Duty and Truth are verily God
Puttaparthi, Sai Kulwanth Hall (Shiva Rathri )
The body is an instrument. The mind is an instrument. You are the very embodiment of the spirit. With the help of all these instruments, discharge your duties. We are not discharging our duty properly now. We should give up this weakness. We should not have any trace of fear. We should follow Truth. Truth is God. When you follow the path of Truth, you worship God. Truth is in every person. Therefore, all powers are latent in man, and they are present because of God.
Truth and Brahma Tattwa can never be changed: Brahmam Garu Explanation
00:03:11The words of truth spoken might die but the truth remains eternal. Likewise the nature of Brahman is changeless. The principle of Brahman is everlasting. It exists in the form of sound, light, movement, awareness, conscience and consciousness. How can one decide the exact form of Brahman? All forms are present in this truth. Vedanta has been propounding this aspect. A great sage who is popular in Andhra Pradesh is known by the name ‘Brahmam garu’. In his teachings, “Yeruku marapu anakunda, nirathamu jagrath swapna susuhpti yendu kudanu, aramaralu lekunda yepudu, tarachuganu jeevAtma janavidedi Tarakam!!” Without remembering or forgetfulness, Always in the three stages of wakefulness, dream and deep sleep, Always without any disturbance or interruption, The frequent merging of the individual soul with the Divine is Tarakam!! It means that Tarakam is not one with either with the five senses or the five elements or with the five sheaths or with the five life forces. It has nothing to do with the five life forces namely ‘prana’, ‘apana’, ‘vyaana’, ‘udanana’ and ‘samana’. All these pertain to the body and not to the Atma. The principle of Brahman is all pervasive. That which dwells in all forms is Brahman. It exists in all the matter. Everything is matter. What is this body? This body too is matter.
Never give up truth in lIfe
00:01:52Never give up truth. Truth is our life. Truth is changeless in all the three periods of time. Truth is changeless. Truth confers triumphs in every possible way. Truth alone triumphs. You would have seen yesterday. Though the Chinese have their own culture, they also follow the path of truth. All victories culminate in truth. All forms of wealth culminate in truth. All pleasures and comforts will follow truth. These are all the sacred forms of that emanated from truth. Prahlada lost his kingdom, he lost his strength, he lost his valor, he lost his reputation, at the end even truth was attempting to leave him. Then Prahlada fell at the feet of truth and said I am not mindful of whoever leaves me but you don't leave me anywhere. The moment truth decided to stay on with him, the rest of the things returned on their own.
Truth always truimphs: Example of Harischandra
00:01:11In order to follow the truth, king Harischandra had to go through several ordeals. In order to serve her husband and emulate his footsteps, Anasuya had to display enormous patience and perseverance. In order to serve his parents, Rohitasura manifested exemplary humility. Therefore, truth as practiced by Harischandra, patience as followed by Anasuya and obedience as shown by Rohitasura must be viewed as role model examples, by all parents to educate their children. Transformation must be attempted when children are tender hearted so as to ensure that they grow as good adults and live in peace.
Truth is one and not two
00:01:40Brahman is the principle of oneness; it does not exist separately. “Yekam sath, viprah bahuda vadanti.” truth is one but scholars refer to it as many. Truth is one not two. “Yekam yeva adviteeyam Brahma” truth is only one not two. Such divinity is present in all. It cannot be said that the divine principle exists in one and does not in another. Hence “Eshwara sarva bhootanam”, God is present in every being. Students must believe in this truth firmly. In what form is God present in all? He is present in the form of love in all. Love is present in all. Swami has been reiterating it many times: “Prem eshwar hai, eashwar prem hai”- God is love and love is God. Sacred love is the divine form. Therefore one must keep this love pure and sacred. This love must not be materialistic and worldly; it must only be related to the spirit. Atma, the self is love and love is atma. Atma is God and God is love. Hence “Love is god, live in love!”
Truth is all-pervasive, truth is one, truth is God
00:02:30‘Sat viprah bahuda vadanti’- truth is only one and that truth is God. It is that truth that is omnipresent. The world is based upon that truth. “Satyambunandundi sarvambu srutinche Satyambudan nanage sarva srusti, Satya mahimaleni sthalamedi kanugonna, Sudhdha satyamidiye choodarayya!!” God created everything from truth, The entire creation merges in truth, Is there any place where there is no truth?! Look clearly for it is the pure, unsullied truth!! The entire world is born from truth. The whole world is seen in truth. And at the end it merges in truth. Therefore truth is the form of God. God is truly the embodiment of truth!! One need not search for that truth elsewhere. Truth is seen everywhere but one is not trying to see it. When one sincerely attempts to see the truth, one can see it everywhere. God is the personification of truth. “Satyam bruyath, Priyam bruyath, Na bruyath satyam apriyam!!” Speak truth, Speak pleasantly, Do not speak the truth that is unpleasant!! Therefore truth is accompanied by pleasantness. How should the pleasantness be? It should be soft and sweet. Truth should not be harsh. It should neither hurt. It should be soft and tender. That is the divine truth. People think that God is everywhere in the world. Yes, it is true that God is everywhere. But God shines with all the brilliance in the soft and sweet truth. The truth that is harsh is not truth at all. “Na bruyath sathyam apriyam!!” never speak truth harshly. One must make use such pleasant truth.
Truth and love are basis for our life
00:00:14We should never give up truth. We should see that love flows ever and ever. This is the true river of life within us.
