Swami always look for your feelings; Different examples from Mythology
More than the Vedas, it is very essential to understand the teachings of Vedanta. The path of love i

Without faith and love in God, whatever we do is useless: Analogy
It is all useless if one does not have faith in God. People bring fresh vegetables; hire a good cook

We need to show gratitude towards society
Students must develop the spirit of unity along with the formal education. One is born in the societ

Story of Alexander - Chinnakatha
Alexander was the Greek emperor who made many conquests on India. He was a very rich king. But he wa

Vegetables are produced with Drainage water
There are other things too that Swami would like to bring to one’s notice though one knows about t

Durbuddhula Talanunna
Today, in human beings , how do you find intelligence? If we have heads with wicked thoughts, ears t

Do not be angry in your life
Man is wasting his life due to lack of forbearance. He gets angry every other moment. Anger is the w

You would be called Sathya Sai Sevadal only when you engage yourself in His work truly
To be called as the “Sathya Sai Sevadal”, one must imbibe the qualities of Sathya Sai!! “Dal

What is Satvika Seva: Hanuman Analogy
Swami has said the previous day about the three types of Seva namely: Satvik Seva, Rajasik Seva and

Sacrifice is the hallmark of human life
True form of scholarship is not mere assimilation of all that is contained in the texts. A person wi

Selfishness is the cause for man's distress
It is the quality of selfishness in man that subjects him to many troubles. Selfishness is like a te

Limitless human desires are the cause for unrest
Many people due to the impact and influence of the Kali age, perceive the relationship with the divi

Concentration and interest are more on TV than on themselves: Practical examples
One sees and experiences in a varied way in this world. If one enquires properly the history of Bhar

Mind is pure and blemishless: With analogies
Students!! There are many things that are not known to the students and many things that need to

Do not pride yourself of young age: Message to youth
Students must realise this concept of love. Unfortunately the students today allow this love to be d

What is true education?
The education imparted to the students today does not conform to the moral, ethical or spiritual val

Character is most important in human life
Man’s life is made up of the three attributes. Losing such attributes, man loses humanness. Today

Giving life is the aim of our hospital
From this day this hospital is open for people of all countries, of all cross sections of the societ

Sacrifice is the hallmark of a true doctor
Fortunately people have acquired the required education and have become big doctors but what is the

Without love spiritual sadhana is a waste
Without sanctifying one’s heart, any number of spiritual practises that one undertakes viz. Japa (

Guidelines on Service to Youth, State presidents and members of Sathya Sai Seva Organisations
There are different states. Service activities have been undertaken in many villages in the differen

Parama Pavanamaina Bharathavaniyandhu
In the sacred land of Bharat, the quality of patience is highly valued!! Of all the vows the vo

Purpose of life is to attain bliss
Human birth originates from bliss, is sustained by bliss and merges into bliss ultimately. The bliss

Don't get attached to the body: Swami's example
People know that Swami leads by example. This is Swami’s body. But Swami is the not the body, Swam

Determination must be inculcated to do Sacred activities
Having determined to do a task, Hold on till it is finished.

Ego and attachment are two biggest diseases
We find a big disease today prevalent in everybody. There is a cure for all the diseases but none fo

As is our association, so is our Mind
For both the good and bad qualities, Mind is the root cause. The good quality present in the Mind ca

Sacrifice is the true quality of man
Sacrifice is the main quality of mankind. Under any circumstances you should never disobey God's com

What is Brahma Tattwa and Maya Tattwa: With Analogies
Lord Rama at one time was pretending to learn the 'Brahma tatwa', the principle of divinity from the

Our organisation has more office bearers than active Sevadal
Members must be added to the seva wing of the organisation as everyone has the right to do service.

Importance of service and its characteristics
A responsible temperament is very essential for an individual. Seva or service is one of the most im

What is the relationship between Paramardhika, Vyavaharika and Prathibhasika
What is the relationship between “Paramardhika”- relating to the supreme truth, “vyavaharikam

Youth have the incurable disease of Ego
Young men and women today, prone to the effects of their age lose all patience and have no sense of

Develop sacred qualities and get rid of animal qualities
Embodiments of Love! One must make every effort to know the sacred qualities in a human

Young men should develop the spirit of forbearance
One’s soft tongue gets bitten by the sharp teeth around. Is one giving any punishment to the teeth

What is social service according to Bhagawan
Every human being must possess the quality of gratitude. Having being the beneficiaries one must sho

Are youth having any gratitude towards society
Man is born in society, grows in society, earns name and fame in society and learns many skills in t

Paapa bheethi, Daiva preethi, Sangha neethi
“The ignorance, due to lack of fear of sin, The absence of love for God,

Youth should render selfless service to society
“The ignorance, due to lack of fear of sin, The absence of love for God,

Youth should involve themselves in Satsang
The well being of this world depends on the men and women. Hence, young men and women should have a

We need to develop the quality of sacrifice, love for the country and contemplate upon spiritual truths
Swami wishes that we put aside the differences of caste and religion and make an effort to realise t

Man's selfishness is the root cause for all conflicts
“Ekatma sarva bhootantaraatma”, there is only one spirit present in all the beings. When such br

Time is highly valuable; Do not waste it
People think that India is a poor country. What is the cause for its poverty? People’s laziness is

Feelings behind the actions are important
How does one worship brahma? “Shabda brahmamayi, by sound, Charachara mayi, by the movable and the

Who is trinity
Who is ‘Eshwara’? Vedas refer to “Eashwara” as the soul or the atma. It has also stated that

Man is losing his morals today
Man is the combination of three aspects namely, morality, righteousness and spirituality. Such a sac

God manifests everywhere
Just as the vision in the eyes, sound in the ears, God too manifests Himself in human body by way of

Rukmini weighing Krishna
You all know this. Sathyabhama, wanted to possess Krishna, keep him all to herself. Sathyabhama has

Develop positive thoughts
Clean, remove all the negative feelings. Develop, grow more and more positive thoughts. As along the

Atma is present in everyone
The self is within you. The self, the spirit is in everyone. The atma the spirit in everyone is one.

