Ego and attachment are two biggest diseases
Puttaparthi, Sai Kulwanth Hall (Gurupoornima )
We find a big disease today prevalent in everybody. There is a cure for all the diseases but none for this. That is the disease of ‘ego’! Young have a smaller ego, and the old have bigger egos. As is the body so is the ego. As is the container so is the water. There might be a difference in the quantity but not in the quality. It is this ego that needs to be removed. Identification to the body is attachment. Embodiments of Love! Ego and attachment are the primary causes for all vices. All bad qualities are because of these two. The day one who gets rid of these two qualities becomes Divine.
Attachment and selfishness lead to ruin
00:03:24‘Na Karmanaa, Naprajayaa, Tyagenaike Amrutatvamanusuh’ is the Vedic dictum. Sacrifice gets you every happiness. But we are not able to do it because we are bound by attachment and selfishness. These two are the cause for our downfall. People say Lord Yama, God of death takes everyone at the end with the help of a rope called ‘Yamapasa’. To take so many lives how much rope does he have! Does he have a rope factory? He need not have a rope factory. Rope need not be brought from anywhere. Attachment and selfishness are the noose to oneself. That brings the end. God does not bring from somewhere pleasures and pains and give us. Our own thoughts are the cause for our good or bad. To think that due to others we get difficulties or happiness is our foolishness. We ourselves are the cause for these. If we recognise that, we wouldn't have any fear. If we think that we get difficulties due to someone, there will be fear. If we have complete love, we are fearless. Where there is sin, there is fear. We should not give scope to any wrong deeds. Whatever small work we do, we should think and discriminate, whether it is good or bad. Take time. Do not be hasty. “Haste makes waste. Waste brings worry. So do not be in a hurry”. Whatever may happen, be peaceful. Pray God. Improve your love for God. That love becomes the Divine Nectar to you. It removes your sorrow. This is the education you need to have.
Give up body attachment; Jesus life
00:02:54Never attempt to have body identification. The body is bound to change and it will fall. In worldly parlance, we call it death. The body changes, it goes on changing continuously. How do you consider this body to be true when it changes so? God is the embodiment of truth. Truth is changeless in all the three periods of life. The form of truth can be propagated and shared. By following the path of truth alone, not in the path of falsehood or lies. Then God will love you. As he was loved by God, Jesus could share with everybody, his disciples and society at large, the principle of love. Death is the dress of life. For life, death is the dress. Body is a water bubble. The body is merely a vesture. He went on teaching thus - give up this body attachment, on the other hand one has to be attached to the spirit (the soul). The ancient, eternal, immortal divine dwells in this changing new body and goes on propagating, teaching the divine message to everybody.
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