For good actions never waste time: Message to Students
Puttaparthi, Sai Kulwanth Hall (1996 Special Discourses )
“At least you act on the good thought the moment it rises and do good actions without wasting time. Never give chance or scope to bad thoughts and deeds.” That is the greatest task of today’s youth. The students are the future citizens of the country. Hence students must develop good thoughts, tread the right path and get a good name that they are the ideal citizens of the country.
Get good name to all; Convocation message
00:02:00So students, it’s a great opportunity. You should consider this as a scared day. Good teachings should enter your heart. You should tread along the right path in life. You should earn a good name. That’s the only thing I want from you. Get a good name, Get a good name for your parents, Get a good name for the institute where you studied. Then you will naturally get a good name and reputation. Greatness does not lie in doing bad actions. Even an insect harms, but causing harm is not humanness. You dont need to be afraid of anything. Fear the truth. You are not an animal to have this trait of fear, you are not a wild animal to cause fear . You are a human, therefore I should not be afraid of anything nor should I cause fear in others. When once you recognize this truth and lead your life, you can reform the society. Students, not only you being good, you should encourage your friends to tread along this sacred path and redeem their lives. I fondly hope and bless that you do this and doing so I bring my discourse to a close.
Convocation message to Students
00:02:27Students, at your workplace - offices, factories or industries, whenever you are forced to utter an untruth, without any hesitation, speak the truth. Conduct yourself in a Dharmic way. What is Dharma? The dictates of the conscience is true Dharma and Righteousness. Investigate well. When your conscience says "Yes", follow it. Basing on this, our ancient Vedas say 'Speak Truth and Follow Dharma'. This was what was taught by all gurus in Gurukulas after the completion of their education and before entering the society by way of convocation. Their first instruction was: Speak the truth, Speak endearingly and never speak a truth that is unpleasant. You speak truth. Do not utter a lie. Then alone, your life will shine and blossom. Under no circumstances should you let go of humanness. This is the main teaching in those times. This is the main boon of the preceptor to the disciple. This was the convocation (also called the 'Snatakotsava') during those times. Since then,till this day, the convocation is being observed by all educational institutions.
Students always be in a good company
00:03:27When once students go out of the portals of the educational institutions and enter the society, their behaviour totally changes in the opposite way. So long they are in the institute, they appear like a person of good character. The moment they leave the institution and go out, they get polluted. Hence O Students! wherever you may go, join good company, develop good feelings, perform good actions and live by following good practices. Then only you'll have value as a human being. As is the company you join, so will your mind take form. Tell me your company, I shall tell you what you are. What kind of a person you are can be inferred basing on the company you keep. Therefore, after you go outside, speak good words, perform good activities and lead a good life. Students are all very good, however, because of the defects in the society, your mind is getting polluted. The dust on earth will will rise up if it gets associated with air. To fly, the dust has no wings. When the dust is in the company of water, it goes down. To go down,there are no legs nor to fly above, it has wings. It is only the company or the association that will make it rise up or go down. Students should recognize this truth well and they should safeguard their life very carefully. When once they safeguard themselves ,we have three evidences. There are three evidences of education.One should strive for the welfare of all the worlds. One should be endowed with all types of knowledge and wisdom. One should develop all virtues. When once you develop virtues ,your life will shine brilliantly.
Message to youth and students
00:01:37Since the occasion is right, Swami speaks about the students in today’s world. If a group of five students pass by on the street, their talk is audible even to the people working in the kitchen. They shout and talk so loudly. Are they students or rowdy gangsters? How peacefully and calmly must the students lead their lives? They should never make others restless. He is a true student who does not make others restless. Students should behave in a very respectful manner, should respect the elders, love the parents, respect others and should develop feelings of trust towards the country. That is the nationality feeling. “This is the country I was born in. I must protect my motherland. This is my motherland. This my mother tongue, this is my religion. Is there a man courageous, who on earth who has not stood up for these feelings?” Without the feelings of- “My country, my mother tongue, and my religion” a man is like a living corpse. Those feelings must be there but just as one has the feelings of patriotism for one’s country, one look upon another’s country too in the same light. All people of different country must live in unity and harmony. It must develop into one big family.
