Don't try to understand Me, experience Me
Seeing My physical form, you may be deluded into thinking that I am also a human being like you. You

Who are the sinners? Analogy from Mahabharatha
If one says, “I have not committed a sin, the other has committed.” then half the share of sin l

What are Vedas, their origin and significance
Embodiments of Divine atma!! From ancient times the people of Bharath have gone throug

Hari Bhajana Bina Sukha Shanthi
Hari Bhajana Sukha Shanti Nahin Hari Nama Bina Ananada Nahin Prema Bhakti Bina Uddhara Nahin Guru Se

Community bhajan is noblest of all
The word and the mind are futile in their attempts to understand the Divine. By singing together the

Subramanyam Subramanyam
Subramanyam Subramanyam Shanmukha Natha Subramanyam Subramanyam Subramanyam Sai Natha Subramanyam

Convocation message to Students
Students, at your workplace - offices, factories or industries, whenever you are forced to utter an

Hari Bhajana Bina Sukha
Hari Bhajana Sukha Shanti Nahin; Hari Nama Bina Ananada Nahin; Prema Bhakti Bina Uddhara Nahin; Guru

Hari Bhajana Bina Sukha Shanthi Nahi
Hari Bhajana Sukha Shanti Nahin; Hari Nama Bina Ananada Nahin; Prema Bhakti Bina Uddhara Nahin; Guru

Shirdi Baba gives the explanation of who is a true Guru: Kelkar Experience
One day Baba called Kelkar and asked him to do “Guru Pooja”, (worship Guru) as it was a Gurupoor
Yoga is Not Complete Without Pranayama
It is not merely sufficient to practice yogasanas. One must also follow certain regulations. When ob

Bhajana Bina Sukha Shanthi Nahi
Hari Bhajana Sukha Shanti Nahin; Hari Nama Bina Ananada Nahin; Prema Bhakti Bina Uddhara Nahin; Guru

Swami sounds harsh only to correct you all
Embodiments of Love!! One should not feel hurt and think that Swami has spoken hars

Do service without any expectations: With analogy
Service activities must be taken up without any expectation of the end results, with a selfless atti

Subramanyam, Subramanyam
Subrahmanyam Subrahmanyam Shanmukhânâthâ Subrahmanyam Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Subrahmanyam Hara

Demonstration of Raga, Bhava, Tala: Why should we clap with hands: Swami on different facets of singing
Embodiments of Love!! People sing bhajans while keeping the beat with

Hari Bhajana Bina Sukha Shanthi
Hari Bhajana Sukha Shanti Nahin; Hari Nama Bina Ananada Nahin; Prema Bhakti Bina Uddhara Nahin; Guru

Follow your conscience, it knows the way: Concept of Sath, Chith, Ananda
One must never be in a hurry and enter into action peacefully. One should discriminate the good and
Man creates his own problems: Analogy from Mahabharatha
Others do not give either pleasure or pain. Man’s thoughts, words and deeds are solely responsible

Hari Bhajana Bina Sukha Shanthi
Hari Bhajana Sukha Shanti Nahin; Hari Nama Bina Ananada Nahin; Prema Bhakti Bina Uddhara Nahin; Gur

Padmapada Guru Seva; Story from Bhaja Govindam
Shankaracharya had five disciples. One is very pure hearted. The others came there to learn Shastras

You are God. Know it
Right from birth we learn everything. Why do we learn? Today in the world neither a seeker nor an as

Love parents, Guru and God within you
You are the father, the mother, friend relation. Love your father, Love your mother. Love your teach

Who is Manava or Man
Who is Manava? Human Being? Good conduct, good thinking and good character. The combination of these

Significance of Guru and Guru Poornima
What is the significance of Guru Poornima? Guru is not who is merely teacher, who teaches all the m

Man is precious among all
Man is the embodiment of God. Man has got latent sacred qualities. In fact all the values he has inh

Secular knowledge cannot give you eternal peace
The sage Narada, who was proficient in 64 branches of knowledge, suffered from lack of peace, so he

Swami on five sheaths of human body
The human body is encased in five sheaths: Annamaya kosha (the sheath of food or physical sheath),

Good and bad are not separate
All that is good or bad in us emanates from the heart. Good and bad are seldom separate from each o

God stands for Generation, Organisation and Destruction
The whole cosmos functions on the basis of three types of activity. These are what we experience in

Man should strive to know Eternal truth: With analogies
People should endeavor to cultivate qualities like tolerance, love, sympathy, righteousness, justic

Human heart is like ocean of milk; An analogy
The rakshasas (demons) and the devas (gods) churned the Ocean of Milk (to get nectar from it.) The

How to visualise truth; With analogy
Man is capable of recalling, recapitulation. Thinking faculties are natural trait. Search is wonderf

Use your body to do sacred acts
Money that is lost can be earned again. Lost friends may be got back again. Even the loss of a wife

