This is called Karma Arpanam or the offering of action to
Karma of category one is ordinary
Karma. Karma of category two is Nishkaama
Karma (selfless action). Karma of category three
is Pavithra Karma (sacred action = selfless action
+ Pure Love).
Seva that Sai devotees normally
perform belongs to category two. This is particularly so when
the Seva is done in a routine and perfunctory fashion,
that is to say without putting one’s heart into
the service. Seva of category three is what
God likes most.
In Prashanti Nilayam, one can sometimes see
Seva Dal volunteers singing Bhajans in a spirited
manner while discharging their duties. This is real Pavithra
Karma. These people are not only doing work without any
expectation of reward, but are actually enjoying doing their
work; they are enjoying their work because they are charged
with the feeling that they are working for Sai.