Discipline is must for people in authority
Puttaparthi, Sai Kulwanth Hall (1996 Special Discourses )
Some people hold commanding positions in today’s society. Whatever be the field of activity – it could be agriculture, business or whatever – all leaders must strictly follow the rules and regulations they are bound by. Just because one is powerful, one cannot speak as one likes or pass orders as one pleases. Whatever a leader does must be within the bounds of law. Thus, a person has to observe decorum and propriety while speaking. Similarly, while passing a written order, one must pause to reflect on the impact the order would have, as well as its future consequences. No order must be passed in haste and without deep analysis and reflection. The prestige of office must be preserved and protected by the regulated and disciplined exercise of authority. Once one strictly abides by rules, one does not need protection from anyone. Self-discipline itself becomes one’s best Armour.
Do not waste money, food, energy and time
00:01:16“Money makes many wrongs!!” hence money should not be used for wrong purposes. “Misuse of money is evil!!” The rich waste money in drinking, eating and behaving in an improper manner. That is not the proper way to utilise wealth. Wealth must be put to proper use. There are four important aspects: “Don’t waste food, don’t waste money, don’t waste energy, and don’t waste time! Time waste is life waste.” Time is wasted by indulging in useless talk. Instead of wasting time in idle talk one should use time properly by indulging in service to others. Swami wishes that everyone should help others to the extent possible.
Discipline is must in every action we do
00:04:33Discipline is therefore, a must in every single action one performs from dawn to dusk. In today’s world, people hardly understand what discipline means. In fact, they are totally ignorant about the need for sense control. The eyes, for example, have to be cautioned, “Oh eyes! What is it that you are looking at? Never look at anything that is bad.” See no evil, see what is good. Talk no evil, talk what is good. Hear no evil, hear what is good. Think no evil, think what is good. Do no evil, do what is good; that is the way to God. Do good, see good, talk good, hear good and think good – this is the discipline you must follow. Keep your tongue under control. No matter what is the provocation, you should remain calm and restrain yourself. Students! Even birds and animals observe some discipline. But man, despite all his education and knowledge is lacking in basic discipline. Near your hostel you would find some monkeys; if you watch them carefully, you would notice they remain silent for at least one hour during the day. Even birds remain silent for at least one hour a day. In contrast to birds and animals, humans can hardly keep quiet. It is rare to see people being silent. In fact, people who observe silence are made fun of. Following the example of such people, you too must try to be silent. Who is Brahman or God? Silence is God. In fact, absolute stillness in silence is God. It is such Divine power that is associated with silence. When speech is controlled, everything else comes under control. How come the tongue is vested with such power? The eye can only see, the ears can only hear and the nose can only smell. None of these organs has a second capability. By contrast, the tongue has two capacities, the ability to taste and the ability to speak. Thus, it is the tongue that must be controlled first. Many of you may be aware of car tyres and the extent to which they must be filled. Some people think all tyres must be filled to the same pressure; this is wrong. The front tyres must be filled to a slightly greater pressure than the rear ones. If the pressure is high, it must be decreased; likewise, if it is low, it must be increased.
Everyone needs to be disciplined
00:01:00Discipline is a must not only for children but also for all adults, including teachers, officials and indeed every single citizen. Discipline is needed in small matters such as how to greet a person, how to show respect to elders, as also when to stand up and when one can be seated while in the presence of others. Many children slouch while sitting. This is a bad habit. Sitting erect is a must for stimulating good thoughts and improving the intellect; that is the best way to achieve rapid concentration.
Follow discipline on road; An analogy
00:01:27Discipline is needed on all occasions, whether one is laughing, sitting or walking. Some people walk as they please, as if even a wide road is not enough for them. One must walk only on the sidewalk or pavement so as not to disturb vehicular traffic. If instead one walked randomly, one would not only be violating road discipline but also hindering others. One must ensure that one does not cause inconvenience or pain to others. That is why Swami often says help ever, hurt never. Discipline is needed even while helping others. Such discipline must be cultivated in young age and that is the reason Swami often says: “Start early, drive slowly and reach safely.”
Discipline in sports and games is essential
00:01:44In sports, every player must be disciplined and unconditionally submit to the decisions of the umpire, both in letter and in spirit. At times while deeply absorbed in the game, players might unknowingly commit a breach of rules. However, that infringement does not escape the watchful eyes of the umpire who blows the whistle. Play should stop when the umpire blows the whistle, and the player at fault must bow to the ruling of the umpire. Failure to do so would be in violation of the rules of the game. In today’s world there is a widespread lack of discipline, even in simple things like talking, singing and playing. The result is that life as a whole has become unbearable. In life, Discipline is absolutely essential. However, only a few are able to exercise self-control.
