Hasthasya Bhooshanam Danam
Puttaparthi, SSSIHMS-PSN (Cardiac Conference )
Modern Doctors!! Charity is the real ornament for the hands. Words are adorned by truth. Ears are beautified when they listen to the sacred texts. Apart from these there is no other jewellery for the mankind!!
Dharmecha, Artecha, Kamecha Nathicharami
00:00:00“Dharmecha, arthecha, kamecha naathicharami” “You shall follow your partner in dharmecha, righteousness, arthecha, in acquiring wealth, and in fulfilling desires, kamecha.”
Manchi Talapulu Matalu
00:02:00Good thoughts, good words and good deeds as also the tendency to listen to all that is good and to take in the good and wholesome sights and good behaviour – this alone is the good path that confers good health. These words of Sai are verily the path of truth.
Shrungaramulu Veru Bangaramokkate
00:00:34Ornaments may be different but gold is one and the same. Color of the cows may be different but the milk is one and the same. Flowers may be of different types but the worship for which they are used is the same
Manchi Mata Vinaru
00:00:37People do not listen to good words even when are told with an open, good heart. But they fall prey to bad words. For such people who cannot comprehend the truth, what is the use of their education? Do they ever care to understand the truth?
Gruddivadu Ravini Gurthincha Lenatlu
00:01:00Just as the Sun cannot be realised by a blind person, The Divine self too cannot be realised by an egoistic person, This is the truth, that is being told.
Janana Maranalu Rendunu Jantanundu
00:01:36Birth and death are together, Like the two wheels of a two wheeler, In the absence of either one (birth/ death), The creation itself will come to a standstill, This is the secret of this world on earth!!
Vividha Sastra
00:01:34Scholarship in various Vedas and Vedangas Cannot rip open the curtain of illusion!! On one side of this curtain is the individual soul, And on the other side is God. On one side there is the effect and On the other side is the cause!!
Gunamu Leni Suthudu
00:01:00A characterless son, Purposeless knowledge, Peace less life Morality less nation, Is it a true nation? Listen, O courageous son of Bharat!!
Satyambu Nandundi
00:00:43God created everything from truth, The entire creation merges in truth, Is there any place where there is no truth?! Look clearly, for it is the pure, unsullied truth!! The entire world is born from truth. The whole world is seen in truth. And at the end it merges in truth. Therefore truth is the form of God. God is truly the embodiment of truth!!
Vadavalasina danini vadilinantha
00:00:36Giving up what has to be given up, Knowing the knowable, Reaching the reachable, Is the bliss then attained fathomable
Okka gooti pittalamu
00:00:19We are the birds of one nest, We are the flowers of one plant, We are the children of one mother, We are the citizens of one nation, Why quarrel among ourselves?!!
Sathyanu Sarini Lakshmihi
00:00:50The goddess of prosperity walks in the wake of Truth; Fame follows sacrifice; Knowledge follows diligence; The intellect is governed by actions.
Sathyambu nandundi Sarvambhu
00:00:15Having been from the point of truth, came the whole creation. The creation merges in truth ultimately. There is no place where there is no truth. It is the pure unsullied truth that pervades. Everywhere when one's all the desires are satisfied they act in a perverted way. The mistake lies with them nothing to do with God.
Tana Jeevithambulu
00:03:21In this world, there are righteous people who would sacrifice their lives and in the present times, there are also people who would sacrifice for sake of others comfort. They are also people in this world who have not thought about the earthly pleasures even in their dreams, but are there people in this world who can control their body and their senses, steady their mind and serve the path of truth?
Sathyambu Nandundi
00:00:23Being in Truth, He created the rest. Everything merges into, the whole creation merges back into that Eternal truth. Which is the place on the planet where you do not see the Truth? That is the pure unsullied truth. This is the eternal Truth, righteousness and the code of life.
Sathya Dharma Prema Shanthulu Lekunna
00:01:40Bereft of truth, righteousness, love and peace, the value of all your education is zero, Bereft of truth, righteousness, love and peace, the result of all your good deeds is zero, Bereft of truth, righteousness, love and peace, the utility of holding positions of authority is zero, Bereft of truth, righteousness, love and peace, the sanctity of all your acts of charity is zero, These four qualities are the four pillars that support the mansion of Sanathana Dharma.
Pada pada manuchu kinkarulu
00:00:21When the messengers of death are at your doorstep, When your relatives have given up hope And are preparing for your last journey, When your wife and children Are lamenting about your imminent departure, Is it possible to acquire in that last moment, The habit of chanting God’s Name?