Service leads to liberation
Embodiments of Love! Man adopts various means to achieve liberation (from the bondage of mundane ex

Na tha pamsi, Na teerthana
Neither by penance nor by bathing in sacred rivers Nor by study of scriptures nor by japa Can the

Types of Sankeerthana
This sankeerthana is of four types. One is ‘guna’ sankeerthana, singing the qualities. Second is

Sankeethana and keerthana
“Samyakkeerthanamithihisamkeerthanam”, there is a vast difference between Keerthanam and Sankeer

Significance behind Vishnu's insignia
Swami tells a small instance from the daily life on the occasion of Guru poornima. One is deluded ve

God is your true Guru
Embodiments of love!! How happy and peaceful the whole world would be if e
What is the meaning of word Guru
What is the inner significance of the word “guru”? ““Gu”, “Ru”= “Gu”- gukaro andha

Vahe Guru Vahe Guru
Vahe Guru Vahe Guru Vahe Guru Ji Bolo Sathya Naam, Sathya Naam, Sathya Naam Ji Bolo Nithya Nithya

Ideal teachings given by Rishikula's and Gurukula's
In this sacred country of Bharath, from time immemorial the idea of service has been handed down by

Collective singing has so much power to connect with God
All must sing in unison. Earlier people used to sing alone without anyone following in chorus. But t

Time and one's own heart are the best teachers
Who is the real ‘teacher’ in this world? One’s heart is the true teacher. Time is a true teach

Life teachings of Guru Nanak
Guru nanak was the dear son of Tripta Devi and Srikaara. He gave great importance to devotion and de

Shankaracharya's adwaitha philosophy
Making the philosophy of oneness of humanity as the basis, Shankaracharya undertook the task of prea

Analogy from Mahabharatha explaining the importance of aim and concentration
The tree born out of mud is mud and cannot be anything different from mud. Likewise prakruthi, natur

Pranayama and Prathyahara
Embodiments of the divine atma! Young boys and girls!! The path of spirituality can be co

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa on practice
The great saint Ramakrishna Paramahamsa used to live in an ashram in a village named Kamarakpur in B

Love all, hate none
When once you say God dwells in everyone you should love all. But you just say so but you consider s

Swami narrating a story on Self-Confidence
There was once a guru living in a place and he was communicating wisdom to people who used to come

Swami on the compositions of Adi Shankara
Sing the glory of Lord Govinda. Utter the name of Lord Govinda, Oh! you ignorant person! You should

Adi Shankara says; Grammar cannot save you
He devoted all the time that was available to him and all the energy that was in his body for the p

Teachings of ancient Gurus and disciples
From time immemorial, this sacred land has had good traditions, had expounded many spiritual truth

Bharathavani Guru Sishya
In this great country of ours, the sacred relationship between the teacher and the taught has now be

Do service all through your life
Everyone we come across wants to become a Guru or a leader. Everyone is a leader or a Guru, but nobo

Practice is important than Preaching
This is not something which can be described by words. One can use a hundred thousand words but to d

We should develop unwavering faith
"Isa Vasyam Idam Sarvam'. This means that the ‘Eshwara’ is present in everyone and in everything

Role of Balvikas Gurus and Parents
Teachers, who are verily embodiment of Divine souls, must imprint in their mind that it is very nece

What is the role of Balvikas Gurus
Today the teachers are responsible for all the agitations and confusion happening in our country. Ho

Impart both Spiritual and Secular education
Spiritual education provides permanent happiness, lasting prosperity and welfare of the world.Today

Role of Balvikas Gurus in imparting knowledge
The teacher must take necessary care to teach such spiritual education.The teachers should be prepar

Relation of Balvikas students and Gurus
The close connection that should exist between the balvikas students and Gurus should be for the goa

Importance of Mothers words
Mother's words are very sweet! She may beat you or scold you when she is angry but she can never hav

Sacrifice of Emperor Bali
Emperor Bali was the personification of charity. He sacrificed everything during yagnas (sacrificial

Sacrifice is most important path in life
There is no quality higher than sacrifice. To be able to sacrifice is like the king of quality. It i

Balvikas gurus will receive Gods grace
Whatever we do, we should regard it as being done in the name of God, as an offering to God. We shou

Ideal teachings to Balvikas Gurus
We have been working as Balvikas gurus for the last four years. What is the result for the last four

Balvikas gurus must be good all time
It is not as if Sai does not know that the balvikas Gurus are giving the important ideals of purity

What is the meaning of Guru
The Balvikas guru is a GURU. What is the inner meaning of the word Guru should be understood. 'Gu' s

Swami's teachings for Balvikas Gurus
Today in the context of there being about 5000 Balvikas gurus and if each teacher can set right at l

Important lessons for Balvikas Gurus
It is important to assess to find out of if what is being taught in Balvikas classes are liked and a

Be grateful to balvikas gurus
Boys and Girls, you are the future of our country, having been born in the sacred land of Bharata,