Always contemplate on God: Practical examples
Be in constant communion with God in all the three states: waking, dream, and deep sleep (jagrat, sw

How to go through the path of Vanaprastha
The Vanaprastham stage is full of austerities. Vanaprastham precedes the Sanyasa stage. It is possib

Vedas classified into three Samhithas
However, all the Vedas pertain to the physical world and its affairs. Further each Veda is divided i

What is Leela Gaana
‘Leela gaana’, singing His miracles, this path was followed by devotees like Jayadeva and Gauran

Love and show your gratitude to parents: Message to Students
Embodiments of love! Students!! Develop love more and more. Love is not something that can

Without faith and love in God, whatever we do is useless: Analogy
It is all useless if one does not have faith in God. People bring fresh vegetables; hire a good cook

The greatness of India is forgotten by Indians today
Isn’t Savitri, who could win her dead husband’s life back a woman of Bharath?!

God is present in everyone: Episode of Lakshmi bai Danghe (Shirdi Baba)
Shirdi Baba too taught wisdom on many occasions, in many ways using many examples. God is everywhere

Sugar is the root cause for Cancer
Till date no doctor has been able to fathom the reason for the occurrence of cancer. One can know th

Vegetables are produced with Drainage water
There are other things too that Swami would like to bring to one’s notice though one knows about t

We need to take foods which give strength: All Vitamins and proteins are needed for body
Life sustaining food that is nourishing and nutritious must be eaten. But in this world under the in

Swami speaks on BP and diabetes: Why Diet prescribed for sugar patients
A small illustration to highlight the point: since it is the hospital day today, it is imperative to

To maintain good health we need to maintain good diet: Weight loss is a must for maintaining good health
A person has blood pressure. In the wake of the blood pressure, this person becomes a victim of diab

Heart cannot function properly if the body gets unfit
There is the heart. It can only pump and supply to its capacity and cannot supply beyond its capacit

Limited food intake is good for the body
Man eats food in excess and thoughtlessly. “Na shreyo niyamam vina”, anything that is not bound

When you lead life with Dharma, Artha and Kama in proper balance, you will attain Moksha
With the unison of the three aspects namely dharma, artha and kama, one naturally attains moksha, li

What is food and what kind of food is good for body
What is the real meaning of ‘Aahara’ food? Grains, vegetables and fruits are considered as food.

God resides in stomach, so what kind of food we need to ingest it with
Stomach is the centre for all the different parts of the body. The stomach digests whatever is put i

What kind of food must be offered to the God who resides in the stomach as the digestive power
Each part, each system in the human body is sustained by specific life giving cells. There are certa
Cooked food leads to perennial amount of diseases
Therefore in order to preserve and protect one’s health one must control one’s habits, behaviour

Importance and working of human body
It is a wrong notion that people consider health in relation to worldly existence. One also believes

Even to attain liberation one needs to have good health: With an analogy
Health is necessary in order to discharge one’s responsibilities in terms of dharma, artha, kama a

Story of Valmiki
Ratnakara, who was ruthless and cruel hearted, indulged in many wicked activities to making a living

Pure love doesn't beg; An illustration
Love is a triangle and it is not afraid of anything. It does not beg anyone. Love loves only for the

How we are more same than different
Birth and death are common for every human being. They are equal. An affluent person does not come f

As is the thought, so is the manifestation
“Yad bhaavam tadbhavathi”- As is the thought so is the manifestation. A small example: There is

The significance of Devi Navaratri is worshipping nature
‘Devi navaratris’ means the worship of nature. Nature is seen as the ‘Devi Swaroopini’, esse

Swami on Nature or Prakruthi
Hence this body is born of nature. There are two types of natures- ‘Para prakruthi’ and ‘Apara

What is the significance of human life
If man is satisfied living with his physical sheath alone then what is the specialty of human life?

Goal of human life is to attain bliss
“Durlabham, maanusho janmaha!!” Human birth is rare to get. “Madaatma sarvabhootantaraatma!!

