Don't try to understand Me, experience Me
Seeing My physical form, you may be deluded into thinking that I am also a human being like you. You

Inner vision helps you to know your true nature: Beautiful analogies from householder's life
Inner vision helps you to know your true nature: Beautiful analogies from householder's life

Truth and Brahma Tattwa can never be changed: Brahmam Garu Explanation
The words of truth spoken might die but the truth remains eternal. Likewise the nature of Brahman is

Truth, brahman doesn't die at any given point of time: With Analogies
Some millions of years ago, the Sun blew up due to excess of Helium gas in it. The Sun blew up into

God bestows two-syllabled name for man's redemption
The earth prayed to Lord Vishnu, “Swami! I can bear any kind of sinners but I cannot bear a person

True devotee comes for Knowledge of the self
Whatever others may do take it as the will of the Divine. Think that whatever, good or bad, happens,

Who is true human being
Who is a human being? Is it the one with a physical form having legs and hands? Do no

God's love alone is selfless: With analogies
When one enquires about what is it that is selfless in this world, one finds that God alone is selfl

Health confers salvation or liberation, so protect your health
Embodiments of love! All said and done, the summary of Swami’s talk is t

What is food and what kind of food is good for body
What is the real meaning of ‘Aahara’ food? Grains, vegetables and fruits are considered as food.

Importance and working of human body
It is a wrong notion that people consider health in relation to worldly existence. One also believes

Our focus must be on God constantly like Nandi (the bull)
Human life must be properly moulded into divinity by nurturing good qualities. How can this be done?

Never criticize nature; See Divinity in it
We can never neglect worldly nature. This is also divine and it is in the form of action. This is th
What is true knowledge; Football analogy
Students! You are familiar with the game of football. There are six players on each side for this ga

Everything can be achieved through pure love
Human being comes from God but forgets his source. Clouds originate from sun but they cover the sun.

What is sacrifice in its true sense
This body is mortal. Sacrifice means not to leave this body or wife and family. The evil qualities t

Power of thought, word and deed; Dhruva story
The character of Dhruva in Maha Bhagavata is familiar to all of you. He is a five year old boy who d

Nothing exists without Atma
I told you yesterday that Aham (feeling of me & Mine) is the son of Atma and mind is the son of Aham

God always knows what is best for you
“Oh mind! Do not ask. Do not ask. As you go on asking it keeps getting delayed. If you don’t as

What is true love according to Swami
Ornaments may be different but gold is one and the same. Color of the cows may be different but th

Love of God is absolutely selfless
Embodiments of Love! The goal of Love is sacrifice. Love does not aspire anything. Love does not bla

You would be called Sathya Sai Sevadal only when you engage yourself in His work truly
To be called as the “Sathya Sai Sevadal”, one must imbibe the qualities of Sathya Sai!! “Dal

What is Satvika Seva: Hanuman Analogy
Swami has said the previous day about the three types of Seva namely: Satvik Seva, Rajasik Seva and

Sacrifice is the hallmark of human life
True form of scholarship is not mere assimilation of all that is contained in the texts. A person wi

Yagna signifies discarding bad qualities into the sacred fire
To-day brings the week-long ritual (Saptaham) to an end. Strictly speaking ‘end’ means attaining

The power of creation is inexplicable
In any country and at any time, it is just not possible to come across two persons possessing identi

Dual nature of human beings
The nature of human beings may be categorised under two types. One is ‘animality’ and the other

How will power can make or mar a person
Contentment is another name to denote equanimity of mind. It is only due to the will-power that the

Sanctifying oneself is the message of Devi Navaratri
Commencement of ‘Devi Navaratri’ signify the sanctifying of thoughts and life by worshipping nat

Tell me your company, I shall tell you what you are
A tree stands still when there is breeze but sways when there is a breeze. What is the reason behind

How to tune yourself to God
The entire world is full of electric power. There are unchanging electric waves at a certain level.

