What is Bhakthi or Devotion
People make many efforts, follow many paths and receive God’s grace in the process, to attain the

Spirituality must begin at a tender age: Analogy
Some parents criticise when their children start to engage themselves in bhajans or devotion or in m

Doctors are verily God
This (hospitals) is not meant for just serving the patients but is also a means for the doctors to
Doctors working in our hospitals are extremely fortunate: Swami on different devotee doctors
Certainly the doctors serving in these hospitals are very fortunate. Dr. Rajeshwari working in the h

Why Swami established hospitals in rural areas and not in cities
There are people from villages who do not know about health and suffer when afflicted by illness. Th

Health is the real wealth
Therefore this material wealth is not important. It is the wealth of goodness and good qualities tha

Chant the name of the Lord and do service
One must chant the Lord’s name while doing Seva. Chanting the Lord’s name wards away the evil th

Swami's guidelines to leaders of the organisation and Sevadal
As long as one is alive, one must participate in Seva at least for a few hours every day. Workers an

You would be called Sathya Sai Sevadal only when you engage yourself in His work truly
To be called as the “Sathya Sai Sevadal”, one must imbibe the qualities of Sathya Sai!! “Dal

What is Satvika Seva: Hanuman Analogy
Swami has said the previous day about the three types of Seva namely: Satvik Seva, Rajasik Seva and

While serving others, one should leave their breathe
Why is this body given? The human body is given to serve others. This body is bound to perish and de

Seva is a medium to transform your ownself; Message to Sevadal
First and foremost, one must dedicate oneself to those service activities that will help cleanse one

What is adopting village and how to serve villages
Villages have been adopted. First and foremost one must understand the true meaning of adoption. The

Do Sadhana to earn the grace of God and not for the praise of others
One need not go after name and fame in the physical world around. One must indulge in the spiritual

Sacrifice is the hallmark of human life
True form of scholarship is not mere assimilation of all that is contained in the texts. A person wi

Sevadal shouldn't have part time devotion
In view of the conference of Sevadal, thousands of names were sent from each district. But of these

Selfishness is the cause for man's distress
It is the quality of selfishness in man that subjects him to many troubles. Selfishness is like a te

Do service to society and do not get deluded by world
One must consider the service done in villages as the service done to God. One must understand the t

Service is the highest form of worship
one must not look down upon Seva. Belittling Seva shows one’s petty mindedness. One must strengthe

What is Seva and how Seva instills in you courage and determination:
The one who calls himself as “Sevak”, a servant, should always be ready to serve others but shou

Man is closest to the Divine
It is also stated that man is extremely close to God, the reason being that God is the only one who

We need to do service activities to cleanse our hearts
One without the purity of thought cannot understand the “Paratatwa”, the principle of other, the

Seva redeems man's life
That which fills man with contentment is Seva, Service. Recognising the divinity in unity through se

Unity of thought word and deed confers Divine grace
Even an insect can cause harm. To do good is difficult. Anybody can do harm. But only few can do goo

What is Sacrifice?
Giving with a sacred feeling, a ripe fruit is sacrifice. Giving a rotten fruit is not sacrifice. It

When all the riches around, leaving the body with a pall of gloom serves no purpose
Embodiments of divine Atma, Even if there is not even an iota of transformation in us, it amounts t

Mere listening to discourses take you nowhere
In-spite of listening to several discourses, despite spending long spells of time in participating s

How will power can make or mar a person
Contentment is another name to denote equanimity of mind. It is only due to the will-power that the

Swami on the Shirdi Baba devotee, HV Sathe: Sathe Wada Experience
Swami on the Shirdi Baba devotee, HV Sathe: Sathe Wada Experience Gradually the news about this B

Sankranthi is a festival which belongs to the whole of human race
‘Sravanam’, listening, ‘keertanam’ singing, ‘Vishnu smaranam’, chanting, ‘paadasevanam

Every Sadhana must lead you on the inward journey
The day one develops inner vision ,one pacifies the attractions of the external vision. Man today un

