Roles and responsibilities of men and women in Sai Organisations
Puttaparthi, Poornachandra Auditorium (Sevadal Conference )
Women must take responsibilities in the areas of ‘Balvikas’ and bhajan singing. Men should take responsibilities in the fields of service and spiritual talks. The entire transformation of the society must be brought about by the men. Though women too can participate in it, the major responsibility rests on men. When the work is done in this way, one can derive a lot of joy and delight.
-Sai Organization
Swami's guidelines to leaders of the organisation and Sevadal
00:04:00As long as one is alive, one must participate in Seva at least for a few hours every day. Workers and Sevaks have been serving wholeheartedly and with full confidence. But some of the leaders are not giving enough impetus and encouragement to them. Leaders must lead from front, but these leaders are pushing from behind. Some of the so called leaders do not lead from front causing disappointment and disinterest in the workers. Swami hopes that the leaders will lead from front at least in future. This is not to say that all leaders are like this, only some are. But in Sathya Sai organisations there must be no room for such kinks. Members must be cent percent, true Sevaks. The second aspect: the members of Sevadal participating either in samithi or in Sevadal or in bhajan activity or in study circle or in any other field must not enter into politics. Love all and serve all!! The Sevadal should not differentiate based on religion or party and within themselves they should not give room to any party feelings. One should try to understand that the essence of all religions is the oneness of everything. Sevadal must live together as brothers and sisters. There are two things that this organisation should achieve: 1- “The brotherhood of man” – to think that all are brothers, 2- “Fatherhood of God”- the belief that all are the children of one God. One must develop the love that all are the children of one mother. When one develops such love for fellow beings, there would be no scope for feelings of hatred or envy. Feelings of personal hatred should not be given any scope. When working in an organisation, one must consider all others as his siblings.
Sai institutions provide everything at free of cost: With examples
00:02:28A washer man had come from Gulbarga few days back. He said, “O Swami! You are truly God! We are cured by the heart surgery.” and was very happy. Money is needed for heart surgery; entry into the hospital itself costs five thousand rupees. The washer man did not have a penny with him. There are many rich and wealthy people in this world, is there anybody with even a trace of compassion and kindness? “Cheppavachchu maati, cheyyaru okkati” one may say a thousand things but does not practice even one. Is there any wealthy person who is doing even a one thousandth part of what Sai is doing? Crores of rupees are spent for supplying water to the villages, for education to the masses and crores of rupees are spent for providing health to the needy. Some people indulge in vain talk for the tongue does not have a bone so one can twist it in any way and speak anything. Can the people who gossip and criticise, feed the hungry even for a day? If a beggar approaches a rich man, he tries to shoo him away by letting loose his dogs on the beggar. Therefore, today for everything and in every field, money is required. Money rules education, music, and literature and even in the field of life saving medicines.
Swami's word of advice to all organisation people
00:01:20Primarily and basically, in all the wings of Sathya Sai organisation, and for that matter in any organisation, the members must be free of egotism, pomp and show and attachments to work properly. One who sacrifices the above qualities is rightfully authorised to enter into the seva activities. Swami wishes that the words spoken by Him are taken as words for one’s welfare and hopes that the members forget the past mistakes and indulge in seva activities and set an ideal. With those wishes Swami brings His discourse to an end.
Unity among all the wings of the organisation brings good results
00:02:23Service is the noblest of all activities. All the plans that have been drafted are excellent but the plans must be executed properly. Everyone is important in implementing the plans. Only when there is mutual cooperation amongst the members, can the task be accomplished. The members of the world council, the state presidents and conveners, the district presidents and conveners, sevadal members and members of bhajan mandali –all must converge together as one. The planned results and success can be achieved when all cooperate and work with unity. Without cooperation, stressing on operation alone one cannot achieve success. Hence from the present day onwards, members must undertake the activities with a sense of unity and without compromising on one’s capacities and potential and achieve success. This can be described as a true Sadhana (spiritual practice). One can give up all the various spiritual practises and undertake only service or seva. Of all the activities, service or seva is noblest. Through service one can earn the grace of God.
Office bearers roles and responsibilties
00:01:29Today man is entering a very narrow minded path. But man has to develop broadmindedness. Every office bearer in Satya Sai organisations needs to introspect as to what work one has done and whether one has done one’s duty to one’s satisfaction. Only on such occasions where conferences are held the faces of the office bearers are seen, but later on they are never to be seen anywhere. With this behaviour it is shameful on one’s part to call oneself as the office bearer. Swami would prefer the end of this organisation, to such behaviour. Gradually all these reach Sai and so it is Swami’s responsibility and it is Swami’s duty to tell these things.