Role of students in moulding the world
00:02:16Students!! Students see and hear about many things in this world. In spite of hearing and seeing so many things if it does not bring about a change it is useless. Students must take charge in moulding the world today for they are future citizens. Students must conduct themselves properly and steer the country in the right direction. Students, both boys and girls, must resolve to cleanse the polluted world today. With the strong conviction that they can do it, the students must forge ahead. Earning is not greatness; providing peace to the country is greatness. Pacifying the restlessness in the country is greatness. The agitation and the restlessness must be curbed and help to restore peace in the country. This is the foremost duty of the students today. But such students are creating horrible scenes. That is not proper. Being students, one must desire for the peace and prosperity of the society and strive to restore it. When students mould themselves into such ideal students, and grow with such ideals, the country will not only be at peace but will also have supreme peace. First the students must be at peace for when there is peace in the family then there will be peace in the streets. When there is peace in streets there will be peace in the village and when there is peace in villages there will be peace in the district. When there is peace in districts there will be peace in the state. There is no peace in the family, then how can one aspire to have peace in the streets? So first and foremost, the brothers, mother and daughter, sisters in the family should live in harmony.
Students should lead ideal lives in society and become ideal: Message to students
00:02:13Dear Students! At this age students must determine to mould themselves into ideal citizens and ideal boys. Students must make the society progress to noble heights. The society of present day is full of confusion. What is the reason behind it? There is a continuous imitation between one person and the other in the society. Imitation is a very grave weakness. “Imitation is human, creation is divine.” One must not give any scope to imitation in one’s life for imitation is weakness. There is a lot of imitation in the society. Therefore students must become ideal students; should achieve the sense control, must imbibe ideal qualities, reform the society, must cleanse the society of the dirt- this is the task that needs to be done. Students must not struggle for jobs. What is the “udyoga”, job of a student? Yoga is the job. Students must step into the field of yoga, spiritual practise and achieve success. What is this yoga? Service is the yoga; service to the society is yoga. There is nothing nobler than service to the society. An ideal service to the society annihilates the ego. Ego ruins man. Therefore in serving the society one naturally loses one’s ego.
Students should lead ideal lives in society and become ideal: Message to students
00:02:13Dear Students! At this age students must determine to mould themselves into ideal citizens and ideal boys. Students must make the society progress to noble heights. The society of present day is full of confusion. What is the reason behind it? There is a continuous imitation between one person and the other in the society. Imitation is a very grave weakness. “Imitation is human, creation is divine.” One must not give any scope to imitation in one’s life for imitation is weakness. There is a lot of imitation in the society. Therefore students must become ideal students; should achieve the sense control, must imbibe ideal qualities, reform the society, must cleanse the society of the dirt- this is the task that needs to be done. Students must not struggle for jobs. What is the “udyoga”, job of a student? Yoga is the job. Students must step into the field of yoga, spiritual practise and achieve success. What is this yoga? Service is the yoga; service to the society is yoga. There is nothing nobler than service to the society. An ideal service to the society annihilates the ego. Ego ruins man. Therefore in serving the society one naturally loses one’s ego.
Message to students on practical lines
00:01:43Students!! Students must curb excessive talk and indulge in necessary talk like those pertaining to the subjects. They must restrict themselves to greeting words upon meeting friends. One must not get into relationships that start with a paisa but cannot be got rid of even by spending four thousand rupees later. One must be vary such friendships. Enmity with anybody must be avoided. The maximum time that a student spends at college is for the tenure of the course ie., three to four years. Why develop relationships in such time which is like passing clouds? Students must always strive for good name and to bring joy to parents. It causes immense grief to parents to know that their children have failed. To take four years to pass a course of two years causes financial burden on parents. It brings about wastage of time, money and energy and also causes grief. Everything is wasted. Ultimately life is wasted. Hence students must strive to utilise every second properly. Talking less is confers happiness. One need not be scared of the world. One must develop intense love for God and fear of sin and strive to never commit a sin.
Son should get a good name to his parents
00:02:21Student must live like a student. Who is a student? Life is like the four-storied building. What are the four levels? “Brahmacharyam”, “Gruhastham”, “Vaanaprastham” and “Sanyasa” are the four stories of the building. For the building, “Brahmacharyam”- student stage- is the foundation. The other three stories will be strong only when the foundation is strong and stable. But when the foundation itself is feeble and wobbly the building will collapse. In order to lead an ideal life of a householder, one must have a good foundation at the student level. One must get a good name in the home and outside too. Mere distribution of sweets at the time of birth is not rejoicing at the birth of a son Putrotsahama tandriki puturdu janminchagaane puttadu, A putruni kanugoni pogadaga, Putotsahamu naadu ponduvu tandri!! A father rejoices not at the time of birth of a son, When the world recognises the son and praises him That is moment of rejoicing for a father!! When the whole world praises the son for the good qualities, then that is the moment of joy and happiness to the parents. It is the duty of the son to give such happiness and joy to the parents. That is the reason why parents wish for a son. The parents wish for such happiness through their son in their old age. Parents do not wish for a son for the sake of son. In any situation, parents love their son. There might be a wicked son but there will never be wicked parents. Hence students must strive to make one’s parents happy by becoming ideal sons.