Treat every given work as god's work, then you would be happy
The cause for the restlessness in man today, is the improper discharge of his duties and treading t

Serve the society whole-heartedly, derive joy and get rid of your ego
Students must not struggle for a job. What is the “udyoga”, job of a student? Yoga is the job. S

Students should lead ideal lives in society and become ideal: Message to students
Dear Students! At this age students must determine to mould themselves into id

Students should lead ideal lives in society and become ideal: Message to students
Dear Students! At this age students must determine to mould themselves into id

Do not waste money, food, energy and time
“Money makes many wrongs!!” hence money should not be used for wrong purposes. “Misuse of mone

Serve the poor and needy
Embodiments of Love! Participant’s time must have been wasted for they have bee

Swami speaks on the greatness of our hospitals
The glory and greatness of this hospital may not be known today but will be widespread in the coming

Motto of Swami's hospital is to provide free healthcare to all the poor
Embodiments of love!! Along with medicine, God’s grace and a spirit of sacrifice is al

Giving life is the aim of our hospital
From this day this hospital is open for people of all countries, of all cross sections of the societ
Hospitals are not meant to make money; Serve the poor
The hospitals must not be built with an aim to earn crores of money. Of what use are the crores earn

Serving the poor would make Swami happy
The doctors must serve, especially the poor, for the seva done to them alone will safeguard one in t

Medical services at Swami's hospitals is fully free
Anybody can be afflicted by disease or ill health; there is no difference of poor or wealthy. The tr
Swami is happy when you serve the poor
The heart diseases are increasing day by day. Heart surgeries being are performed at the super speci

Swami's word of advice to all organisation people
Primarily and basically, in all the wings of Sathya Sai organisation, and for that matter in any org

Do service and do not waste time in mere talk
One should not waste one’s precious time in mere words and speeches but should put to proper use b

Unity among all the wings of the organisation brings good results
Service is the noblest of all activities. All the plans that have been drafted are excellent but the

What have you done for Swami
All the spiritual practises that one undertakes, is for one’s own fortification. Therefore one mus

Office bearers roles and responsibilties
Today man is entering a very narrow minded path. But man has to develop broadmindedness. Every offic

Guidelines on Service to Youth, State presidents and members of Sathya Sai Seva Organisations
There are different states. Service activities have been undertaken in many villages in the differen

Do service without any expectations: With analogy
Service activities must be taken up without any expectation of the end results, with a selfless atti

Giving talks would take you no where; Do service
First and foremost the vain and pomp show of words and idle talk must be done away with in Sai organ

People in Sathya Sai Organisations should get rid of ego and ostentatious behaviour
It is good that the service activities are being done in the villages but that is not satisfying. On

Don't do service for temporary satisfaction and never quantify it
However small an activity that one may undertake, one must not rest, satisfied with momentary satisf

Practice is more important than preaching while rendering service
Being called as Bharathiyas, who belong to the rich and sacred culture of Bharath, the Bharatiyas to

Village service and pre-requisites needed for it
Serving in the villages is very important. Helping those who face dire inconveniences, who are subje

Follow the ideals laid by elders in the path of Service
The word ‘seva’ consists of only two syllables ‘se’ and ‘va’ but it is pregnant with mea

Concept of Seva is dwindling in Bharath
From the times immemorial, there were millions of people in Bharath who have sacrificed their lot to

Service can never go along with egotism, attachment and ostentation
One must make self enquiry to find out if one has the necessary qualities to engage in service activ

Man should discriminate before acting
Embodiments of Love!! One should not waste even a fraction of a second of the most valuab
Lokamandu Pekku Bheekara Krutyamul
Terrible things are happening all the time; Inquire why, and you would find It is all due

You are fortunate to be part of Sathya Sai Seva Organisations
In the days to come, this shed will not be sufficient to hold the conferences of Sai organisations.