Guidelines on Service to Youth, State presidents and members of Sathya Sai Seva Organisations
00:03:15There are different states. Service activities have been undertaken in many villages in the different states. One must rid oneself of the mad feeling that one is serving others and experience the broad feeling of serving oneself. One must consider that any inconvenience caused to others as an inconvenience caused to oneself. Therefore one must participate in such service activities and get rid of the statistics and indulge in service as one’s duty. Today a workshop has been started. A shop signifies some kind of show. One must not make a show of this work but experience this in the heart. The youth must participate in this with renewed enthusiasm as youth is the future citizens of this country. It is the youth who will have to foster great qualities like sacrifice, compassion, affection and rid the country of arrogance and such other bad qualities. Henceforth every village must be visited by the person who is the state president for only when he undertakes such responsibilities it is possible to develop such villages. If a person is not capable of that kind of work, he must confess it. Sai always desires quality over quantity. Therefore in future one has to undertake such activities with enthusiasm and inspiration and face all the hurdles with courage for Swami desires these great virtues.
People in Sathya Sai Organisations should get rid of ego and ostentatious behaviour
00:03:44It is good that the service activities are being done in the villages but that is not satisfying. One is happy by merely doing the correspondence course that is passing of information to and fro on the number of villages served. This correspondence must be stopped as it is of no use. One must recognise the real ways to serve and not think blindly that everything is ok as world watches with thousands of eyes. When someone goes to the said village in the report to see the work done there, one finds no change; this showcases the sorry state of the activities. Even if the work is done in one single village it must be done neatly and in an ideal way. First and foremost the vain and pomp show of words and idle talk must be done away with in Sai organisations. A talkative person seldom works and a person who works seldom talks!! Therefore people who are talkative are the ones who are not working!! Mere giving of talk by mugging up facts and borrowing an instance from here and there does not amount to doing seva.
You are fortunate to be part of Sathya Sai Seva Organisations
00:02:30In the days to come, this shed will not be sufficient to hold the conferences of Sai organisations. Large areas with sky as the roof and earth as the floor will be required to hold the conferences!! It would not be possible to have the national conferences in this shed. All the states will conduct its own conference in their respective states and conduct the world conference in Shanti vedika. Participating in the service activities and by transforming their hearts into abodes of bliss members will reap great joy and delight in days to come. Citizens of the world will become the residents of Prashanthi Nilayam!! Everyone must make themselves fit enough to make proper use of this golden opportunity. Members have done lot of work till date. It is impossible to draw comparisons between other organisations and Sai organisations. There might be some problems, but going further, members must not repeat the mistakes for Swami forgives all the mistakes done till date. Everyone must work together harmoniously and get good name and fame to Bharath. Members must propagate to the world that there is abundant joy and bliss in the sacred spiritual path. Amongst all the countries of the world, Bharath occupies a special place. In order to maintain that place, each one must take up the role of a teacher to spread spirituality to the entire nation. Swami ends His discourse with blessings.
Work in the Sai organisations as brothers and sisters
00:02:20All are one and all must be like the brethren of divine. There is no difference. Ill feelings and bad thought might arise from time to time as it is human nature. Those thoughts must be corrected and removed but should not be fostered. Past is past. One has walked the path being aware of it. One has to look ahead. Swami expects all the members to consider each one as their brothers and sisters, work harmoniously and be ready to set an ideal. Swami is in no way related to the organisation. Members must look after the organisation. Part taking the bliss that the members enjoy is Swami’s work. There will always be one to one connection between Swami and the members. It will be even merrier if that connection develops at organisation level too. Members must view the changes in positions, changes in work without getting disappointed and with proper perspective. Members must participate in the activities of the organisation with renewed enthusiasm. Swami wishes and blesses the members to sanctify and redeem their lives by continuing in the organisation and experience long lasting bliss by setting an ideal to others. With this Swami brings His discourse to an end.
