Man is deluded by Money: With analogy
One only thinks of money now-a-days. How can money uplift man? Developing compassion or righteousnes

Spirituality must begin at a tender age: Analogy
Some parents criticise when their children start to engage themselves in bhajans or devotion or in m

Sacrifice leads to immortality: Story from Shirdi Baba Life Story
A rich man once came to Shirdi with his pockets full of five rupee notes which were clearly visible.

Compassion is what is important today
People study well, hoping to get into good positions and also aspire to go abroad and desire to earn

Story of Alexander - Chinnakatha
Alexander was the Greek emperor who made many conquests on India. He was a very rich king. But he wa

Man is important and not money
What for is the money when man himself is not there? Isn’t man more important than wealth? However

Sugar is the root cause for Cancer
Till date no doctor has been able to fathom the reason for the occurrence of cancer. One can know th

Even to attain liberation one needs to have good health: With an analogy
Health is necessary in order to discharge one’s responsibilities in terms of dharma, artha, kama a

All wealth without health is futile
Embodiments of Love!! There are many types of wealth and pleasures to be enjoye

Education has become Business
In every possible way, the education system is disintegrating. Day by day, the values of the system

We need to repose faith in God: Story of Nana Saheb Chandorkar; A shirdi Baba Devotee
One must have implicit faith in God’s words and conduct oneself in accordance with it. Then alone

Try to lead your life with good qualities
Sages have given us great ideas. We should reminisce and practice them. Performing sacred rituals is

What is the significance of human life
If man is satisfied living with his physical sheath alone then what is the specialty of human life?

Singing Pleases the Lord
“Ninu kanugonagalara, Krishna?!! Anuvukante athi sookshmaroopudavu,

HV Sathe moved out of Shirdi because of people in Shirdi
The residents of Shirdi resolved to take revenge on Sathe. Sathe wanted to preserve the money collec

Baba's habit of collecting Dakshina and helping poor ones
There were two important tasks that Baba used to do. He used to take dakshina, money, from everyone
Swami on the Shirdi Baba devotee, HV Sathe: Sathe Wada Experience
Swami on the Shirdi Baba devotee, HV Sathe: Sathe Wada Experience Gradually the news about this B

Yoga is the Best Solution for Problems Caused by Modern Lifestyle
In this age of technology, in order to maintain the burdensome family life and to bring more prosper
Develop unconditional love and lead your life
God is the embodiment of love. One must not exhibit it but put it in sacred path. One must never put

Do not waste money, food, energy and time
“Money makes many wrongs!!” hence money should not be used for wrong purposes. “Misuse of mone

Serve the poor and needy
Embodiments of Love! Participant’s time must have been wasted for they have bee

Bhagawan wishes all of us to be happy
“Lokasamastha sukhino bhavanthu!”- Let everybody in the world be happy and peaceful. That is Swa

Doctors must foster love and sacrifice
There is an important and new lesson that is useful especially for the doctors namely to give up the

Do not exploit poor people: Message to Hospitals
Today because of the hospital that is built here, there are many buildings and constructions coming

Hospitals are not meant to make money; Serve the poor
The hospitals must not be built with an aim to earn crores of money. Of what use are the crores earn

Sacrifice is the hallmark of a true doctor
Fortunately people have acquired the required education and have become big doctors but what is the

Doctors need to be more compassionate
The field of medicine too is plagued with money. Embodiments of Love! All the doctors should b

Sai institutions provide everything at free of cost: With examples
A washer man had come from Gulbarga few days back. He said, “O Swami! You are truly God! We are cu

Swami is happy when you serve the poor
The heart diseases are increasing day by day. Heart surgeries being are performed at the super speci
Message to students on practical lines
Students!! Students must curb excessive talk and indulge in necessary talk like

Cry for God; Ramakrishna said
Many went to Ramakrishna and asked him. Vivekananda also was there. They asked him, 'Swami have you

Use your body to do sacred acts
Money that is lost can be earned again. Lost friends may be got back again. Even the loss of a wife

Messengers of Sathya Sai are rendering Yeoman service to humanity
The Messengers of Sathya Sai are doing excellent work. They are helping to build dwellings for the p

Without God, we are Zero
Embodiments of Love! All are messengers of God, all are embodiments of love. There is no man without

Give up ego; Bhakta Ramadas story
Never give scope for ego. Ramadas also said this. Ramadas faced difficulties, Thyagaraja faced probl

God's love is true wealth
If money is lost, you can get it back. If the health is lost, you can regain it. But when character

Sacrifice is the true quality of man
Sacrifice is the main quality of mankind. Under any circumstances you should never disobey God's com

How to attain peace and happiness
What is this peace? We repeat this word "Shanthi", Peace, thrice. (This stands for) Peace at the phy

Everyman is a messenger of God
Every man is a messenger. If we question ourselves, why are we born? Not merely to eat, drink and sl

What is the meaning of word Guru
What is the inner significance of the word “guru”? ““Gu”, “Ru”= “Gu”- gukaro andha

