Getting Spiritually Better
Volume 2 Issue 18 Oct 2004 Serial Articles

    These two boys then went to the Loma Linda University in California, and after completing the course work, had to undergo internship. For this they went to the Marion Medical Centre, also in California. When their internship was over, they were paid five thousand dollars as wages for the work they had done. The two boys refused to accept the money, saying, “We have come to learn and not to earn!” But the Medical Centre would not accept this argument and said, “We have to pay; otherwise it would amount to extortion of work.” The boys then accepted the amount but instantly wrote a cheque donating the entire amount of $ 5,000! They told the Centre to use this money for charitable work as they deemed appropriate! This is the spirit in which work is to be done!


  • Sage Ramana once said that the man who is poor Inside seeks wealth outside while the man who is rich Inside spurns wealth outside.
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