Man's relation with Society
Puttaparthi, Sai Kulwanth Hall (Sevadal Conference )
Pavithraathma swarupas! Members of Sevadal. We are facing many problems. We gather in conferences with a view to solve the problems which we are facing. We find solutions for them. Thereafter, we are forgetting to put into practice the decisions taken. We ask ourselves, "Are we following in practice the solutions that we find and the prescriptions that we make for ourselves?" This has become a kind of a defect with us in discussing in this manner. In man's life, it is only when there is an appropriate relationship and connection between different components of the community, life will become happy and pleasurable. Man cannot live in isolation from society even for a moment. So, it is important for us to realize the problems of the society with which we are connected intimately and find solutions to solve such problems. Man's good and bad are inextricably tied up with the society. It is only when the society is good, that man can also be good and do good to his environment, otherwise it would become vice-versa. So, the proper path for us is to find out the ways in which we can do service to the society and through which we find the right path of action for ourselves.
We need to show gratitude towards society
00:00:59Students must develop the spirit of unity along with the formal education. One is born in the society, grows in society, lives in society, then how can one stay away from society? Whatever one has experienced or achieved is because of the society. Isn’t it imperative for one to show gratitude towards the society that has bestowed so much? Shouldn’t one help the society? When one is ready to accept shouldn’t one be ready to give too? Therefore one must be ready to give for that is the true human quality. It is the culture of Bharath that taught the sacred principles.
What is Sangham or Society
00:02:52What is meant by ‘Society’? Society is the one that makes various people of different ideas and different paths live harmoniously with one thought and one goal. What an individual cannot achieve a society can accomplish easily. The culture of Bharath endorsed the community feeling and not the individual thought. Man’s life is that of community, collective living but not individual living. So only when the collective life is promoted humanity can be happy and peaceful. Disunity leads to discontentment and causes many troubles. Contentment unifies the humanity and makes it sacred and divine. Therefore the power of the society is indescribable. A blade of grass cannot bind even a small little ant, but grass blades woven together in ropes can hold even a mighty elephant. Hence in these modern times the harmony and unity in humanity is very essential. Unfortunately, from ancient times, Bharath has suffered in many ways due to the decrease in the unity and harmony in the society.
Unity in society is important for country's development
00:05:00Embodiments of Love! For a family to be safe and secure, for a society to progress, for a nation to prosper, humanity must develop the spirit of unity and social harmony. “Sanghe shakte, kalauyuge”, in this age of Kali the power of society is greater than all other forms of power. What is meant by ‘society’? Society is the one that makes various people of different ideas and different paths live harmoniously with one thought and one goal. What an individual cannot achieve a society can accomplish easily. The culture of Bharath endorsed the community feeling and not the individual thought. Man’s life is that of community, collective living but not individual living. So only when the collective life is promoted humanity can be happy and peaceful. Disunity leads to discontentment and causes many troubles. Contentment unifies the humanity and makes it sacred and divine. Therefore the power of the society is indescribable. A blade of grass cannot bind even a small little ant, but grass blades woven together in ropes can hold even a mighty elephant. Hence in these modern times the harmony and unity in humanity is very essential. Unfortunately, from ancient times, Bharath has suffered in many ways due to the decrease in the unity and harmony in the society. There had been no dearth of powerful, wealthy, intellectual or courageous people in Bharath but lack of unity and harmony among such people led to the descent of Bharath. So as its future citizens, it is imperative for all to make an effort to cultivate unity and harmony in Bharath. The ‘divide and rule’ policy of the political system has fragmented Bharath. So, one must never divide this country. Strength lies in unity and its practice will make man powerful.
Fear of Sin, love for God and morality in society
00:02:12God is the very embodiment of truth; one has to love only the truth and has to realise that the world is illusory. By believing the illusory world one is subjected to many sins. Sins will bear fruit, hence one must develop the fear of sin and foster love for God. One must strive to uplift morality in the society. The three most important values to men are: “Papa bheethi, fear of sin; daiva preethi, love for God; sangha neeti, morality in society.” One can experience peace and non-violence only by fearing sin. Love for God fosters love and truth. Morality in society is one’s foremost duty. It is of no use to merely repeat the five human values. Every ordinary man must try to see and experience divinity in everyday life. Every human being must inculcate the basic human values. One sees the many instances of inhuman happenings occurring due to the absence of human values in man.