Discipline is the backbone for mankind
00:03:39Embodiments of Divine Love, For all living beings, discipline is as important as life itself. It is more so in the case of humans, for whom discipline is the moral backbone. Without discipline, life would be totally ruined. Discipline implies strict adherence to rules, regulation and principles. Humanity would collapse if there were no rules and regulations defined within a moral framework. There is an ancient saying that without moral discipline, there can be no welfare and prosperity in society. Discipline cannot be acquired from books and in classrooms. It becomes ingrained only when daily life is properly regulated. Discipline is essential in every single action one performs from morning to night, and must prevail throughout one’s life. Discipline is required not only for individuals but for organisations and political systems also, indeed for the whole of society. From institutions to nations, none can survive without discipline. It is discipline alone that promotes unity between individuals, bonds individuals to society, and unifies entire communities. This is the reason why discipline is an essential aspect of human existence. Discipline is essential even is simple matters like talking, singing and playing.
Discipline is must to lead an ideal life
00:11:24Though lacking education, Birds and animals lead regulated lives. Why then can’t humans, Bestowed with the capacity for wisdom Use their knowledge to live properly? Embodiments of Divine Love, For all living beings, discipline is as important as life itself. It is more so in the case of humans, for whom discipline is the moral backbone. Without discipline, life would be totally ruined. Discipline implies strict adherence to rules, regulation and principles. Humanity would collapse if there were no rules and regulations defined within a moral framework. There is an ancient saying that without moral discipline, there can be no welfare and prosperity in society. Discipline cannot be acquired from books and in classrooms. It becomes ingrained only when daily life is properly regulated. Discipline is essential in every single action one performs from morning to night, and must prevail throughout one’s life. Discipline is required not only for individuals but for organisations and political systems also, indeed for the whole of society. From institutions to nations, none can survive without discipline. It is discipline alone that promotes unity between individuals, bonds individuals to society, and unifies entire communities. This is the reason why discipline is an essential aspect of human existence. Discipline is essential even is simple matters like talking, singing and playing. Consider, for example, chorus singing like in group singing of bhajans. On such occasions, everyone must maintain sruthi or tonal purity. Even in a small group, if one singer goes off-key it would not be pleasing to the ear. Thus, discipline is required even in singing. In sports, every player must be disciplined and unconditionally submit to the decisions of the umpire, both in letter and in spirit. At times while deeply absorbed in the game, players might unknowingly commit a breach of rules. However, that infringement does not escape the watchful eyes of the umpire who blows the whistle. Play should stop when the umpire blows the whistle, and the player at fault must bow to the ruling of the umpire. Failure to do so would be in violation of the rules of the game. In today’s world there is a widespread lack of discipline, even in simple things like talking, singing and playing. The result is that life as a whole has become unbearable. In life, Discipline is absolutely essential. However, only a few are able to exercise self-control. Some people hold commanding positions in today’s society. Whatever be the field of activity – it could be agriculture, business or whatever – all leaders must strictly follow the rules and regulations they are bound by. Just because one is powerful, one cannot speak as one likes or pass orders as one pleases. Whatever a leader does must be within the bounds of law. Thus, a person has to observe decorum and propriety while speaking. Similarly, while passing a written order, one must pause to reflect on the impact the order would have, as well as its future consequences. No order must be passed in haste and without deep analysis and reflection. The prestige of office must be preserved and protected by the regulated and disciplined exercise of authority. Once one strictly abides by rules, one does not need protection from anyone. Self-discipline itself becomes one’s best armour. Discipline is needed on all occasions, whether one is laughing, sitting or walking. Some people walk as they please, as if even a wide road is not enough for them. One must walk only on the sidewalk or pavement so as not to disturb vehicular traffic. If instead one walked randomly, one would not only be violating road discipline but also hindering others. One must ensure that one does not cause inconvenience or pain to others. That is why Swami often says help ever, hurt never. Discipline is needed even while helping others. Such discipline must be cultivated in young age and that is the reason Swami often says: “Start early, drive slowly and reach safely.” Discipline is a must not only for children but also for all adults, including teachers, officials and indeed every single citizen. Discipline is needed in small matters such as how to greet a person, how to show respect to elders, as also when to stand up and when one can be seated while in the presence of others. Many children slouch while sitting. This is a bad habit. Sitting erect is a must for stimulating good thoughts and improving the intellect; that is the best way to achieve rapid concentration.
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