Organisational structure has been changed for greater good
00:04:11One more thing: previously there was the ‘world council’; since there were only a few people, it was possible to work through the world council. Sai work has grown enormously in other countries more than that in Bharath. It is not possible for one individual to look after all this. So, there will a president for entire Bharath and each president for each country to look after the affairs in the particular country. The world council ceases to exist from today. The organisational structure and the method of functioning in other countries will the same as that in Bharath. The different structures will function according to the norms, situations and the climate prevalent in those countries. But the unbridled freedom of individual structures will lead to chaos. The work and the proceedings must be conveyed to the organisation in Bharath. The organisations in foreign countries can adopt the policies and procedures followed in Bharath suitable to their countries. The offices in other countries must send a report on the proceedings to Prashanthi Nilayam which is the head quarters. These changes have been introduced to help progress the work of Satya Sai organisations all over the world. There is no other motive behind the changes. Misunderstanding the changes and talking ill about it amounts to waste of time and will also harm the organisation. All are one and all must be like the brethren of divine. There is no difference. Ill feelings and bad thought might arise from time to time as it is human nature. Those thoughts must be corrected and removed but should not be fostered. Past is past. One has walked the path being aware of it. One has to look ahead. Swami expects all the members to consider each one as their brothers and sisters, work harmoniously and be ready to set an ideal. Swami is in no way related to the organisation. Members must look after it themselves. Part taking the bliss that the members enjoy is Swami’s work. There will always be one to one connection between Swami and the devotees. It will be even merrier if that connection develops at organisation level too.
Roles and responsibilties of women in Sai Organisation: With a Chinnakatha
00:05:46In the seva activities done so far, truly speaking, Swami who regards men and women like His two eyes says that it’s been the women who have worked hard and done most of the activities. They have played a pivotal role in getting fame to the Sai organization. Why aren’t the gents clapping?! Women are prepared to sacrifice a lot. Swamy wishes that there should be three wings even for the women members’ viz., spiritual wing, the Balvikas wing and the seva wing for service and develop the organization. It is not impertinent to know today the shortcomings and flaws of women. They do a lot of service. They are beyond comparison in the aspect of sacrifice and are ready to shed their lives for love and service. But when adamant, they are ready to take life!! Presence of jealousy amongst the members hinders the progress of the work and development. Women must recognise and pay attention to duty rather than aspiring for authority. “I am the president. You are secretary. You are vice president. You are lower in the hierarchy.” One must not give room for such hassles of authority and position. “I am a servant and so are you.” Each one is a servant. Where is there the scope for differentiation? But in certain positions the relationship is like the one between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law! A small story is narrated by Swami, for He feels that the opportunity is right. There used to be a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law in a house. The mother-in-law went out on some errand. A beggar came to the house when the daughter-in-law was alone at home. The beggar asked for alms. The daughter-in-law thinking that she was not permitted to give anything without her mother-in-law’s permission bade the beggar to go away. The mother-in-law came home at that very moment when the daughter-in-law was sending the beggar away. The beggar was going away on being refused alms by the daughter-in-law. The mother-in-law asked the beggar, “What did that girl tell you?” The beggar replied, “She did not give any alms and asked me to go away.” The mother-in-law said, “What right does she have to send you away? Oh! Why should you listen to her? Come to my house.” The beggar thought, “Aha!! This mother-in-law might give me something.” and returned to the house. The mother-in-law went inside the house and did not return for half an hour. After half an hour the mother-in-law came out and shooed away the beggar saying, “Go away.” This only shows that only the mother-in-law has the authority to tell the beggar to go away. It is a sign of ego in the mother-in-law. Both did the same thing, they did not give any alms to the beggar. Similarly in the organisation, the women fight among themselves for authority and do not do any work. Going further, women should not give scope for such feelings of jealousy and work with mutual co-operation. As declared by Mr. Indulal, from December 1st, certain changes will be introduced in the organizational structure.
Members of Sai Organisations should develop human values
00:02:11People hear about hijacks, kidnaps, robbery etc happening in the society. On investigation one comes to know that these atrocities are committed by highly educated intellectuals, engineers and doctors. Did education impart humanness to such individuals? Therefore, humanness is not got by mere education; it is achieved by ‘Samskaram’, training in values. So instead of going after the government teachers and students with human values, it will be more useful in making the world a peaceful and happy place if each one of the members takes upon themselves the practice of human values. Every person in the Sai organization must develop the human qualities. Those qualities are latent in each one, but efforts must be made to allow them to manifest in one self. One must awaken the dormant human qualities. Immersing oneself in ignorance, one forgets the sacred light of humanness in oneself. Once the ignorance is removed the light will shine brightly. To achieve morality, one must have love for God and fear of sin. To understand easily, everyone must develop the three aspects viz., love for God, fear of sin and morality in the society.
