You shoul

Balvikas children must take up service
Tender hearted boys and Girls, in the very first instance, you must take upon yourself the aspect of