Nenu Velugulo Unnanu Velugu Nene
Puttaparthi, Poornachandra Auditorium (Sevadal Conference )
I am in light and I am light, Light is in me and I am light, In whose heart this thought is imprinted, that man attains merger in Brahma!
Devudanaga Veru Deshamanduna Ledu
00:00:26God is not there in any external place, He is there in one’s own self! Sin is not there in any other place, It lies in one’s own actions!!
Jaanedu potta nimpukona
00:01:32"Jaanedu potta nimpukona chikkula nonduchu, Kotividyalan punikamera nerchi, Paripoorna sukhambunu pondaleka, Ee manavajathi lokamuna mrakkaganela?!! Ee paratparun dhyanamu cheyu bhaktulaku Daarini choopakayundune maanava?” Man undergoes much travail to fill his small belly He studies hard the various forms of knowledge, Still, he is bereft of total happiness and bliss, Then why spend his time in this world undergoing so much? O man will He not show the path to them Who meditate on God and tread the path shown by God?”
Patri grama samuthbhootam
00:00:00“Patri grama samuthbhootam, Dwarakamayi vaasinam, Bhaktabheeshtam pradam devam, Sainatham! Namamyaham!!” ‘I bow unto you, who are born in Patri village, You who resides in Dwarakamayi, You who fulfils the desires of devotees, O Sainatha, I bow unto you!!’
Adavulandu Undu
00:00:15One may be anywhere- in the forest or in the sky, in a city or in a village, on a hill or in midst of ocean but God is above him, in him, around him and below him. God is everywhere. One must develop such divine thoughts.
Niddura Nundi Lechi
00:00:30Niduranundi lechi mari nuddura poyedidaaka, Pottakai haddulupaddu leka, Vyayamandacheyu jeevitambu Nee vidyalu dhaaraposi, Aravinda dalaakshuni vismarinchi, Neeve pedda sukhamu ponditivi? Preetiga telpumu maanava!! From dawn to dusk, O man! Spending life without any account Investing your learning and skills, For the sake of filling the stomach Forgetting the Lotus eyed Lord! O Man! Tell me truly, What great bliss are you gaining!!
Devudanaga Veru
00:00:16God is not present in a foreign land, He is present in one’s body!! Sin is not present in any foreign country, It is attached to one’s deeds!!
Allah Yanchu Mohammadeeyulu
00:02:10Muslims worship Him as Allah, Christians call Him Jehovah, Vaishnavites pray to Vishnu and Shaivites worship Shiva. When people worship God by various names and forms, the very same God responds by conferring health, wealth and long life. The same God responds though we pray to various names and forms.
Chukkalanniyu Brahma
00:01:00All the stars, the Sun, the moon, water, heaven, Vaikuntha, the mother, the father, wealth, deservedness, living creatures, the individual, the creation, sustenance, annihilation, the householder, all actions, the body, the nature, the life, the whole universe is Brahman!! This august assembly is Brahman!!
Teraku Vekala Daagi Unna
00:00:31Nobody can see the divine principle hidden behind the curtain, for effect is one side the cause on the other!! Therefore one must lead life by understanding the relationship between the cause and the effect and redeem one’s life.
Mattinunchi Puttina Chettu Matti Yaguna
00:01:21Just as a tree that is born out of soil, ultimately returns to the soil so also the creation that originates from the Brahman, becomes Brahman ultimately. It is the mystery of the world that the creation and the creator appear different to the physical eye!!
Chukkalanniyu Brahma
00:03:39All the stars, the Sun, the moon, water, heaven, Vaikuntha, the mother, the father, wealth, deservedness, living creatures, the individual, the creation, sustenance, annihilation, the householder, all actions, the body, the nature, the life, the whole universe is Brahman!! This assembly is Brahman as is the Sai who propagates the truth!!
Hecchuga Sampadalocchina Gani
00:00:27One may prosper abundantly, One may ride horses and elephants, One may be blamed as madcap, One may be praised by all, but Never forget the good, Never give up on God!!
Allayanchu Mohammadeeyulu
00:02:00Muslims call him as ‘Allah’, Christians call Him as ‘Jehovah’, Vaishnavaites call Him as ‘Phullabjaaksha’ Saivaites call Him as ‘Sambho’ and all pray with ecstasy, He who accepts their worship in the above forms, And bestows the boons of health, wealth and prosperity, Know that He is one and the same!!
Na Raaka Yeriginanthane; Krishna - Kuchela
00:01:27“As soon as I sent word to Krishna through His gatekeepers about my arrival, He personally came to receive me. Rushing towards me as soon as He saw me, He came near, stood for a moment, carefully looked me over from head to toe, and then folded me in a warm embrace as if I was a long-lost soul.” Kuchela continued: “Who can comprehend the Lord’s Infinite compassion?! I poor Kuchela offered only a handful of puffed rice and He has acknowledged that humble offering by showering us with abundant wealth! Is there anyone who can describe God’s Love? All I can say is that God is Love and Love is God, and both are indescribable! God being limitless, so is His Love. Humans, on the other hand, tend to shrink and contract whatever love they are capable of. God’s love is expansive while the love of humans tends to shrink on account of narrow-mindedness.”