Roles and responsibilities of men and women in Sai Organisations
Women must take responsibilities in the areas of ‘Balvikas’ and bhajan singing. Men should take

Community bhajan is the best service
Amongst all services, the service of community singing will forever find a place in the hearts of th

Work in the Sai organisations as brothers and sisters
All are one and all must be like the brethren of divine. There is no difference. Ill feelings and ba

Roles and responsibilties of women in Sai Organisation: With a Chinnakatha
In the seva activities done so far, truly speaking, Swami who regards men and women like His two eye

Love for God, fear of sin and morality in society in Sai organisations
There should be certain amount of co-operation among the different state presidents. Small committee

All of us are instruments: Sai is the doer;
All of us are instruments in the Divine hands. You are only a namesake. “I am doing everything. I

Reach and realise divinity through Seva: Analogy of Arjuna
Every Office-bearer must consider, himself, a worker. Embodiments of Divine Atma! You should neve

Human body should be put to work
There is a machine, a pump set, and a generator. They are all made up of Iron. If they are not put t

Evaluation of work and self-satisfaction in Sathya Sai Seva Organisations; His guidelines
First and foremost, each and every office bearer should desist from self- praise using their status

Become servant of servants
Every human being should keep in mind the principles of adwaitha, enter into the society with princi

Service enables you to develop love
The mind of a man bereft of service, is devil’s workshop. An idle man sits around inert, like a p

Peace rests within you
Everyone aspires for peace but peace does not exist somewhere distant from one. To search for peace

Only God is our true friend
The less one talks the more one serves. Through service one can develop friendship. What is meant by

Silence improves the spiritual power: Talk less
That is the reason why the sages of ancient times took to silence and were able to realise the divin

Excessive talk leads to many problems: Practical analogies
Students!! The present day student is highly confused. The one who can talk does

Padmapada Guru Seva; Story from Bhaja Govindam
Shankaracharya had five disciples. One is very pure hearted. The others came there to learn Shastras

Service leads to liberation
Embodiments of Love! Man adopts various means to achieve liberation (from the bondage of mundane ex

Messengers of Sathya Sai are rendering Yeoman service to humanity
The Messengers of Sathya Sai are doing excellent work. They are helping to build dwellings for the p

Christmas at Prasanthi Nilayam is Special
Embodiments of Love! Every year, we celebrate Christmas. You are from different countries. A true Ch

What is true devotion; From Jesus life
Many consider themselves to be devotees. What is this devotion? Mere worship and service cannot be c

Paramatma Prema Dharanilo Janulaku
The first duty is to make people experience the divine love in this world. In fact progress is ensur

Who is a true messenger of God
Embodiments of Love! everyone knows that human life is highly valuable, sacred and noble. Students f

Help distressed people; Jesus said
You see many people suffering. You also see the forlorn, the helpless. In what way are you helping t

Our love is the true gift to Swami
Bhagavan does not expect anything. He doesn't say anything for Himself. He does nothing for Himself.

Helping others essentially means helping yourself
One need not worry in any matter. Man must do good actions that are beneficial to everyone. When doi

Service helps you to recognise untruth
One may say that one does the spiritual Sadhana for self realisation. Atma is all pervasive. One doe

Service is the biggest Sadhana
Service to others is means of great ‘Sadhana’, practice or spiritual exercise. People do other S

Do not have any misunderstandings within the organisation
The organisation and Swami are not related but the workers and Swami have a close relationship. None

Our organisation has more office bearers than active Sevadal
Members must be added to the seva wing of the organisation as everyone has the right to do service.