Love for God, fear of sin and morality in society in Sai organisations
00:03:45There should be certain amount of co-operation among the different state presidents. Small committees can be set up in every district and work can be done through them. The numbers have been reduced to a smaller and compact form. One of the wings is the service wing. The second one is the spiritual path. The third one is the way of education. For all the three as said by Swami earlier, “Daiwa preeti” love for God is very essential. The second one is “papa bheethi”, fear of sin. Today everybody is shouting at the top of their voices about ‘morality’, what is the basis for morality? Aren’t there thousands of people in the world who have eminent degrees but lack morality? Morality is not achieved through education. Those who have love for God, they fear sin and such people who have those two qualities have morality. A person who does not have the love for God becomes an animal and will lose humanness. People hear about hijacks, kidnaps, robbery etc happening in the society. On investigation one comes to know that these atrocities are committed by highly educated intellectuals, engineers and doctors. Did education impart humanness to such individuals? Therefore humanness is not got by mere education; it is achieved by ‘samskaaram’, training in values. So instead of going after the government teachers and students with human values, it will be more useful in making the world a peaceful and happy place if each one of the members takes upon themselves the practice of human values. Every person in the Sai organization must develop the human qualities. Those qualities are latent in each one but efforts must be made to allow them to manifest in one self. One must awaken the dormant human qualities. Immersing oneself in ignorance, one forgets the sacred light of humanness in oneself. Once the ignorance is removed the light will shine brightly. To achieve morality one must have love for God and fear of sin. To understand easily, everyone must develop the three aspects viz., love for God, fear of sin and morality in the society.
Roles of State presidents, district presidents and other members of the organisation
00:05:42In the beginning the rules and regulations are necessary. As the members have understood the rules and regulations, they have the capacity to adopt them properly. Hence going forward there shall be no differentiations of boss and a worker. Everyone should consider the other as his brother. The feeling of love within must be developed. Unity in diversity must be proved to the world. Since not everyone has reached that state of understanding, there must be a state president. If there is only one state president, as is the human nature, he may be prone to ego and ruin himself. In order to ward off such a situation, five to six persons are kept under the president and all are given the same work. Everyone must work together and harmoniously. Everyone must move together, grow together, and worship the knowledge assimilated together. A committee has been formed at the state level so the work gets divided equally among the members and the work can be done properly and harmoniously. The state president should not feel that the people are appointed under him to lower his power or authority but must feel that is done so for his betterment. To some extent the district president posts have been removed. In some districts the work is not going on properly. Those district presidents are surrounded by people who continuously discourage him and there by hamper the work. Such people can be compared to the charioteer of Karna, Salya, who was always demeaning the capacity of Karna and led him to his downfall. This is called as ‘Salya ratham’. Such people have been removed. And those people have been retained who are the likes of the charioteer Krishna. Krishna as the charioteer always offered encouragement and enthusiasm to Arjuna when he felt sacred or weak. Persons who offer words of encouragement and give hope in times of need can be compared to Krishna who is Arjuna’s charioteer. All must be ready to support the leader and offer encouragement, courage and enthusiasm. Diffident and cowards who pull back people from the work and discourage by saying, “It will not happen, we cannot do this” etc must be removed from the organization. Is there anything that man cannot do?! Isn’t one ready to work day and night if the work pertains to oneself? Why can’t such sincerity and dedication be applied to the organization? Such narrow minded and selfish people should never have a place in the organization. The organization will ruined by such people. People with a sense of belonging to the organization and those who identify themselves with the organization will prosper from it. Some district presidents are doing excellent work that needs to be mentioned. They are sanctifying their time by giving up their personal work and indulging full fledged in the organization. They take up work as Swami’s seva in spite of their ill health. If such district presidents can be properly utilised and allotted two or more districts with required personnel to assist them, the work can be accomplished in an excellent way.
I have resolved to guide you onto the path of Advaitha
00:02:42Therefore, I have resolved to spread the principles of spirituality based on the ‘Adwaitha’ path, from my sixtieth birthday onwards. We have crossed the Karma Kanda. We have crossed the Upasana Kanda. We have to now enter the Dhyana Kanda. We have completed the Primary school. We have crossed the Higher Secondary school. We have to join the college. While studying in the college, if you behave like a primary school student remembering a, b, c...and reciting poems like ding dong bell... it is no use. But you are in such a state today. Though you are in college, your mindset is still in primary school level. Such is the level of innocence in which we are. Therefore, from today onwards, you should not only follow but also spread ‘Adwaita’. It is in this context some changes in the form of additions and modifications, in this conference. Changes made are not based on individuals, not based on their behavioural practices, and not on your influence. They are based primarily based on the circumstances prevailing in the world today. It is the need of the hour. Why because, the entire world is watching with thousand eyes, the ever growing Sai Organizations. Wherever you are, you find Sai pictures and hear chanting of Sai name. People are watching this phenomenon with curiosity and jealousy. In such a situation, we have to conduct ourselves in such a way that none can lift their finger pointing anything adverse about Sai organizations. Each one, according to his capacity and responsibility must perform well and win laurels.
