Malinapu Kompa, Rogamul
Puttaparthi, Sai Kulwanth Hall (Gurupoornima )
"“What is this body? It's full of dirt! It’s afflicted with diseases! It’s born again and again! It’s a boat to cross the ocean of life! It’s full of woes! O Mind! Do not think it is permanent!! Chant the glory of the Lord!!” This is the teaching of Vedanta!"
Dehamane Jeevi Yandhu
00:00:21In the entity called ‘body’, there resides God in the form of ‘heart’! Having played together for some time, they go separate ways, There is a director for this puppet show!! Playing together, ultimately they merge in one another!!
Puttuta Oka Chintha
00:01:17“Puttuta Oka chinta, birth is number one worry, Bhoominunduta chinta, to live on earth is another, Samsaaramoka chinta, the family life is a worry, Chaavu chinta, death is another worry, Balyamanthayu chinta, childhood is worry, Vardhakya mokachinta, old age is another anxiety, Jeevinchuta Oka chinta, the very life is a worry, Chelimi chinta, friendship is a cause for worry too, Karmalanniyu chinta, all actions are causes for worry, Kasthamu Oka chinta, troubles cause worry, Santhasamoka chinta, happiness is worrisome too! Vintha chinta, beauty also causes worry, Sarva chinthala baapedi, daiwa prema! Kondi ikanaina prajalara, korke meera, the one that will relieve all the worries is the divine love. O people seek that divine love atleast now Inthakanna vereddi yeruka parathu, saadhusadguna ganyulaou sabhyulaara!! What else can be taught to this august assembly of pious people?
Dehamu Pancha Bhoutikamu
00:00:25Dehamu panchabhoutikamu, Dehamu koolaka tappadeppudun Dehi niramayundu, Ganutimpaga dehiki chaavuputtukal Mohanibadhdhabandhamul mudralu levu, Nizambu chooda aa dehi ye devadeva devundu!!! Smariyimpaga atma sakhiayi!! The body is made up of the five elements, Body is bound to perish, But the soul encased in the body is eternal, It has neither the beginning nor the end!! Truly speaking the in dweller is the Lord of the Lords!! And He is the eternal witness!!
Malinapu Kompa
00:00:24Malinapu kompa, Rogamunu maggedu sevakagampa, Jaathasanchalanamu pondu dumpa, Bhavasaagarameedagaleni kampa, Ambulapodi lemmu chooda manamuppudalampa, Menu nischalamani nammaboku O manasa!! Hari chintana aacharinchave!! Body is full of dirt, It is full of afflictions, It is full of variations, It cannot cross the ocean of life, It is full of bones, O mind! Do not think it to be permanent, Practise chanting the Lord’s name!!
Pancha Bhoutikamu, Durbhalamaina
00:00:30Composed of the five elements and devoid of strength, When this body will go no one knows. Though a hundred years is said to be the life span, One cannot be sure when death will overtake. It may be in childhood, youth, middle age, or old age; But certain it is that death will one day come. He alone is intelligent who realizes his true nature when alive.
Parula tittinantha papa phalam babbu
00:00:47“Parulatittinantha papa phlambu abbu, Viduvadennatikadi viswamandu, Parudu parudu kaadu paramathmudenaya, Satyamaina maata sai mata!!” One accumulates sin by abusing others, The results of such sin cannot be escaped, Other is not other but the Lord himself, It is the truth that Sai speaks!! The ‘other’, whom one considers as one’s enemy and indulges in abusing and criticising, is in fact the embodiment of the divine self.
Punar vittam, punar mitram
00:01:00Money can be earned again! Friends can be made again! Wife can be got again! Land and property can be gained again! All these can be got again, But human body once lost is lost!
Pancha Bhoutikamu Durbhalamaina
00:01:11Our ancients have said that the limit for human life is a hundred years, but we cannot believe this. We do not know whether death will come in young age or in old age, in middle age or in the adolescence, or whether it will come in water, air or on land, in the village or in the forest. One thing is true and that is death is certain. If you are a wise man, you should strive to understand yourself while you are alive.