Swami always look for your feelings; Different examples from Mythology
More than the Vedas, it is very essential to understand the teachings of Vedanta. The path of love i

Neeru daati teppa nippulo padaveyu
“Neeru daati teppa nippulo padaveyu! Neti Bhakthi yentha bootakamulu?!!”

Inner vision helps you to know your true nature: Beautiful analogies from householder's life
Inner vision helps you to know your true nature: Beautiful analogies from householder's life

Radha's love is unmatched and she is egoless: Conversation between Yashoda and Radha
Truth and love are one and the same. The whole world becomes ‘shoonyam’- null and void due to th

Community bhajan is noblest of all
The word and the mind are futile in their attempts to understand the Divine. By singing together the

What is Bhakthi or Devotion
People make many efforts, follow many paths and receive God’s grace in the process, to attain the

Bhakthi Reva Paramartha Dayini
Devotion is the basis to attain the knowledge of the Supreme Being. Devotion is the panacea to get r

Without faith and love in God, whatever we do is useless: Analogy
It is all useless if one does not have faith in God. People bring fresh vegetables; hire a good cook

Vidyalanniyu Nerchi
Vidyalanniyu nerchi yemi viluva sunna? Yemmelu biyyelu pasaivachchi, peRigaanchina pedda vaaralai

Swami on the downward trend of present education system
It is enough if one has faith in oneself. How can one trust others if one does not trust oneself? T

We should develop Love for God
A being with faith is called human being but today there is no faith in human beings at all. It is u
Spirituality must begin at a tender age: Analogy
Some parents criticise when their children start to engage themselves in bhajans or devotion or in m
Who is true human being
Who is a human being? Is it the one with a physical form having legs and hands? Do no

Copper coins episode from Shiridi Baba's life
Once in Shiridi, Baba, sitting on the steps of Dwarakamayi, was keenly looking at some copper coins.

Do not be angry in your life
Man is wasting his life due to lack of forbearance. He gets angry every other moment. Anger is the w
Swami on worldly and spiritual education
Whatever small work we do, we should think, discriminate whether it is good or bad. Take time. Do no

Purpose of worship is to have faith and love
To shed off the bad qualities, one should develop selfless love. That is Devotion. Different modes o

Everything can be achieved through pure love
Human being comes from God but forgets his source. Clouds originate from sun but they cover the sun.
Power of thought, word and deed; Dhruva story
The character of Dhruva in Maha Bhagavata is familiar to all of you. He is a five year old boy who d

Desire for God, rest will come to you
Faith is very important. Devotion and Faith are to be realized properly. Devotion is Love for God a

God always knows what is best for you
“Oh mind! Do not ask. Do not ask. As you go on asking it keeps getting delayed. If you don’t as

Born as a human behave like one
Embodiments of Love!! Having being born as human one must try to broad

Sevadal shouldn't have part time devotion
In view of the conference of Sevadal, thousands of names were sent from each district. But of these

Who is a true Sadhaka and a devotee
A good person is described using many adjectives in Bhagavatha and Bhagavad Gita. He has been likene

Conduct yourself in conformity with the divine messages conveyed through the discourses
Annamacharya said that the results of our prayers to the Lord shall be commensurate with the sinceri

Unity of thought word and deed confers Divine grace
Even an insect can cause harm. To do good is difficult. Anybody can do harm. But only few can do goo

When ego enters the mind, downfall is imminent
From the viewpoint of physical strength, Ravana was a very strong person. He had even conquered Kube

Swami on Shirdi devotees
Dada, Nana, Damu, Abdul Baba, Chandorkar, Mahalsapathi, Shyama were always with Baba. Abdul Baba, wh

Baba's effort in bringing muslims and hindus together
A number of controversies arose when people could not decide if He was a Brahmin, a Hindu or a Musal

Shirdi Baba's Life Story
There is another speciality associated with this day. In the year 1838, Shirdi Sai Baba was born in
Understand the significance of Durgashtami
Man must make an effort to recognise and understand the inner significance of ‘Durgashtami’. In

Singing Pleases the Lord
“Ninu kanugonagalara, Krishna?!! Anuvukante athi sookshmaroopudavu,

The entry of Shyama into Shirdi: Story of Shyama and his experiences with Baba
Shyam’s parents brought him to Shirdi after their retirement. He was two years old at that time. H

Bhaja Govindam, Bhaja Govindam
Chant His name, chant His name, Chant His name O ignorant minded! When the destined end is near,

Why Do We Chant Shanthi Mantram Thrice
People say “Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi”, peace, peace, peace. Why should one chant it thrice? Is

Every Sadhana must lead you on the inward journey
The day one develops inner vision ,one pacifies the attractions of the external vision. Man today un

Yoga Can Bring Benefits Way Deeper Than Just Physical Health
It was also investigated in a different way in old Mexico. There in old Mexico, they had jailed many

Addamanduna Prathi Bimba Mantanatula
Addamanduna pratibimbamantanatula, Taamarakulu neetiche tadupanatula, Paapamulu antavu maan