Pre-requisite for faith is quality
The self is within you. The self, the spirit is in everyone. The atma the spirit in everyone is one.

Pattinadedhiyo Pattane Pattithivi
You have determined for something hold on until it is fulfilled. You have asked for what you wish so

My aim is to provide welfare to humanity
Embodiments of love! You say this is the 75th birthday of this body. Bhagawan is not bothered about

Swami on Abraham Lincoln
You should recognize one important point. Lincoln was born in a very poor family in United States of

Youth should develop human values and be in good company; With an analogy
You should acquire the qualities of truth, prema and forbearance, as also the quality of sacrifice

Develop good qualities and participate in Satsang; With analogies
We fill a mud pot with water up to its brim. We keep this mud pot very carefully in a place to whi

Develop goodness both qualitatively and quantitatively; With analogies
It is only when we are able to increase the good in us in a qualitative as well as a quantitative

Swami explaining the meanings of Govinda
For the verse Bhaja Govindam, Govindam Bhaja, there are varied interpretations given by many learne

Nerves in the brain get damaged if you talk too much
Therefore, to the extent possible, one needs to observe silence atleast for an hour in a day. Incess

How to find peace and where is it
Where is peace? Physically, one is at peace in deep sleep. When the thought process is withdrawn, on

Service is the highest form of worship
Some students, youngsters go to village service activities. Service is noblest of all activities. It

How God is present in human being
God, who is all pervasive, is present in a human being too! In what form is he present? The Lord res

See Unity in diversity and not vice-versa
Depending upon the circumstances and the state, the inner entity can be classified into four types.

Time for Sathwa, Rajas and Tamo activities
The three attributes of ‘Sathwa’, ‘rajas’ and ‘tamas’ are present in time too. What is t

Significance behind chanting Gayathri Mantra three times a day
It has been laid down that the Gayathri mantra has to be chanted three times a day viz, morning, aft

Do not criticize others
It is the quality of foolish people to blame others, to cause trouble to others and even to ridicule

You see your own reflection in others
Premaswarupas! You must establish in your heart the idea of brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God

Swami on the role of doctors and on the current state of medical colleges
Many doctors raised doubts in the reports submitted yesterday; they were concerned about the success

Role of food and water in maintaining good health
The subtle form of water is life. The subtle form of food is mind. Thus there is a close relationshi

Who is a true devotee
Embodiments of Love! Be it any place, any state, any country, any region, any gender, any p

Man needs to have the sense of gratitude
The main quality gifted to man by God is “gratitude”. In the ancient culture of Bharath, it was
Ofiice bearers must speak softly and sweetly
In some instances, some are bringing in politics. Embodiments of love! Most importantly, in Sathya S

Forbearance is most essential for seva
Service. Service. Service. Service is a small word. But, it has a deep and profound meaning. There i

What are the qualities a Sevadal should have
Members of sevadal should not become like people today who are putting machines on high pedestal and

Who is Vigneshwara
Modern man is weak. In modern times, people commit sins, but they neither realise their mistakes nor

Do not pollute your mind; Purify it
We have the body and with this body we do many acts but this is not that important. We should purify

Why are we in search of God
We don't need to search for God. Why do we search? Because there is no sanctity or sacred quality in

How to help others
Embodiments of love, what meant by "help"? A small example. You all travel in buses and trains. As y

Sanctity of Human life
Certain qualities are increasing in our life. That is just a sign of weakness, nothing else. Some pe

Human values are latent in us
Embodiments of love! Under the present circumstances, we should know that love is important. As love

Serve society and see God in everything
What is Shivaratri? You should develop auspiciousness as a quality. Let everybody be happy. Not feel

Love is everything
The main quality of mankind is Love . Love is God, Live in love. Develop this love today. You can gi

Absence of Kshama leads to jealousy
Jealousy is the greatest enemy of man, and it takes root when kshama is absent. If you possess the v

World is facing troubles due to lack of forgiveness
At one stroke, Kshama subsumes Sathya, Dharma, and the entire Vedas. It is the greatest among tapas

Love is the basis for forbearance
Embodiments of Love! Boys and Girls! True and Selfless Love manifests as sacrifice. Such love knows

Bhagawan's message to all on new year
The new year does not bring anything new with it. The day when fresh and sacred thoughts originate

Have control over your speech
The faculty of speech is represented by Saraswathi. We should make use of proper words. You cannot s

Lead all your life with full of Love
First, love is most important. Love is God, live in love. Therefore, it is the love that we should d

Remind yourself, "I am a human"
All of humanity belongs to one clan. In fact, there is only one race - the human race. It doesn’t

Sacrifice is most important path in life
There is no quality higher than sacrifice. To be able to sacrifice is like the king of quality. It i

Balvikas gurus will receive Gods grace
Whatever we do, we should regard it as being done in the name of God, as an offering to God. We shou

Students should giveup Ego
Today's students by promoting in their own mind, inferior thoughts and inferior education, they are