The entry of Shyama into Shirdi: Story of Shyama and his experiences with Baba
Shyam’s parents brought him to Shirdi after their retirement. He was two years old at that time. H

Eat less, talk less, work more and derive great joy
We should all be united. Hatred might arise among brothers, but there must never be any room for hat

What is education and what is culture
People study and spend hours and hours in research in laboratories. People examine, experiment and e

Discriminate to know yourself first: Shankaracharya teachings
Man is discriminating everything but himself. Man must examine himself. That is the essence of spiri

Concentration and interest are more on TV than on themselves: Practical examples
One sees and experiences in a varied way in this world. If one enquires properly the history of Bhar

Sankranti brings in the light of concentration
Concentration must be such that it must be fully focused on the task at hand. While doing work one

Never watch TV while having food
Youngsters!! If there are any programmes pertaining to students’ education in the TVs, t

Food and television are the causes for the agitation of mind
What is the cause for the thoughts that arise either in the mind or outside? One might conquer Indra

Mere Practice of Asana Cannot be Called Yoga
Patanjali dedicated his life for the sake of yoga. Not only this. He propagated that human life is b

Yoga Can Bring Benefits Way Deeper Than Just Physical Health
It was also investigated in a different way in old Mexico. There in old Mexico, they had jailed many

I keep correcting you till you learn: With Analogy
There are many subtle things that the students must know. Many people think that Swami often repeat

Everything happens according to the will of God: Example of human body
Everything conducts itself as per the will and discipline of God. There is a good example to unders

Peace is within you; Analogy of a rich man
A rich man decided to go on a pilgrimage. He thought that carrying too much luggage would create dis

Man needs to understand his true value
One must enquire for a moment the sanctity, divinity and the novelty of the human life.

Do not waste money, food, energy and time
“Money makes many wrongs!!” hence money should not be used for wrong purposes. “Misuse of mone

Serve the poor and needy
Embodiments of Love! Participant’s time must have been wasted for they have bee

Medical services at Swami's hospitals is fully free
Anybody can be afflicted by disease or ill health; there is no difference of poor or wealthy. The tr

Chitta Suddhi Leni Shiva Poojaletiki
“Chitta sudhdhi leni Shiva pooja yetiki?” What is the use of all the worship without a pure hear

All the defects lies in the way we see things: With beautiful analogies
Man is earning much wealth and various forms of education, but there is no defect in either the educ

Every action has a reaction: With beautiful analogies
Every action has a consequence. There cannot be an action without reaction. An action however small

Man's anger and desire are ruining him
The desire and anger in man – one is death itself. For the tree, ‘anger’ is an enemy like the

Human body should be put to work
There is a machine, a pump set, and a generator. They are all made up of Iron. If they are not put t

Swami explains the workings of body, mind, intellect and atma
Man must aspire to become broadminded living in this vast and wide world. Every human being has four

Do not preach, act: Story of Deer's meeting
Can any number of dogs equal a lion?? No! Never!! The modern day students persevere with false chiva

Man creates his own problems: Analogy from Mahabharatha
Others do not give either pleasure or pain. Man’s thoughts, words and deeds are solely responsible

Cry for God; Ramakrishna said
Many went to Ramakrishna and asked him. Vivekananda also was there. They asked him, 'Swami have you

Reasons for diseases and bad health
The other day in a conversation there in Bangalore, he said, “I take bath in the river of life her

Swami on five sheaths of human body
The human body is encased in five sheaths: Annamaya kosha (the sheath of food or physical sheath),

Following Divine command unquestionably grants the eternal bliss: Story of Nana, the devotee of Shirdi Baba
When do you get supreme bliss? It is only when you are able to overcome all the three qualities. Wha

Love is My form, Truth is My breath
Love is my form, truth is my breath, bliss is my food. My life is my message, expansion is my life.

Develop love is the message of Swami
Love, love and love alone. Yesterday, children presented a drama, how nice it was! Because of love,

Have the feeling "Swami belongs to you"
Bhagawan has said this many times. When sarees were distributed to the messengers, they said, "Thank

Helping others essentially means helping yourself
One need not worry in any matter. Man must do good actions that are beneficial to everyone. When doi

Story of Muthu Swami iyyer, the greatest lawyer of India
There lived two brothers in a remote village in the then state of Madras. The elder brother was a vi

No act of service is low: Analogies from Lord Krishna life
When people think of service, they seem to equate it with menial work, usually done by a servant. Th

Sanctify the human life
Man wastes his life by not following the right path. Why has God gifted man with the body? Hence it

Sadhana is important for Sevadal; Analogies
In our organisations, whether one preaches it or not, seva and “Sadhana” or self practice should

Analogy of a dog to explain about the mind
There lived a rich and prosperous householder whose heart was filled with love and compassion for ot

Swami on ancient and modern culture
When Brahma manifests with the four faces, the devotee looks at the manifestation and gets absorbed

Food habits and maintenance of good health
Discipline is needed in eating too. One must eat only to the extent required. Excessive eating would

Never break your promise; Tarkad story
People sometimes break their promise. There cannot be a greater sin than going back on one’s word,