Three important wings of the organisation
First and the foremost wing of this organisation is love for God, that is spirituality; the second i

Pattina Dedhiyo Pattane Pattitivi
Embodiments of Love! Whatever it is that one has caught onto, stay put till it is yours,

All sevadal members are blessed souls
All the members have assembled here as workers who have done all the work and so the development tha

Ideals of Sathya Sai Organisation
One must give up criticising others and must consider fellow members as their brothers and sisters a

I need people who work actively
Swami needs people who work. Henceforth, people who do not work will be ousted from the organization

Office bearers shouldn't have ego in our organisation
Another point must be noted here. People should not wield power and authority indiscriminately as of

Our organisation should not have any connection with money
Members of our organisations must give up the evil tendency of expecting money. Let the members have

Do service within your limits
Therefore, all the members of this organisation should become “thyagarajus”- men with spirit of

Prema seva rendu rekkalu manaku
Prema seva rendu rekkalu manaku: Love and service are like two wings to the organisation. Paksha

Service and love are two wings of the organisation
Every person must try to develop the divinity and sacredness latent in oneself and undertake service

Being bereft of ego would lead you to attain Mukthi
There is yet another type of people that want to control and destroy mind. Such people believe that
Seva is the biggest Sadhana
One may not undertake any Sadhana or spiritual exercises, but one must have firm faith that seva or

Mind and its mysteries
Mind is responsible for all the business dealings and activities in the world. A school without a te

Involve in social service every sunday
In this summer class, a decision has been taken to undertake social service on every Sunday. Such se

Service is done to redeem yourself: With analogies
The service rendered by a person ensures a bright future when that service is devoid of ego and is d

Consider everyone as your own while rendering service
One should treat people, who are suffering, who are immersed in sorrow and who are helpless, as the

Involve in Social work and not in show work
Unfortunately today, the social work undertaken in many countries and many parts of the country has

Be prepared to serve and do not expect others to serve you: Chinnakatha
Embodiments of Divine atma! Students!! Students must be ready to serve others but should n

We don't have control over what others think about us: Beautifully explained Chinnakatha
People have plants in their houses and tend to them by watering them, cleaning and providing suitabl

How to render different types of service: Examples from Krishna's life
Man is attracted by clean surroundings. Similarly a clean mind in a human being is attractive to God

No act of service is low: Analogies from Lord Krishna life
When people think of service, they seem to equate it with menial work, usually done by a servant. Th

Ideal teachings given by Rishikula's and Gurukula's
In this sacred country of Bharath, from time immemorial the idea of service has been handed down by

Serving the society is most important
Man is born in the society, grows with the society and prospers by serving the society. In this scen

Importance of service and its characteristics
A responsible temperament is very essential for an individual. Seva or service is one of the most im

Modern day practices in spirituality and demoralisation of Indian culture
Embodiments of the sacred soul! Students!! To follow a spiritual path is the desire of

Na Tha Pamsi
One cannot cross the ocean of the cycle of births and deaths by visiting the sacred places, or by pe

God will be your servant if you have devotion for Him: Analogy of Hanuman
The one with complete faith in the Lord will pray whole heartedly and the Lord will respond by grant

Sanctify the human life
Man wastes his life by not following the right path. Why has God gifted man with the body? Hence it

Leaders must set an example through humility
We must inspire that resolve, that determination to embark upon activities with great devotion, dedi

Leaders should communicate well to Sevadal
"Waste of time" and "Waste of money"- about these two, they say:- “Time waste is life waste. Wasta

Actions are important and not decisions
In this conference, we have arrived at many new conclusions and have also chalked out a program for

Purpose and significance behind Seva
Embodiments of the Divine, the workers in social service! For the last five days, Seva

Na tha pamsi, Na teerthana
Neither penance nor meditation nor proficiency of the sacred texts is of any avail in crossing the o

Work, worship and wisdom; Karma Marga
“Work is worship”. Sevadals must work with the body, worship with the mind and merge in wisdom t

Sadhana is important for Sevadal; Analogies
In our organisations, whether one preaches it or not, seva and “Sadhana” or self practice should

Analogy of electric wire to explain mind
In our organisations, whether one preaches it or not, seva and “Sadhana” or self practice should

Practice is more important than preaching
Na karmana na prajaya dhanena tyagenaike amrutatwa maanasuhu” The Vedas have taught in u

Swami on ancient and modern culture
When Brahma manifests with the four faces, the devotee looks at the manifestation and gets absorbed