Swami on current state of society
00:02:49Today, there is no spirit of sacrifice among people in high positions and authority either in businesses, in politics or otherwise. In every field there is pollution and stone hearted people. So, one must make every effort to wipe out this dirt. This kind of pollution is present among people in authority, among parents, intellectuals, educated people and teachers as well. People take pride in their intellect without a trace of humility. An educator prides over the acquisition of high education but there is no spirit of sacrifice. A person in authority is egoistic about his authority but does not follow it up in actions. In every field, fear of sin and love for God are the two very important aspects. When one loves God, one tends to love the world too. One must be able to bear with people who might harm or punish one. The whole world should become as one family. The whole world is like a home and every human being is a brother to another. This is the spirit of brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God. One must experience the spirit of oneness and once this is experienced one cannot harm another.
Clean your hearts with Divine love and through service to society
00:00:49This is the New Year, called “Eshwara”. It has got all forms of wealth and it is the year when one reaches the divinity in the heart. Hence one must try to cleanse the heart of any impurities present. How must one cleanse one’s heart? By chanting the Lord’s name and indulging in service to society one can get purity of the heart. One can achieve anything when one wins the love of God. There is love within oneself and that love must be used to pray for love. Embodiments of the Divine Atma!!
Societal happiness is your happiness
00:01:21Man cannot live in isolation like a drop of oil put on the surface of a sheet of water. Man should realise that the individual and the society together make up the world. The happiness of the individual is intimately connected with the happiness of the society. The prosperity of the society itself is intimately connected with the happiness of the world. If you want to enjoy individual happiness, then you have to accept that the individual, the society and the world must all be happy.
Be in Society and Serve
00:01:25To isolate ourselves from the society, to stand at a distance from society and to think that we are doing something great or something important is wrong. Participating in matters relating to the society and thereby doing good to our own country and being able to introduce and infuse sacred ideals into our thoughts and in our service to the country should be recognized by the Sathya Sai Sevadal. Without taking part and participating in service, even if you do different kinds of Sadhana, you are not going to get any benefit out of it.
Earn a good name in society
00:01:00We should earn good name and reputation in society. It is humility and obedience which are required to earn a good name in society. “The greatness of the society rests on morality, Society without morality is bound to fall! Community nil morality is no community at all!!” Without morality how can a society exist? There is a season for the dogs and foxes, but today man has no reason or season; then how can he be called a human being?
What is Vittamu and how it is earned
00:02:00In Bharat, the word ‘vittamu’ is used. What is the meaning of this word? Many think it means the money earned. Not only money but all that is earned is categorised as vittamu. The health that one possesses is also vittamu; all the knowledge is vittamu; everything is vittam. One that is earned by man through his effort is called as vittam. So now, from whom is this earned? One learns all the knowledge from the society; the intelligence and specialisation is also learned from the society. Many great men have investigated the medical sciences and one is making use of that repertoire in day to day life. One just receives from the one who has already discovered, but one cannot find out by himself. What amount of gratitude should one show to the one who bestows the knowledge and intelligence? When someone hands over one’s dropped towel, one responds by saying ‘thank you’. When gratitude is shown for mere picking up of a towel, isn’t it pertinent that one shows gratitude to the society from which one gets intelligence, knowledge and everything?
Serve society and see God in everything
00:02:00What is Shivaratri? You should develop auspiciousness as a quality. Let everybody be happy. Not feel, "I alone should be happy". Everybody should be happy. Everybody is a member of society. Everyman is the collective form. He is not an individual. The individual cannot live without society. Every individual is a form of divinity. Therefore we should desire for the welfare of the community. We should not struggle for selfish ends. Such a spirit should increase among students. Wherever you may go as you travel, help those that need you. Only then will be established the brotherhood of man and Fatherhood of God. When you develop such sacred ideals, only then can you call yourselves educated. Help is needed. We have to understand the divinity in our fellow men. God is present in all, He is the very form of awareness. So we have to respect everyone, love everyone. We should have close association with everyone. This is true humanity. We should not be like oil on water, lying separate. Everything should be unified. We should not develop bad feelings.
Marriage is a Mirage
00:01:10This physical world exists, but how long? All that we experience in this mundane world is temporary. But there is one truth, that is the principle of Self. That relates to 'merge' , the worldly thing is 'marriage'. It is not even marriage, it is only mirage. You see the mirage, but there is no connection heart to heart. You are (initially) happy with the marriage. Then, if wife says 'yes' husband says 'no'. When husband says 'yes' wife says 'no'. Where is the unity in marriage? Truth is One which has been referred to in myriad ways - that is the real atmic principle. Life is spent this way, from dawn to dusk.
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