How a student should conduct himself: Powerful message
00:03:40This age is very sacred; is one of divinity. This is the age that will bear sweet fruits. One must not waste such sacred age. Time must not be wasted in any manner. One must not enter into bad company or do bad actions. Therefore one must strive to attain divinity by developing good behaviour, good thoughts, by keeping good company and by doing good deeds. Parents too would be happy seeing the good behaviour of the students. All parents wish for good name and fame for their children. Students must stand first in class. Today, students get ranks but behaviour wise they are blanks. The rank and the behaviour are totally opposite to each other. This must not be so. Students must get ranks in every aspect. There must not be any crack in that. When will that be possible? Excessive talk is the root cause of all bad qualities. Students must limit their talk to “hello”, “how are you?” and “good bye” when meeting friends. They must not indulge in excessive talk. Talking excessively leads to vain gossip. It becomes unnecessary talk which in turn will make one weak. This weakness will not allow the person to perform tasks to his full potential. Therefore, students must talk less, study more and get very high marks. Talking less gives scope for development of sacred thoughts and can indulge in good deeds. Talking too much gives rise to unnecessary gossip and one listens to such gossip. One tends to put into action what one hears. Therefore one must never speak ill of others. “Advestha sarva bhootanam”- one should not hate anyone. Amitha bhaashinchu sooratva adhikamayye Kaaryasoorata karigi ksheeninchi poye, Brathukulu aadambaramulu aaye, Neti vidyarthi brathuku ee patidiaaye!! Excessive talk increases vain chivalry, Skill and ability dwindles and fades away, Life becomes one of pomp and show, Such is the life of the student today!! One should not get a bad name. “Vidayrthi” (student) = “vidyam artha ithi vidyarthi”- the one who seeks knowledge is student. Students must seek knowledge, respect the elders, respect the teachers, and love one’s parents. This is the thing that one should learn. “Matru devo bhava”- Mother is God, “Pitru devo bhava” – father is God, “Acharya devo bhava” – teacher is God. Installing such sacred and divine feelings in one’s heart alone will make one realise the greatness of one’s institution and one’s education.
Students should never get into other avagations; They should concentrate on education; Message to students
00:02:50The youth today is gathering all unnecessary things into their minds. The student enters the precincts of the school with an intention to learn but ends up being the one after pleasures. A student must remain as a student and not enter into pleasures for it ruins education. “Vid”, “Ya”- “ya” means lustre. That which gives the lustre is called as “Vidya”. Student must seek the light of knowledge and nothing else. The modern day student is losing his immense power by indulging in incessant talk. The power that sustains him throughout his life is lost by the student by the time he is eighteen years old. Therefore one must preserve the latent divine energy. One must preserve one’s eyesight properly. Today small kids are wearing spectacles and hearing aids. What is the reason behind all this? Is this the effect of the Kali age? It cannot be attributed to the impact of Kali age. One’s own weakness is the main cause for the maladies. Without focusing the mind on useful things, man today thinks about the unnecessary things. All this thinking is irrational because of which man is subjected to many troubles and worries. What is the shape of worry? It is mentally created fear only!! There is no reason or form for it. Therefore, students! with courage and valour must develop good qualities, good conduct and become ideal persons. The love latent in the heart must be put in the sacred path. That is divinity.
Messengers of Sathya Sai are rendering Yeoman service to humanity
00:03:44The Messengers of Sathya Sai are doing excellent work. They are helping to build dwellings for the poor in the villages. They also arrange for the marriage of poor villagers, raising the money from among themselves. Many old students of the Women's College (at Anantapur) are living in overseas countries like Germany, U.S.A, Australia and Japan. It is an index of their devotion to Swami that they have come from these distant places for this annual meeting of "the Messengers" at great expense. I asked the President of the Association why the members are wasting money in this way. Why should they not use it for helping some poor people in their places? Every trip costs about a lakh of rupees per person. Her reply was: "Swami! We are not concerned about the expense. We come to Swami to get our spiritual batteries recharged go that we may render, better service Money comes in one way or another: But we have to develop our spirit of sacrifice. It is for this reason that we are coming here. Even the money we earn is not really ours. We are merely agents. We are a kind of trustees for our incomes." This attitude has to be appreciated. People should regard all wealth as coming from God to be used for sacred purposes. No one brings anything with him at birth and carries anything with him at death. All relationships in between are transient. Treat all alike. Even bad people will be transformed if you treat them with love.