Tila Madhye Yada Tailam
00:03:26Embodiments of Love! Just as there is oil in the sesame seeds, ghee in milk, fragrance in a flower, sweetness in a fruit and fire in the wood, so also there is God who is everywhere in this transient and physical world. The existence of the omnipresent divinity can be recognised even in day to day life.
Adavi Pakshulakevvadu Aahara Mippinche
00:00:28Who provides the food for the birds in the forest? Who feeds the animals in the forest when they are hungry? Who gives water to the trees that thrive in the forest?
Tila Madhye Yada Tailam
00:02:21Just as you find oil in fenugreek seeds, Just as you find butter in milk, Just as you find fragrance in a flower, Just as you find juice in a fruit, Just as you find fire in wood, So also you find God present in this vast, infinite world
Gayathri Mantra
00:01:31Om Bhurbhuvasuvaha, tatsaviturvarenyam, Bhargo devasyadheemahi, dheeyoyonahprachodayaath! Om!!
Allahyanchu Mohamadeeyulu
00:01:55The Muslims refer to God as Allah, the good Christians refer to God as Jehovah, the Vaishnavites refer to God as the lotus-eyed one, and the Shaivites always refer to HIM as Shambho. In this manner, with different names they pray but have the feeling that the God who gives health, long life, prosperity and protects all is only one. First and foremost, among the Sevadal workers of the Sathya Sai Organizations, you must make an attempt to have unity, recognize the sacredness of Atma and divinity of Eshwara.
Matamulanniyu veru margambu okkate
00:01:40Religions are different but the path along which you travel to the destination is the one and same. Garments may be different but material with which they are made is one and the same, ornaments may be many, but gold is the same, colours of the cows may be different but the milk that comes from all is the same, the sects and the groups may be different but life in them is one and the same, flowers may be of different species, but worship is one. Man is troubling himself with these differences in his life for the sake of living. What other truth can I convey to you? O noble members of this august assembly!
Nammakamulanu Rendu Nayanambuleleni
00:00:19But man today has become virtually blind having lost his faith. What are the two eyes of man? The two eyes of man are shastra (scriptures) and dharma (righteousness).
Kramamu Tappaka Minta
00:01:23Every day, without fail, you find sunrise and sunset. Why? The stars that glitter at night, why do they hide themselves during the day? The wind god takes no rest even for a moment. Why should he give us breeze untiringly, continuously, like the running brooks, wherever we look in Nature, for all beings? Why then do we observe differences on grounds of money, caste, or community? Who knows under whose will or command we live here! Follow His command, obey His command.
Dinakarudu Shanthudai Toche
00:02:23The sun appeared cool and serene. The day started getting shorter. The cold wind blew fiercely. The fields were filled with golden harvest. The farmers rejoiced in singing at night, with the moon shining bright. The buds of flowers blossomed like garland of pearls on the banks of rivers. Chillies were looking red, farmers were bringing home the newly harvested grain, hailing the advent of the joyous festival of Sankranthi.
Aaku paccha Pakshulanni
00:00:48Can all green birds speak like a parrot? Do all worms crawling on a flower turn into butterflies? A pig may be stout , but it can never be an elephant. Therefore human life is not merely based on form. Being a man, he is not able to recognise the latent divinity, just as the nectar present in a flower is not enjoyed by the creeper, and the fruit juice contained within a fruit is not experienced by the tree.
Kramamu Tappaka minta
00:01:55Every day, without fail, you find sunrise and sunset. Why? The stars that glitter at night, why do they hide themselves during the day? The wind god takes no rest even for a moment. Why should he give us breeze untiringly, continuously, like the running brooks, wherever we look in Nature, for all beings? Why then do we observe differences on grounds of money, caste, or community? Who knows under whose will or command we live here! Follow His command , obey His command.
Pogaku Moolamu Nippula Punjamunda
00:00:30Can there be smoke without fire? Can a car move without a driver? Can a traffic light flash without a bulb? How then can there be Creation without a Creator?
Niddura Nundi Lechi
00:01:48From dawn to dusk, from the moment you get up from bed till you retire, you spend all your time in carrying out your living. Having acquired all education, forgetting God, what kind of happiness do you derive out of this? Enquire clearly, O man! Just to fill this little stomach, we face all problems, we acquire all the forms of knowledge, but we are not able to enjoy total happiness. The human society is struggling, suffering today. O man! if you repeatedly chant His name, He will certainly show you the way. You struggle so much just to eke out your living! You do business, you earn money, you want to amass money, more and more. Would you take this money with you at the end? Yes, you need money, but to the extent necessary.
Chavu Puttukalu Leni
00:00:17He is permanent, the one who has neither birth nor death. He has no beginning nor end, He is the eternal one. He is neither kills not is killed. He is the Supreme Cosmic Self.