Swami on Abraham Lincoln
You should recognize one important point. Lincoln was born in a very poor family in United States of

How to comprehend Divinity
No one can comprehend the divinity in whole. Though they try to analyze and investigate very few und

Adavi Pakshulakevvadu Aahara Mippinche
Who provides the food for the birds in the forest? Who feeds the animals in the forest when they a

Man's quest must be for God rather than for food
In defining a good man, Vemana said that the individual who suffers if he is hungry, who harbours

Swami on Pancha Koshas with analogies
Without food, the body cannot live. If there is no body, we cannot really picture the mind. If the

Scriptures explain the essence of Seva
According to the culture of India and the traditions of Bharat, we have been told that mother, fathe

Practice what you learnt in Prashanthi Nilayam
Students! Young men and women!! Your education is not true and great learning; true learning
Forget past, live in present and don't worry about future
Past is past, it is beyond recovery. In spite of all efforts one cannot regain it. Do not think abou

How to do service in villages
With conviction and courage one must render service in society. With that spirit of courage one must

Sandhya Vandanam and ways to put Gayathri mantra into day to day practice
There are some people who feel that they don’t have time to chant the Gayathri mantra. One does ha

All our Karma should be Selfless
The fact that service is superior to japa, dhyana and yoga is something you should recognize as trut

You see your own reflection in others
Premaswarupas! You must establish in your heart the idea of brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God

Sacrifice is the way to move ahead in life; With analogies
Students learn swimming and know this better. When in the swimming pool, one has to push back the wa

Pesticides- Root cause for ill-health
Further there are many things happening around. A pesticide, ‘DDT’ is sprayed on the fruit and v

Doctors are concentrating on physical ailments and not on mental ill-ness
Many doctors prescribe proteins as necessary and suggest eating meat and eggs as they contain protei

Diseases will not come if you are equal-minded
One is developing one’s intellect but not channelizing it properly. The intelligence will have a v
Role of food and water in maintaining good health
The subtle form of water is life. The subtle form of food is mind. Thus there is a close relationshi

What are the causes for heart diseases
What is the reason behind the heart diseases? The outlooks, ‘pravruthi’, are responsible for the

Swami on the role of head, heart and hand
The food and habits of man today are very peculiar. Two aspects are important to man namely, the hea

What is the significance of Ugadi
Embodiments of Love! Today is ‘Ugadi’. As it is the beginning of time it is called

Who is a true devotee
Embodiments of Love! Be it any place, any state, any country, any region, any gender, any p
What is the meaning of spirituality
What is the meaning of spirituality? Thinking constantly of the self is considered as spirituality;

Faith in God is the basis for man's bliss
Every man aspires for bliss. In order to attain everlasting bliss, he studies sacred texts, listens

Krishna - Radha Tattwa
Embodiments of divine love! We should not consider Atmic principle only limited to bodies. Only when

Body is the temple of God
Worship alone is not devotion. Just going to a temple is not devotion. Consider your body itself as

Swami on past, present and future
Man can think of the future. Man can also think of the past. Man can experience the present. But in

Significance and greatness of India
From stone to a precious gem, from an inert thing to the most illuminated, from the lowest caste to

Swami on the role and conduct of Sevadal
If you deceive anyone, believe and know that you are deceiving your own chosen God. Every moment, yo

What is offered to Vinayaka; Inner significance
On this day of Vinayaka Chaturthi, various kinds of offerings are made. But He does not accept any o

Swami on Sports meet efforts
Students! Bhagawan has been watching and noticing all the struggle and strain that you have undergon

Do not pollute your mind; Purify it
We have the body and with this body we do many acts but this is not that important. We should purify

Reverence to Parents linked to Indian culture
All the boys and girls who belong to balvikas should in the very first instance learn to give regard

Foster good thoughts and develop kshama
Embodiments of Love! Drive away bad thoughts and make room for good and noble ones. Through sacred t
Practice leads to success: With an small analogy
Embodiments of Love! Students! During the Summer Course, you will receive such advice from elders an

God is all pervasive and permanent
Narada explains the nine types of Bhakthi - listening, singing, thinking of God, serving His feet, p

Swami on Emperor Bali and Vamana
Embodiments of love! Based on the principle of truth Emperor Bali considered all his subjects as his

Swami on the Sacred texts of India
When one wants to fell a tree or destroy a tree, he can do so only by cutting the roots. By working

Balvikas children must respect parents
According to our Indian culture, we refer to mother as our God, we refer to father as our God, mothe