God is the indweller - Eknath's story
Several great sages and personages of India have shown these ideals of service, ideal of worshipping

Youth should giveup impure thoughts and develop pure heart
So the young men and women should make an effort to know the sort of life they want to lead and the

What is Sin?
What is sin? As per Indian culture, ‘service to others is merit and harming others is sin (paropak

What is social service according to Bhagawan
Every human being must possess the quality of gratitude. Having being the beneficiaries one must sho

Are youth having any gratitude towards society
Man is born in society, grows in society, earns name and fame in society and learns many skills in t

Paapa bheethi, Daiva preethi, Sangha neethi
“The ignorance, due to lack of fear of sin, The absence of love for God,

Youth should render selfless service to society
“The ignorance, due to lack of fear of sin, The absence of love for God,

Youth should involve themselves in Satsang
The well being of this world depends on the men and women. Hence, young men and women should have a

We must lead an ideal family life to bring in Unity
It is the world and the duty of the householder that form the basis for one’s service to the commu

How to absorb good qualities; Analogy from Mahabharatha
There is a small example from the epic Mahabharata to illustrate the aspect of ‘guna grahana’ th

Pranayama and Prathyahara
Embodiments of the divine atma! Young boys and girls!! The path of spirituality can be co

Clean your hearts with Divine love and through service to society
This is the New Year, called “Eshwara”. It has got all forms of wealth and it is the year when o

Body is the temple, God is the indweller; Man should realise it
‘Deho devalayoprocto, jeevodevah sanatanaha”—body is the temple and God is the in dweller. Why

Benefits of being in a good company; With analogies
You may ask what benefit we may get out of such good company. Man’s good as well as bad features

Sevadal should serve with broader vision
If you really want to justify your belonging to an organization like the Sathya Sai Organization, yo

Sevadal should not misuse Sense organs
Members of Sevadal! There is one other thing which we should recognize clearly. We have got five org

Do not have Ego while doing service
It is only when you promote such sacred ideas, when you do all the work that you with such sacred as

All service reaches God
The whole world is the manifestation of the Lord. So such service that you do to individuals is serv

Serve even when strikes are there
Not only this, in Sevadal there are members of different categories. There are many students, teache
Swami on serving patients
Pavithraathma swarupas! Members of Sevadal are doing different kinds of work. For instance, they are
My Life is My Message
Many people ask me, "Has Swami got a secretary or an assistant? Who is looking after all the mails a

Do service all through your life
Everyone we come across wants to become a Guru or a leader. Everyone is a leader or a Guru, but nobo

Important Ingredients for Seva
In the first instance, strengthen your confidence in your own self. It is only then, that you will d

What is the true essence of Seva
While doing service, it is not enough if you alone have satisfaction but you should bear in mind tha

Service is verily Sadhana
Mohammed was driven out of Mecca, because he steadfastly stick to one objective. Because Christ taug

God is present in everything
At one time when Krishna was a child, he came to his mother Yashoda in great hurry. Yashoda looked a

Scriptures explain the essence of Seva
According to the culture of India and the traditions of Bharat, we have been told that mother, fathe

Be in Society and Serve
To isolate ourselves from the society, to stand at a distance from society and to think that we are

Swami on Ancient and present schooling
From many past ages, this phrase 'service to the society' has been accompanying us and has been comi

Clear Mind Leads To Societal Service
For acquiring success in our attempt to do service to the society, the first step will be for us to

Man's relation with Society
Pavithraathma swarupas! Members of Sevadal. We are facing many problems. We gather in conferences wi

First serve family then comes society
Youngsters! Is Bhagawan giving you trouble every day? Bhagawan is ready to trouble

Youth should consider Bhagawan's message as a sacred dictum
Never doubt anything. Develop faith in God. Develop and grow in service. One can redeem one’s life

Practice what you learnt in Prashanthi Nilayam
Students! Young men and women!! Your education is not true and great learning; true learning

Swami on the blessed opportunity of attending the conference
Out of so many youngsters spread all over the world, you, who could gather are very, very lucky!! Do