Surdas and Krishna's Conversation: Chinnakatha
Once upon a time, Lord Krishna approached Surdas and said, “O Surdas, would you like t

Develop unconditional love and lead your life
God is the embodiment of love. One must not exhibit it but put it in sacred path. One must never put

Sadgunambulu Sat Buddhi Sathya Nirathi
Good virtues, good mind, and adherence to truth Devotion, discipline and duty,

What is true education?
The education imparted to the students today does not conform to the moral, ethical or spiritual val

Man is unable to see the divinity present in living beings
“Chillara raallaku mokkutu vunte Chitthamu chedura orey orey!!” Bowing to every
Significance of Angeerasa year
There are sixty years as per the Telugu calendar beginning with Prabhava and ending with Akshaya. Th

Papa Bhayambu Poye
There is no fear of sin, the wicked and cruel deeds are rampant on earth, devotion towards God has v

Community bhajan is the best service
Amongst all services, the service of community singing will forever find a place in the hearts of th

Work in the Sai organisations as brothers and sisters
All are one and all must be like the brethren of divine. There is no difference. Ill feelings and ba

Path of bhakthi is very sacred
Shankaracharya expounded the principle of adwaitha. He declared, “Sathyam gyanam anantham brahma

Become servant of servants
Every human being should keep in mind the principles of adwaitha, enter into the society with princi

Never doubt Divine: A story from Shirdi Baba's Life
God assumes whatever form of God you pray to. Some people pray to God, “Oh God! Be with me and pro

Determination must be inculcated to do Sacred activities
Having determined to do a task, Hold on till it is finished.

God seeks only your love
Embodiments of love! You are doing so many sadhanas. God doesn't desire for this. God doesn't desire

Swami on William Gladstone; UK PM
There are lots of things that we need to achieve. For all this, Love and sacrifice are most importan

Following Divine command unquestionably grants the eternal bliss: Story of Nana, the devotee of Shirdi Baba
When do you get supreme bliss? It is only when you are able to overcome all the three qualities. Wha

Gopikas devotion is unparallel: Vyasa says to Parikshit
At one time, emperor Parikshit said to Suka about his impending death in seven days. He has to leave
Divinity is present in everyone in myriad ways and innumerable forms: Example of Nagayya actor
I am the seed for all the elements and the entire Creation. So, there is no birth for divinity. All
How Nana Saheb Chadorkar became the devotee of Baba
At one time Baba, in a sitting posture, was smiling which no one around could understand! Some peopl

Messengers of Sathya Sai are rendering Yeoman service to humanity
The Messengers of Sathya Sai are doing excellent work. They are helping to build dwellings for the p

Give up ego; Bhakta Ramadas story
Never give scope for ego. Ramadas also said this. Ramadas faced difficulties, Thyagaraja faced probl

Swami on Prahalada and his devotion
Here is Prahalada. Prahalada is a tiny tot. Though he was so young, he never disobeyed God. He was u

God's love is true wealth
If money is lost, you can get it back. If the health is lost, you can regain it. But when character

What is true devotion; From Jesus life
Many consider themselves to be devotees. What is this devotion? Mere worship and service cannot be c
Our love is the true gift to Swami
Bhagavan does not expect anything. He doesn't say anything for Himself. He does nothing for Himself.

What is real music?
What is the essence of ‘Sankeerthana’, oratorio? The essence of music is to earn love of god. Hi

Religions are many God is one: Analogy of a Veena
One need not criticise any religion. Swami tells a small example so that the students may understand

Three important wings of the organisation
First and the foremost wing of this organisation is love for God, that is spirituality; the second i

Pattina Dedhiyo Pattane Pattitivi
Embodiments of Love! Whatever it is that one has caught onto, stay put till it is yours,

Our organisation should not have any connection with money
Members of our organisations must give up the evil tendency of expecting money. Let the members have

Be prepared to serve and do not expect others to serve you: Chinnakatha
Embodiments of Divine atma! Students!! Students must be ready to serve others but should n

God is Ganalola and Ganapriya: Analogy of Poets; Music melts the heart of God
One should make the Lord’s name as the basis of one’s life and sing His glory whole heartedly. G

God will be your servant if you have devotion for Him: Analogy of Hanuman
The one with complete faith in the Lord will pray whole heartedly and the Lord will respond by grant

Swami on Inter caste marriages
New fashions can be noticed today. Swami has said, ‘Caste of humanity’. Yes, it is true. Since S

Uddhava-Gopikas episode; Devotion of Gopikas
In one context, the Gopikas questioned Uddhava. Uddhava summoned the Gopikas and told them, “Come,

Having found the real Swami, hold firm
Now, it is the unswerving faith, love and devotion towards ‘Sathya Sai’, amongst the members of

Leaders must set an example through humility
We must inspire that resolve, that determination to embark upon activities with great devotion, dedi

Our faith in God should be undeterred
Distortions, fear and illusions are not natural to man; they are external factors. There are neither

We need to develop the quality of sacrifice, love for the country and contemplate upon spiritual truths
Swami wishes that we put aside the differences of caste and religion and make an effort to realise t