Evaluation of work and self-satisfaction in Sathya Sai Seva Organisations; His guidelines
00:02:00First and foremost, each and every office bearer should desist from self- praise using their status or designations like State President, District President and so on. Instead they should do service commensurate with the responsibilities associated with the position one holds. Every office-bearer must resort to self- evaluation of their performance and assess whether they have discharged their responsibilities to their satisfaction. If the answer is positive, it instills a sense of self-satisfaction in them. But nobody seems to have a sense of self-satisfaction. What is the reason? Not being able to perform to their optimal capability may be the reason! This stems from lack of a sense of selfless service as a simple worker. If the job is taken up with a feeling of self-less service and accomplished it, it is bound to instill the feeling of self-satisfaction. We are losing our human nature by indulging in unnecessary talks and external acts of pomp and show. Instead of telling one hundred things, let us do one thing and show. We need to feel that we are servants and workers doing self-less service at all times.
Do not have any misunderstandings within the organisation
00:02:58The organisation and Swami are not related but the workers and Swami have a close relationship. None can create a distance in the relationship nor is the relation created by somebody. Hence all the members of the organisation must work hand in hand with mutual understanding and brotherhood. The environs must be such that it promotes mutual consultation and corrections. Members of the Sai organisations must keep away from misunderstandings, otherwise the organisation can never develop. People must come together, understand each other and join the organisation. In spite of the huge number of people in Sai organisations there has never been a rift although the organisation is not free of motives of selfishness and self interest. All are the children of one mother. A poet has said, “okka gooti pittalamu, -- we are birds of one nest! Okka teega puvvulamu,-- we are the flowers of one plant! Okka talli pillalmu,-- we are the children of the one mother Okka jaathi biddalamu,-- we are the citizens of one world! Manlomanaku kalathalu yenduku?—then why these differences amongst us?” Therefore the members must not give scope for any misunderstanding amongst themselves. All are the citizens of one race and that is the race of “humanity”!! One must keep this fact in mind when undertaking activities. All are human beings sans the differences of caste, creed, sect, religion or skin. Acceptance of all the religions is the religion the organisation and that must be the conviction of its members too. Therefore, embracing the differences and working in unison of thought and deed all must participate in the service activities and uphold the ancient tradition of practice of righteousness.
Our organisation has more office bearers than active Sevadal
00:02:16Members must be added to the seva wing of the organisation as everyone has the right to do service. Instead of having a hierarchy in the seva organisation like the group leader, president etc, seva can be done in an environment conducive to mutual understanding and development if the group is lead by a better person from the group. The number of office bearers is increasing. In any conference one can only see the office bearers but no workers. The various designations like conveners, presidents, group leaders, core committee etc is on the rise and is unnecessary. One can find a lot of police personnel around than the people, when a Minister is about to come. Likewise in the meetings of the organisation one finds only the office bearers and one fails to understand the motive in holding a meeting for them. The office bears need to be reduced gradually. There is a saying in Telugu, “Manushulu perigekoddi, majjiga paluchana--- when the number of mouths to feed increases, the thick curd becomes thin buttermilk.” When there are few members, one can get thick curds served. But when the numbers increase, to accommodate, water is added to the thick curd to make it the thin buttermilk. Similarly, the increase in the number of office bearers causes a decline in the quality of the services rendered. Swami wishes that the world council takes into consideration these facts and make suitable changes.
Three important wings of the organisation
00:02:22First and the foremost wing of this organisation is love for God, that is spirituality; the second is “Balvikas” which is connected to education. The third one is service. The three wings of the organisation are sufficient for happy functioning. The present situation of helplessness prevalent in Bharath is due to the loss of devotion to God. Members must try to develop the ‘Bhajan‘centres and help practice the bhajans. One’s heart rejoices in listening to soulful singing of bhajans. On the other hand one does not find happiness in listening to bhajans sung half heartedly and out of tune and rhythm. One can uplift the listeners and give them happiness by rendering bhajans soulfully. Group singing must be encouraged. Training in singing of bhajans must be undertaken. The older generation are like the deep rooted trees and is not possible to mend or bend them. Members and workers must pay attention to the younger generation and children so that going forward they can become the torch bearers of spirituality in Bharath. Balvikas also needs to be developed widely for the purpose and bhajan centres too need to be increased. Members must be added to the seva wing of the organisation as everyone has the right to do service.