Man should strive to know Eternal truth: With analogies
00:03:54People should endeavor to cultivate qualities like tolerance, love, sympathy, righteousness, justice, and truth. People do not give any importance to this quest for truth. The search for truth is being directed toward worldly objects, which are ephemeral and worthless. Men should really dedicate themselves to the quest for the truth that is eternal. All arts have originated from the search for truth. In this search for truth, though God may not be realised, there will be indications pointing to the Divine. How does this happen? For instance; one may point to the Pole Star (Dhruva Nakshatra) as the star that is seen above the branch of a tree. As a matter of fact, there is no connection between the branch of the tree and the Pole Star. The branch, however, indicates the direction in which the Pole Star is to be seen. Likewise, all our directions, all the words we utter, all our behavior, all that we see are all related to the search for the truth. All of them testify to the existence of God. For instance, we look at the vast ocean. We feel happy on seeing its vastness. We see a high mountain. It arouses a feeling of joy. Looking at a densely wooded forest, your heart is gladdened. These are all signs of the discovery of truth. Though you do not see God in them, they indicate the presence of the Divine in them. A big tree grows from a small seed. A chick comes out of an egg. One being is born from another. A flower gives fragrance. You get butter from milk. All these are facts discovered in the search for truth.
Swami on aspects of Truth
00:01:20The vedas speak about it: “Satyam brooyaath” –speak only the truth; it is a moral value. “Priyam brooyaath”—the truth must be spoken in pleasing manner; it is righteous way in human values. “Nabruyath satyam apriyam” – one should not speak untruth just because it is relished. The truth is pleasant, attractive and blissful.
Follow truth which is Eternal
00:02:10In this world there is an eternal conflict between Good and Bad. It is only the ignorant foolish man who finds this conflict between good and bad. If one is progressing or prospering higher and higher they go on creating some stories and they go on blaming them. One should not be mindful of such things. These are certain tendencies that are quite natural. Between these two, repute and disrepute these things happen. In Bharat very famous reputed people faced such situations but yet they were victorious. They all thought like this, "We follow the path of truth, we serve everybody, body is bound to fall any time, don't go along the wrong direction just to safeguard your body. It is bound to fall but truth remains eternally. Hence, strive for the truth. There is nothing greater than truth". Having been from the point of truth, the whole creation came. The creation merges in truth ultimately. There is no place where there is no truth. It is the pure unsullied truth that pervades. When one's all the desires are satisfied all act in a perverted way. The mistake lies with them, nothing to do with God.
What do you mean by search for truth
00:01:00Search for truth! Bhagawan has spoken on this yesterday. Why does one search for truth? Bhagawan is reminding you again. One sees his wife, mother and daughter with his eyes. Although it is the same eye that sees them, one has to use discrimination in how one sees each of them. One should look at one’s mother with respect and motherly feeling. She is goddess in human form, so one should revere her and respect her. One should look at one’s wife with attachment. One should look at one’s daughter with parental affection and love. This type of affection will make both the mother and daughter happy. Therefore one must exercise control over one’s looks.
Uphold truth and righteousness
00:00:39Truth is God. Righteousness is the very foundation. The culture of Bharat is based on the dictum that there is no greater righteousness other than truth. Therefore to keep up and maintain these twin principles of truth and righteousness, we should be prepared to sacrifice our life.
Truth is God
00:01:00What is meant when we say 'Truth is God'? Let a person be of any country or religion; truth is one. There cannot be American truth, Pakistan truth or Indian truth. Truth is truth. Truth is one and the same for all nations. Embodiments of love! Lead a truthful life. Lead an eternal truthful life. Lead an ideal life. That is the spirit of true education. It is not transforming your heart into a book. It becomes just a book; it becomes 'mastaka'. It is not 'pustaka', the book, or 'mastaka', the head, which are important. 'Hridaya' or the heart is important.
Truth is the basis for everything
00:04:42Embodiments of love! The whole universe rests on the principle of truth. Truth is present everywhere. In fact, all affluence, comforts and conveniences follow truth. Without truth, there is no world at all. As man has lost truth today, he is passes through the experiences of suffering and misery. Truth is highly valuable. It cannot be hidden by anybody. It is unchangeable. Truth is changeless in all the three periods of time - past, present and future. Since ancient times, Bharat adhered to truth, it believed in the utterance of truth, it also propagated the life of truth; hence it enjoys security and prosperity down to this day. In fact, Bharat has been the teacher of the entire world because of this. The very dictum that the whole world, the whole universe should live happily be prosperous is based on this truth. That sacred eternal truth is forgotten by man today. Without truth there is no Dharma (righteousness). There is no other dharma beyond truth. Truth is the main path. Truth is the very life of the human being. Without truth there is no human life at all. The human values depend on truth. Embodiments of love! Truth is noblest of all. All of you know the history of Harishchandra who adhered to the truth - he even sacrificed his kingdom and his entire family and had to spend his life taking care of the grave yard. God has created everything from the point of truth. The entire creation ultimately merges back to truth. Is there any place where there is no truth? It is the pure unsullied truth that exists. Embodiments of love! Truth might be considered a simple word. But it is important to know the meaning of truth. Everything is contained within this truth. The whole world has this truth as the foundation. When the very foundation of truth is lost, what will happen to our life? There is no place without truth. Truth is all-pervasive.
Tongue is given to Speak Truth
00:01:23Pavithratma Swarupas! Students, boys and girls! The tongue which we have is something very sacred. We have avoid to utter untruth, or words which hurt others. We have to render our tongue as a sacred one, by uttering good words. It is by uttering such good words, that we render our life as a sacred one, 'Satyam naasthi paro dharma', there is no other right conduct than truth. Utterance of true words is the foundation of sacredness.
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