All religions taught to be good
Every religion has been teaching and stressing the importance of devotion and wisdom and have upheld

Life teachings of Mahavira
Mahavira who propounded the religion of Jainism upheld the principles of devotion and dedication and

Life teachings of Guru Nanak
Guru nanak was the dear son of Tripta Devi and Srikaara. He gave great importance to devotion and de
What is Prema and what is Bhakthi
Pure, unwavering and unsullied love is called as Bhakthi. The kind of love which does not desire any

Ramanujacharya's visishtadwaitha philosophy
He began preaching and establishing the fact that it is the one atma that pervades all beings, God i

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa on practice
The great saint Ramakrishna Paramahamsa used to live in an ashram in a village named Kamarakpur in B

All are embodiment's of God
One must consider every other as the divine self. ‘There are no enemies and no haters. All are my

What should we pray to God
Embodiments of the Divine Atma!! There are many, in this world, who pray to Go

People have time for watching TV but no time for God
Everyone is an embodiment of the divine. One should not harm, cheat or hurt others and so also onese

What is the use of visiting pilgrimage centres without cleansing your hearts
People go to many places like temples and go on pilgrimage. What is the use of such pilgrimage? The

Bhagawan's blessings to devotees
Today, may you have that permanent devotion, may you have sacred life, long happy life and all of

Rukmini weighing Krishna
You all know this. Sathyabhama, wanted to possess Krishna, keep him all to herself. Sathyabhama has

Pattinadedhiyo Pattane Pattithivi
You have determined for something hold on until it is fulfilled. You have asked for what you wish so

Swami on Pancha Koshas with analogies
Without food, the body cannot live. If there is no body, we cannot really picture the mind. If the

Sad state of students in society
Students must strive to attain strength connected with responsibility. They should also recognise t

Bharathavani Guru Sishya
In this great country of ours, the sacred relationship between the teacher and the taught has now be

Your connection must be heart to heart and love to love
You have behaved in an excellent way, with good habits and good conduct all these four days. At time

Practice what you learnt in Prashanthi Nilayam
Students! Young men and women!! Your education is not true and great learning; true learning

Love is the basis for nine paths of devotion
There are nine paths of devotion namely: Listening, Singing, Contemplation, Serving the holy feet, S

Swami on the devotion of Thyagaraja
Thyagaraja was a great devotee but he too had to face so many difficulties.Thyagaraja, who could bea

Don't cry for mundane things; Cry for God
You must develop such faith, courage and conviction and should not cry over others words. Crying com

Youth should possess the qualities of discipline, devotion and duty
The human being must have the main human qualities. The three qualities of ‘Sathwa’, ‘rajas’

Who is a true devotee
Embodiments of Love! Be it any place, any state, any country, any region, any gender, any p

Shastrambu Neppudu Sathyambuganenchu
But today even the Brahmins who are supposed to study the scriptures are neglecting them. All sect
Man doesn't have faith in himself
But man today has no faith. A person without vishwasa (faith) is verily without shwasa (breath). A

Body is the temple of God
Worship alone is not devotion. Just going to a temple is not devotion. Consider your body itself as

God incarnates to hold devotees as Ideals
People have been thinking that the incarnation of Krishna is an ideal person and he holds on to the

Swami on the devotion of Gopikas
This physical body is a mere instrument. It is God's will which makes this move, which makes this en

Importance of Karma or action with Analogy
Actions are very important. Animal is born in Karma, it grows in Karma and ends in Karma. Karma is G

Do not imitate others; Message to Sevadal
Man's thoughts, words, looks and appearance reflect his true inner feelings. Therefore man's thought

Transformation in villages is important
Many say, “Swami! We have been working in many villages and a lot of changes have come in those vi
Role of Sevadal in rural development
Further, in these organizations, some mistakes do creep in. Truly, if there are ten thousand members
What is true culture
The culture of Bharat emphasizes unity and not multiplicity. It is not the diversification of unity.

Secret of Hanuman
Filling his heart with divine feelings, Hanuman stepped into Lanka. All inhabitants praised Hanuman

Swami on Confidence and Faith
The culture of Bharat lays much emphasis on three principles in the field of education. The first de

Doubts crop up because of impatience
Students! Often you are seized with doubts. You wonder, “We are happy here because we are close to

Swami on significance of Bhakthi
You are not increasing your faith in spiritual things but you are going down towards the material th

Inner meaning of celebrating Ladies day
The goal of today should be that you should revere your mother and try to establish her prestige and

Swami on the devotion of Prahlada
Out of Leelavati's (wife of Hiranyakashapu) womb, Prahlada was born, but he got strength which was b

True greatness of Kerala
Though Kerala was under communist rule, it stands for devotion - people visit temples every day and

Ideal teachings to Balvikas Gurus
We have been working as Balvikas gurus for the last four years. What is the result for the last four

Pankajakshuni Pooja Palumarlu
Without performing the pooja of Pankajaksha several times again and again but to think of others and

Balvikas children must take up service
Tender hearted boys and Girls, in the very first instance, you must take upon yourself the aspect of