Ideals of Sathya Sai Organisation
One must give up criticising others and must consider fellow members as their brothers and sisters a

Our organisation should not have any connection with money
Members of our organisations must give up the evil tendency of expecting money. Let the members have

We shouldn't have excessive money
In the everyday life for a family man money is essential. But how is much is required? One is comfor

Do service within your limits
Therefore, all the members of this organisation should become “thyagarajus”- men with spirit of

Story of Muthu Swami iyyer, the greatest lawyer of India
There lived two brothers in a remote village in the then state of Madras. The elder brother was a vi

Involve in Social work and not in show work
Unfortunately today, the social work undertaken in many countries and many parts of the country has

Money doesn't confer happiness and peace: Beautiful Analogy
Money is necessary to lead life and there nothing wrong in man working for it. But one should not be

Leaders should communicate well to Sevadal
"Waste of time" and "Waste of money"- about these two, they say:- “Time waste is life waste. Wasta

Difference between goodness and greatness; Story of Rama and Ravana
“Brahmavid brahmaiva bhavathi”- the knower of the Brahman becomes the Brahman. When one entertai

Two qualities immanent and latent in man
Man has two types of natures imminent in him- one is animal nature and the second one humanness. Thi

Human life once lost cannot be got back
Embodiments of love, young man and women! Citizens of the future world! One can earn m

Punar vittam, punar mitram
Money can be earned again! Friends can be made again! Wife can be got again! Land and property ca

Two common diseases of man are money and position
At all times and everywhere people expect from the society. Because of the effect of Kali Yuga, two

Rukmini weighing Krishna
You all know this. Sathyabhama, wanted to possess Krishna, keep him all to herself. Sathyabhama has

Types of people who hate God
There are four types of people who turn against God. The first category are those who don't have fai

Nidra lechina daadhi nidra poyedu
For the sake of one rupee, people tell a lie and do all kinds of things throughout the day. For th

Vidya degreela korakukai verri maanu
You must forget the foolish idea that education is only for acquiring a degree. Do not seek educati

Man's pride in developing sensual pleasures
There are many people who do not think either of this life or the life after death. Such people are

Swami explaining the meanings of Govinda
For the verse Bhaja Govindam, Govindam Bhaja, there are varied interpretations given by many learne

Adi Shankara says; Grammar cannot save you
He devoted all the time that was available to him and all the energy that was in his body for the p

Do service; Lead a simple life: Message to youth
One need not spend money in order to do service. To the extent possible one should spend less money

How to do service in villages
With conviction and courage one must render service in society. With that spirit of courage one must

Swami on the role of doctors and on the current state of medical colleges
Many doctors raised doubts in the reports submitted yesterday; they were concerned about the success

Never lose confidence
One must never give into despondency. Whether one believes it not, Swami tells of Himself that He ha

What is Vittamu and how it is earned
In Bharat, the word ‘vittamu’ is used. What is the meaning of this word? Many think it means the

Prevention is better than cure; Doctor's role
Doctors are trying to cure a disease after it afflicts the person; Swami feels that efforts must be

Swami on the role of head, heart and hand
The food and habits of man today are very peculiar. Two aspects are important to man namely, the hea

Kramamu Tappaka Minta
Every day, without fail, you find sunrise and sunset. Why? The stars that glitter at night, why do t

Human life is precious and of great value: Humourous analogy
Man would not dare to waste this human life if he makes an attempt to know the extent of the treasur

Human life obtained after much effort
This human birth is the collective effect of the good deeds performed in many previous births. As on

Role of Sevadal in rural development
Further, in these organizations, some mistakes do creep in. Truly, if there are ten thousand members

Human values are latent inside
Today we have lost the sacred human values. Because of the loss of the human values, we have become

Swami on the importance of human values
If money is lost, by struggle and strain you can get back the lost money. If the health is lost, by

Everything happens according to His will
Any act done anywhere, is only because of the will of God. Every day, without fail, you find sunrise

Kramamu Tappaka minta
Every day, without fail, you find sunrise and sunset. Why? The stars that glitter at night, why do t

Develop love in every act of yours
Therefore, Divinity will be emanated while working together i.e Unity in Divinity. Any work we may d

How do we know who comes to our rescue
It is not possible for us in this world to foretell what kind of person, who, and under what circums

Balyambu Nanduna
During his youth and boyhood, man mixes with several people and spends his time playing with them.

Wasting of human life
Thus, man is born, journeys through his youth, grows old, declines and dies. Should people think on
New year doesn't bring joy or sorrow
Embodiments of Love! YEARS have rolled by, but man has not developed noble feelings. A true human

Life without virtues is a waste
Money makes many wrongs. Money makes many things. Money comes and goes, but Morality comes and grows

Niddura Nundi Lechi
From dawn to dusk, from the moment you get up from bed till you retire, you spend all your time in c

Human character is most important
The human heart which is so soft and tender has now become so hard. Why? The reason is our conduct.

Bhagawan on today's education system
Today, because teachers who only care for their salary, comforts and their life, we are not able to