If you are part of some other organisation, don't be part of Sathya Sai Organisation
00:02:28In some cases some of the members of the organisation are associated with three to four other organisations and hold authority and positions. Which means they are not associated with Sathya Sai organisation alone. He is president in one organisation, secretary in one other organisation and office bearers in Sathya Sai Organisation. Since he is associated with three to four organisations, he will not be able to do any work. Whether it is Sathya Sai Organisation or any other organisation, discharging your duty more essential. A person associated with other organisations cannot satisfy any of the organisations. So, if anyone of this kind is present in our organisation, he need not continue henceforth. Within the organisation, you may be involved in different wings like Sai Samithi, Sevadal, Sathsang and study circle but you cannot be a member of other organisation. It is not that the person associated with other organisation should not be part of Sathya Sai Organisation. There are no ill feelings associated with it. He can justify either of the organisational needs. He may take up the responsibilty in one oraganisation and do the complete work satisfactorily. You all know how difficult it is to ride on two horses. So, if your part of two organisations, we may not achieve any of the work. We may join two to three organisations to boost the authority and power. But it would be considered as a bad practice.
Ideals of Sathya Sai Organisation
00:00:26One must give up criticising others and must consider fellow members as their brothers and sisters and develop faith that God dwells in all. Members must undertake service activities which have nothing to do with money. That is the foremost important principle of Sathya Sai Organisations.
Office bearers shouldn't have ego in our organisation
00:01:35Another point must be noted here. People should not wield power and authority indiscriminately as office bearers in Sai organisations. All are workers. This is a sacred assembly of people, the workers, who carry out the activities of the organisation. This is a conference of active workers. The earlier conferences of the office bearers and the like can be deemed as useless as Swami could not find a single worker in the assembled. Taking credit for the work done by the others leads to growth of ego. Swami needs people who work. Henceforth people who do not work will be ousted from the organisation. Even ten people who work sincerely are good enough for the organization.
Our organisation should not have any connection with money
00:02:00Members of our organisations must give up the evil tendency of expecting money. Let the members have nothing to do with money. Member’s concern must be to serve. When one has such noble thoughts the Lord Himself will aid one. Wealthy members can part with their money to accomplish the service activities that need money. In Swami’s organisation there are none without money! But the members are many who are unwilling to part with money!! He is indeed a pauper who has money but does not put it to proper use. One must not lead a life of such paupers. One must lead life with the spirit of charity. Swami’s organisations are growing day by day and so members must get rid of their greed and give importance to seva, devotion, spirit of sacrifice and the patience to serve all. When one adheres to these principles there would not be any scope for disparities and discrepancies among the members. If there is misunderstanding among the members, then that is because of money.
Sai devotees can change the world by following truth and sacrifice
00:01:21There many people, in lakhs and crores, who call themselves as devotees of Sai. One need not question others. The whole world would be a better place if Sai devotees follow truth and sacrifice. Truth and spirit of sacrifice are the only two principles with which one can change the world. Truth sanctifies the heart and sacrifice leads to renouncing the transient. With these two principles one can experience the God who is inside and outside. When man, without knowing this reality, indulges in the worldly and transient things from birth till death then how can he redeem himself and attain liberation? Man must love God to redeem his life.
Leaders must set an example through humility
00:03:00We must inspire that resolve, that determination to embark upon activities with great devotion, dedication and enthusiasm and must pledge to carry out the program that has been adumbrated here. People who are not able to take part with enthusiasm in these activities must be weeded out. Today if we are in a situation wherein we feel weak as we are not able to weed out such elements from the organisation, it only shows that we lack leaders who have the determination and the ideals to do so. First we must introspect whether we are following what we are preaching others about service and ideals. People, who are leaders, must set an example by ideal behaviour and show the way to the followers. Humility is a throne of leaders whereas ego is the throne of idle and lazy men. So to be ideal leaders, we must develop the spirit of complete humility and thereby set an example for others.
Plan your activities well
00:00:29Young men and women!! Today was the inaugural session, where in the aspects about the right behaviour were discussed and in the coming days issues regarding the kind of duties that one must perform, the seva activities that one should take up and the type of company that one should keep would be discussed.