Utilize the summer course opportunity
00:02:31During the one month that is to follow, there will be many elders, who have had considerable experience, talking to you about great men and great traditions of this country that have added lustre to our culture. Do not misuse this golden opportunity. You should preserve in your heart all that you hear. They are like gems that you may have to use in future. I hope that, after this one month, you will go out as torchbearers of Indian culture and re-establish faith in it. Those of you who have come to participate in this course are indeed lucky. Do not waste your time, but listen to what you will be taught and put it into practice in your future life.
Sad state of students in society
00:03:43Students must strive to attain strength connected with responsibility. They should also recognise the necessity for becoming aware of the defects in society and in mankind in general. Students must necessarily have three essential qualities—discipline, devotion and duty. It is only when the students have these three qualities, that they will become useful to society. Every student is neglecting these three important qualities. He is behaving in a manner which makes others feel that he is only after getting higher degrees like M.A. or M.Sc. This can also be summed up by saying that he is running after the so-called higher knowledge, not caring for general knowledge. If one does not possess ordinary common sense, however much he may think himself to be educated, he will have to be equated to an illiterate person. If there is no sense of discipline, if one acquires proficiency in English education alone, and if one is not educated in matters relating to the Atma or the self, the only result of such education will be slavery.
Message to students on Sports meet day
00:01:00All your games are not sports and games over a limited period. You should be in this game throughout - in your walking, words, listening, thinking, and actions. There should be perfect harmony in all this. That is the culture of Bharat. The culture of Bharat says 'Speak the truth always and walk along the path of Dharma.' Bhagawan says that we should uphold and maintain the twin principles of Sathya and Dharma and lead an ideal life. So saying and blessing everybody Bhagawan concludes His divine discourse.
Students, do not crave for Rewards
00:00:53Students! Boys and Girls! You have learnt a lot. You have got very high degrees indeed. You too have three to four post-graduate degrees. But these are not that important. Acquire the degree that you are the child of immortality. When you have the title 'Amritasyaputra' or 'child of immortality', it is the right degree. It is sad that we struggle hard for low degrees.
Sports meet message to Students
00:00:37All students have played very well to please Bhagawan. Bhagawan is satisfied and wishes that you too should be satisfied. This spirit of satisfaction should not be limited to sports and games but it should be extended to your areas of talk and other deeds too. You should lead your life in bliss.
Failing in efforts leads to failing in exams
00:02:00Embodiment's of Love! On occasions, you might fail in the class tests or in the examinations but that should not plunge you into depression. Realize that your failure is simply the result of lack of sufficient effort on your part. Tell yourself, “I did not work hard enough. Had I done so, I would certainly have passed. It is all my fault entirely.” Own up your mistake, resolve to try again, and be determined to succeed next time. Instead, do not try to cover up your lapses by seeking imaginary excuses; such excuses serve no purpose. Your failure was simply the result of your neglect - that is all. With firm determination, you can achieve anything in life. When difficulties come, do not hide; confront them bravely and squarely. Difficulties are inevitable, and they will come in all shades – personal, financial, academic, professional, and even spiritual. Face them all. Students sometimes start earnestly on meditation but after a while they lose their seriousness. As a result, whatever progress was made initially, gets wiped out. Whose fault is it? Can you blame God? No! You alone are responsible for whatever has befallen you. Instead of facing the impediments to your meditation, you become impatient; once you become impatient, you start having doubts about the utility and the efficacy of meditation; after that your interest starts slackening – all this because of the lack of patience. So, kshama is indispensable.
Students should be far from Vices
00:01:29Today we shall have to promote a situation where there is no attachment, there is no one blame to outside oneself and there are no words which are mixed with the untruth and the goodness of the country. These have to be promoted in our mind. In order to curb the feeling of attraction or blame towards others, teachers of today should make an attempt. We should also teach them the path by which the words that come from their mouth have no untruth. Selfishness, jealousy and ego are the three bad qualities.Teachers should try to make these qualities distant from the boys. These three bad qualities, if they enter the heart of an individual, then there will be no trace of humanity left.
Students should giveup Ego
00:01:23Today's students by promoting in their own mind, inferior thoughts and inferior education, they are unable to blossom out their own human quality in their heart. On the basis of this poor education, they are increasing their ego and pride. It is this ego and pride which simply hides the good qualities that are present in human values. They are unable to recognize, either the welfare of the country or the good of the society. This ego is like a screen in front of the eye, with this screen they are not able to look at their own human values. In order to promote human nature and human values, students have to struggle to any extent and give up and pride
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