How to serve in a village
When ten of the youngsters go to a village for service, how should they conduct themselves? They sho

Youth should have good character
Youngsters! As Bhagawan said in the beginning, character is the most important thing. No o

Do service; Lead a simple life: Message to youth
One need not spend money in order to do service. To the extent possible one should spend less money

How to make use of our will power
‘Name’ is negative, ‘service’ is positive; the current flows when both the negative and the

Chanting and service go hand in hand
It is useless if one just chants Lord’s name without serving others. Vibhishana and Hanuman became

Everything in life comes by practice
One can achieve anything by practicing constantly. One cannot sing instantaneously, one must practic

Swami on modern day meditation
One can meditate if one finds time to do so. But in this modern age it is too difficult to do medita

In servitude lies the leadership
One must always be men of service. Leadership lies in the spirit of service. Leaders today have neve

How to do service in villages
With conviction and courage one must render service in society. With that spirit of courage one must

Say with confidence that I am going to see Swami
They feel it a matter of shame to say that they are going to Tirupathi or Puttaparthi when asked by

With courage involve yourselves in God's service
Youngsters! You are human beings! You are the children of God! You are the reflection o
Valmiki, Lava and Kusha's role in spreading Ramakatha
One day Sage Valmiki, who wrote Ramayana, was sitting in front of the Ramayana and was lost in deep

Service is the highest form of worship
Some students, youngsters go to village service activities. Service is noblest of all activities. It

Names and forms are many, God is one
God is only one but names and forms are many. Each one likes a particular form and or a particular n

The main prayer of Sathya Sai Sevadal
Some of you seek an opportunity to do service when there is a storm, flood, or famine. Even if you d

There are no limits for doing Seva
Our service should not be confined to a chosen place here or there. We should do service everywhere,

Swami on Dehi and Deha
It is said in the Vedas: Not by actions, not by progeny, not by wealth but by sacrifice alone one ca

Serve with love and forbearance
While talking of serving others, we should not do such service which will cause some discomfort to t

All our Karma should be Selfless
The fact that service is superior to japa, dhyana and yoga is something you should recognize as trut

You see your own reflection in others
Premaswarupas! You must establish in your heart the idea of brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God

Give up bad qualities while doing Seva
A man whose heart is filled with excessive greed is the home of all bad qualities. Hence, sevaks sho

Seva is the expression of Love
The feeling of service in the sevaks should enter your hearts, should flow in your blood and should

Body is given to serve others
Just as bricks and mortar are necessary for building a house, so also, the feeling of harmony in tho

Serving others is the highest Sadhana
More than performance of Vratas (ritualistic vows) and Pujas (ritualistic worship), to do service is

What is Selfless Service
Premaswarupas! Today, the fact that the all-India Sathya Sai Swayam sevaks are celebrating their fou

Karmalunu Kadhu, Puthrulunu Kadhu
It is not one's work, it is not one's children, it is not one's wealth; it is only service that is t

Message of Bhagawan to all the Sai devotees
Therefore Sai devotees must, to some extent, sacrifice the selfishness, reduce the involvement in th

Swami on Tamil new year and on Madras
Tomorrow happens to be the New Year celebrated by the people of Tamil Nadu. Many have come to Prasha

Serve with humility and egoless state
In this manner, we should mingle with people and together, we should promote the idea of service. Wi

Swami on service in ancient India
Whether it is the ancient rishis or devotees of the lord or great and noble men in this country, the

Work and discipline in Sai Organizations
If there are any conveners and presidents amongst whom there are differences of opinion, then all me

Ofiice bearers must speak softly and sweetly
In some instances, some are bringing in politics. Embodiments of love! Most importantly, in Sathya S

Office bearers should not have Ego
Embodiments of love! There is one other thing. In the Sathya Sai organizations, We have appointed pe

Ego is bane and humility is boon in service
Embodiments of Divine atma! This service will give you a high and noble position. That exalted state