Serve with humility and egoless state
00:03:24In this manner, we should mingle with people and together, we should promote the idea of service. With such actions and work, members of our Sevadal have to do many different types of improvements. In these three days, you have have discussed many things and received many good suggestions, have received several ideas from experienced experts. Put these into practice and for the benefit of those who have not attended the conference, arrange small meetings and convey these in a manner in which they will understand. Not only this, some of you who are educated, when you go back to your places, you should join study circles and establish a connection with the sevadal. All issues ethical, moral, spiritual and worldly issues, you should explain to the people so that they understand. The meaning of the word Circle is that it should go around in all directions. You should remember one thing. The divine strength which is in you is making you do the work, you should not have the ego that you are doing the work. Absence of ego and humility are the two qualities you must develop. Hoping that through such service you will not only redeem your own life, but you will also give happiness to others who come in contact with you, I bless you all and bring this discourse to a close.
Work and discipline in Sai Organizations
00:03:58If there are any conveners and presidents amongst whom there are differences of opinion, then all members should see that they are thrown out and do not remain in the post. The reason being such individuals are like pests, they are like the white ants on a tree. You should not entertain such people. Only when you take care to see that such things do not exist in the organization,the Sathya Sai Organization will be able to serve the world forever. Otherwise, all the work we have been doing for such long time will become useless. Man's main duty is to use the time and opportunities in the best possible way. I have mentioned several times that our organisations are five in number. One is the Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, Sathya Sai Mahila Vibhag, Sathya Sai Seva Dal, Sathya Sai Balvikas, Sathya Sai Bhajan Mandali. These five parts are like five fingers. Only when these five fingers work together, work will be done. But if they work separately, then what work can be done? So, when all these five are united, work can be done easily. So, unity is very important. In recent times, we are seeing so many co-operatives, societies, cooperative businesses etc, but what happens is not co-operation but operation. In our Sathya Sai Organization, such things should not happen. All must unite. We should be like children of one mother, the reason is: To GOD, all are HIS children. In these conditions only, when we promote the aspect of Prema (universal love), country can develop and prosper. On the other hand, if each one restricts to himself, then whole thing will get washed away like a flood in the Yamuna river. We should not become like that. Every individual in the Sathya Sai Organization should do all work as seva. We should consider Seva as a Sadhana.
Ofiice bearers must speak softly and sweetly
00:03:33In some instances, some are bringing in politics. Embodiments of love! Most importantly, in Sathya Sai Organizations, there should be no room for politics. Wherever, whoever and to whatever degree service is needed, we should take the first step. We should not have any differences whatsoever. We should not use harsh words. Some people, some office bearers also speak harshly to other members. This is not good. God has got a name 'Salutations to the soft and sweet speaker'. Through words, we can attain many great things. Through words, we can change one's mind. Even a demonic quality can be changed and transformed into good quality by good words. Words are sweet honey drops, words are fragrant flowers. Words are nectarine sweet sugarcane juice. Words are the four vedas. Words are the expression of Sruthi (vedas). Your words are those which take you to heaven or hell and cause bondage or liberation. Our words are our bondage's, our words are our liberation. Our words are our heaven, our words are our hell. That is the reason why I have said many times 'You cannot always oblige but you can always speak obligingly. Whatever has happened has happened. The path in which you have walked has been seen, on the path that is ahead of you, It is my hope that you will see to it that such sort of errors are not committed by you.
Office bearers should not have Ego
00:03:00Embodiments of love! There is one other thing. In the Sathya Sai organizations, We have appointed people with designations like State Presidents, State convenors, District Presidents, District Convenors etc. For what purpose have these posts been created? Not to seat them on a throne of arrogance. To set an ideal by bending and practicing. But, some people have the pride that he is a president and is not participating in service. The President should take the first step forward and set an example for others. What is the meaning of the word leader? He who stands in the front and leads is a leader and not the one who stands behind and pushes. One who leads stands in the front and not behind. So, all those who call themselves Presidents should lead. From now on, only those who lead and stand in the front qualify to be president, else, they do not deserve to be presidents in any way. Not only this, everyone should be working as brothers and sisters. If, in Sathya Sai Seva Organizations itself, there are such differences between individual, where can there be oneness. If there is unity, what authority will we have to tell others? If one does not have such equal mindedness, one does not have the authority to tell others. Even if there are individual differences, they should be kept aside and the whole community should be regarded as one and one should come forward to serve it. There should be no room for any differences of opinions at all.
