Korina Phalamicchu
Puttaparthi, Sai Kulwanth Hall (Gurupoornima )
Why aspire for the flower in the backyard when one has the wish fulfilling tree by his side? Why buy a cow when one has the “Kamadhenu’ the divine cow that yields milk at one’s mere asking?
Adagakuve o manasa
00:01:17“Oh mind! Do not ask. Do not ask. As you go on asking it keeps getting delayed. If you don’t ask it will be done faster Didn’t Sri Rama fulfill the desire of Sabari ( an old aged devotee) without being asked Even without being asked did Rama not go to Jatayu and liberate him from this life! Did Sabari ask? Did Jatayu desire? If our heart calls Him with pure Love He Himself comes running to us. We need not explicitly ask. This is the proof for God’s Love. This is the value of God’s Love
Lokamandu Pekku Bheekara Krutyamul
00:02:00Terrible things are happening all the time; Inquire why, and you would find It is all due to the decline of selfless service, And the rise of limitless desires.
Pattina Pattedho
00:01:00Having determined to do a task, Hold on till it is finished. Having thought about something, Don’t go back till its realised. Having desired something, Persevere till it’s fulfilled. Having asked for something, Don’t give up till it’s given!! Notwithstanding your perseverance, Either he must succumb, Or you should persevere forgetting yourself!! To leave on your own midway Is not the quality of a devotee!!
Nidra lechina daadhi nidra poyedu
00:01:31For the sake of one rupee, people tell a lie and do all kinds of things throughout the day. For the sake of money, you adopt many deceitful plans and intrigues and involve God Himself in your meaningless actions. Such people who are after money are all the time pretending to repeat the name of the Lord but are in fact intriguing and trying to deceive the Lord Himself. Even if others who listen to these things do not understand, does not God understand what you really mean when you make such fake offerings? You will ultimately get what you deserve.
Nigamamul Hariyinchi
00:03:14What happiness did the demon Somakasura attain by stealing the Vedas and hurling abuses at God? What was the fate of the ten-headed Ravana who abducted the consort of Rama? What did Duryodhana, who refused to give the Pandavas even as much land as would a needlepoint occupy, take with him at the end? What happened to the wicked Kamsa ultimately, who indulged in the gruesome act of slaying infants? The same will be the fate of the wicked today. If not today, at least tomorrow, they are bound to meet their doom. Oh man! Do not entertain excessive desires. It is better that you lead a life of moderation.