This raises an important question:
“What is the difference if any between Bliss and
so-called worldly joy?" Consider worldly joy/pleasure/happiness
first. All these belong to the external world. They are
therefore, by their very nature, transient. Joy one day,
boredom the next and some pain the day after that. OK,
if it is all that clear, then why does man chase something
that is a mirage? That is an interesting question.
Swami says that man’s intrinsic
nature is Divine. Now Bliss is the form of God. Therefore,
since man is God at the core, he seeks Bliss. When a baby
is born, it knows nothing about the external world. It
does not even know anything about its mother and father;
maybe it knows its mother instinctively a few days after
birth. At this stage, the baby is close to God from whom
it has come. That is why the baby is often seen to be
happy, smiling and all that. The baby now starts rapidly
growing. During this process, it comes into increasing
contact with the external world. It now looks for Bliss
in the wrong place, in the new world it has discovered.
It does not know that Bliss does not belong to this outer