Important guidelines to State presidents
00:04:29We should regard this conference as the one which lays the foundation for our future. We should remove the blemishes and faults that are present in us knowingly or unknowingly, from today. Recognising the truth that the God you worship is present in everyone, you should behave in such a manner that you do not cause trouble to others or harm others. Some of you, like the State Presidents, District presidents and Convenors should set an example and promote the ideals for others to follow. There is no use of the decisions that are taken today if they remain on paper, they should be actually put into practice and worked upon. We send some circulars to all the State presidents. There are some State presidents who do not even look at the contents of the circular and just pass it on to the lower level. It is desirable that such State presidents simply step down on their own accord from the position they are holding. A state will develop manifold if it has a devoted and dedicated person as a state president. Some of these state presidents, falling prey to their ego, are forgetting their human nature and are treating their subordinates in a harsh way. No one has any right to punish others or treat them harshly. The State President is also a worker; he is not in a position of authority. Anyone who exercises power and authority and dictates to others is not entitled to be a State president. Leaders are those who lead from the front but those who push from behind cannot be leaders. In every work and for every service that is undertaken, the State presidents and convenors should lead from front. Only such people who are willing to lead from front should be State Presidents. There are some state and district presidents who are working very conscientiously and it is because of such people that these organizations are progressing.
Swami on Sathya Sai Oragnaisation Structure
00:10:00While working together, there will be differences of opinion, there will be advice's given by various people. We should consider whatever different opinions are given. There are some persons who are think that there should be no connection or relation between one organization and another and make each organization solely accountable for its duties and responsibilities and not others. Not only that, there are some others who think that they are heads of certain organizations and through that organization whatever work is done by other organizations should be controlled and in this manner they are creating connections between various organizations. There are, yet, some people who think that all organizations should work through the Sathya Sai Organization. Truly, even though ten thousand people are participating in this particular conference, there are very few who have really understood the sanctity, objectives and the aims of the Sathya Sai Organizations! I am hoping to give you a small example for what I wish to say now. First, we decided on the name “Sathya Sai Seva Samithi”, second wing has been called the “Sathya Sai Mahila Vibhag”, the third wing has been named “Sevadal”, fourth is “Bhajan Samastha” and the fifth one is “Balvikas”. We regard these five wings as five organizations and feel that each organization is great in itself and is independent of other organizations and also express the views that one is not connected with the other. This is very wrong. There is something which can be described as a connection, an internal relationship between all these five. This internal relationship is not apparent and cannot be understood by all. It has no particular form. There is one small example for this. You are walking along a path; the eyes which are at a great height, sight a thorn on the path, the foot which is down below will pass over the thorn. The eyes are at a height, the feet are on the ground, have the eyes sent any information to the feet? When you look at these two things they appear as if they are two different components. There is an internal connection between these two. Why do we find tears in the eyes when the thorn hurts the foot? It’s because the pain caused to the foot causes tears in the eyes. This aspect of Eshwara is present in all the components of the body throughout, everywhere. So when hurt is caused to any one of the organs all other organs also suffer because of the divine connection. If one organ escapes being hurt all other organs also feel happy. You can take another example for this. This is the hand. The hand consists of five fingers. In these five fingers of the hand the first finger, the thumb, this is one organization, the ‘Sathya Sai Seva Samithi’. The next finger, the index finger, is the ‘Sathya Sai Mahila Vibhag’. The middle finger can be compared to the sevadal which causes the connection between the thumb and the pointing finger. The fourth one is the “Bhajan Mandali” which creates the enthusiasm and happiness for all these organizations. The short, little finger represents the pure, innocent and selfless children of the ‘Balvikas’ who are the future citizens of the world. You can also look at it in a different way. If you want to chastise someone and tell him what is right, understand which finger goes first. It is the little finger. If we want to ask the question, have you your wits about you? Are you intelligent or are you foolish? Then we ask with the hand showing like this. It is the children who ask such a question, the future citizens of the country. One separate finger, one separate organization, is not possible for you to achieve anything. It is only when all the five fingers act in coordination that you can do anything at all. It is not possible for one organization to work in an isolated manner and achieve anything. You must also recognize one other issue in this context. “Sathya Sai Mahila Vibhag”, “Sathya Sai Seva Samithi”, “Sathya Sai Sevadal”, “Sathya Sai Bhajan Mandali”, “Sathya Sai Balvikas”. In all these organisations, “Sathya Sai” is present as a common principle in all of them and only when, all the five organizations recognize the presence of ‘Sathya Sai’ as the binding factor, can you achieve anything worthwhile.
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