Swami on the role and conduct of Sevadal
If you deceive anyone, believe and know that you are deceiving your own chosen God. Every moment, yo

Swami on whom to serve and how to serve
For what purpose has this body come? It has come for the purpose of service. Hence, doing service to

Forbearance is most essential for seva
Service. Service. Service. Service is a small word. But, it has a deep and profound meaning. There i

Important guidelines to State presidents
We should regard this conference as the one which lays the foundation for our future. We should remo

Do not imitate others; Message to Sevadal
Man's thoughts, words, looks and appearance reflect his true inner feelings. Therefore man's thought

Transformation in villages is important
Many say, “Swami! We have been working in many villages and a lot of changes have come in those vi

Role of Sevadal in rural development
Further, in these organizations, some mistakes do creep in. Truly, if there are ten thousand members

Stay away from hatred and criticism
In the Sathya Sai organizations, we should regard ‘Love’ as the essential life giving source. Am

See oneness in everything; Analogy to sevadal
Without giving room to any differences of opinion and getting rid of ego and jealousy, when we work

Behaviour of Sathya Sai Sevadal; An analogy
The first thing we should do is to recognize the meaning which is appropriate to “Sathya Sai Sevad

Sevadal should always speak obligingly
Our words should be very sweet, should be limited and should also be acceptable. These things have b
What are the qualities a Sevadal should have
Members of sevadal should not become like people today who are putting machines on high pedestal and
Do service with pure heart
Tirutthunda alwar of Tamilnadu used to say, “Swami, it is with a clean and pure ‘chitta’

First aid kit for Sevadal according to Swami
Amongst the many conclusions that we have reached today, we have made one decision that the members

Serve with patience and humility
In another situation, while we do such service and serve others, some people may interrupt the servi

Seva is permanent; Not your wealth or status
Here are a few things that the members of the Sevadal have to note carefully. Sometimes when we show

Ego and attachment are hindrances to service
Before undertaking this kind of selfless work, we should see that all attractions, likes and dislike

Sevadal should serve with good feelings
In our sevadal, there are several specialized indications and quotations, amongst these, in addition

Important ingredient for service is sacrifice
Before we undertake service, we shall have to reform and change our heart. With what attitude have I

Humility and obedience are important in Seva
Embodiments of the Divine! Swayamsevakas! Recognizing the omnipresence and the Omnipotent nature of

Daanamu Kaani Yagna Sandhanamu Kaani
If we examine carefully, we will find that neither gift, nor a donation, nor the performance of Yagn

Friendship with Mind
All potentialities are the reflections of mental feelings. We should have friendship with our mind.

Bheeshma and Vaikunta Ekadashi
Today is the festival of Mukkoti Ekadashi, also called Vaikuntha Ekadashi. Bheeshma was resting on t

How to help others
Embodiments of love, what meant by "help"? A small example. You all travel in buses and trains. As y

Serve society and see God in everything
What is Shivaratri? You should develop auspiciousness as a quality. Let everybody be happy. Not feel

Cultivate Love and Reverence
Sweet and tender hearted boys and girls! You should recognize that in our culture and in our traditi

How do we know who comes to our rescue
It is not possible for us in this world to foretell what kind of person, who, and under what circums

What is the role of Balvikas Gurus
Today the teachers are responsible for all the agitations and confusion happening in our country. Ho

Treat every second as New Year
Students! Regard every second as a new year and act on that basis. You need not wait for the passin

Swami never gets angry with anyone
The peacock is so beautiful. If you take the feathers of the peacock and put them on a hen, how does

Bhagawan on today's education system
Today, because teachers who only care for their salary, comforts and their life, we are not able to

Balvikas gurus will receive Gods grace
Whatever we do, we should regard it as being done in the name of God, as an offering to God. We shou

Selfless life is ideal life
We should take a forward step to do selfless service. The trees, they perform selfless service. Even

Balvikas children must take up service
Tender hearted boys and Girls, in the very first instance, you must take upon yourself the aspect of