Efficient usage of day to day resources
‘Devi navaratri’ means the worshipping nature by merging all the powers of nature and fostering

Swami on the depletion of Ozone layer
Dear Students! One is enthusiastic to know what exists up above, but there is n

The significance of Devi Navaratri is worshipping nature
‘Devi navaratris’ means the worship of nature. Nature is seen as the ‘Devi Swaroopini’, esse

Limitless human desires are the cause for unrest
Many people due to the impact and influence of the Kali age, perceive the relationship with the divi

Do everything with a Divine approach
Where is ‘brahma’? Brahma is all pervasive; omnipresent. That is also called as ‘chaitanya’

Swami on Nature or Prakruthi
Hence this body is born of nature. There are two types of natures- ‘Para prakruthi’ and ‘Apara

Worship nature to earn the grace of God
Nature must be worshipped to get rid of man’s ignorance. BY worshipping nature, one can earn the g

What is the meaning of Devi Navaratri
What is the meaning of ‘Devi navaratri”? ‘Navaratri’ means nine nights. What is the meaning

Everything in this world is a combination of five elements
The whole world is made of the five elements of life. Everything is a combination of these five elem
Man should behave like himself and not like an animal
Many youth feel, “Being born as human, what is the use if man does not have freedom? A tiny fish m

Direct mind towards heart and march towards Divinity
Therefore, it brings forth the right combination of mind and the nature. There is no difference betw

Every Sadhana must lead you on the inward journey
The day one develops inner vision ,one pacifies the attractions of the external vision. Man today un
Sankranthi Signifies inward journey of Man
Hence, Sankranti means the movement towards inner vision, pure heart and unsullied nature. Just as t

What is the significance of Uttarayana
From the day of Sankranti, the sun travels from south to north. What is the significance of the nort

Story of Narakasura
Lord Krishna killed the cruel, wicked Kamsa and installed another as the king. This infuriated the w

Divine alone has will power
In order to experience divine feelings one must recognise the nature of the intellect. Intellect ha

The divine source is responsible for all our senses to function: Analogies
Vision is not in one’s eyes, listening is not present in one’s ears; speech is not present in t

Mind is pure and blemishless: With analogies
Students!! There are many things that are not known to the students and many things that need to

Everything happens according to the will of God: Example of human body
Everything conducts itself as per the will and discipline of God. There is a good example to unders

The attributes of wisdom - Sraddha, Rutham, Sathya and Yoga
The first one is “Shraddha”. It has two meanings: ‘interest’ and ‘stability’. Shraddha

Travel half an inch inside than to travel thousands of miles outside
Man today is unable to know his true nature, but he travels lakhs of miles to space. He does not tra

All the joy of the world is present in you, its your own property
Nityanandam, paramasukhdam, Kevalam gnyaanamurtim, Dwandateetham, Gaganasadrusham, yogi hrudhyana

Man should get rid of selfishness and self interest to grow in spirituality
One must not only sanctify one’s life by remembering God but also develop morally, ethically and s

What is true education?
The education imparted to the students today does not conform to the moral, ethical or spiritual val

Accept everything in life as God's prasadam: Beautiful Analogies
The essence of Ugadi lies in being calm and composed in both happy and sad circumstances. It signifi

Significance of Panchanga
People of North Karnataka refer to their body as ‘prakruthi’ as in “Prakruthi is not good.”P

All the defects lies in the way we see things: With beautiful analogies
Man is earning much wealth and various forms of education, but there is no defect in either the educ

Mind is the reason for liberation or bondage
One gets both the results. What is the reason for both the results? It is the mental weakness and la

Significance of Angeerasa year
There are sixty years as per the Telugu calendar beginning with Prabhava and ending with Akshaya. Th

Ugadi is celebrated to understand the nature of the world
The birthdays of the incarnations are celebrated as festivals in Bharath. The birthdays of the relig

Nature of Mind compared to Sun and the moon
To think that one gained victory without mastering the mind is mere delusion. The mind is like the m

Who is victorious in life? Questions Shankaracharya: With beautiful analogies
Shankaracharya questioned, “Chitam jagatyeva?” meaning who is the winner in the world. Each stud

Man needs to have an eye of wisdom
Every being has eyes. It is not only the humans that have eyes but even the animals, birds and insec

Where has man come from? With analogies
Where has man come from? What is his origin? No man is putting in efforts to enquire and to know the

Don't get attached to the body: Swami's example
People know that Swami leads by example. This is Swami’s body. But Swami is the not the body, Swam

Do not have hatred towards anybody
Nityananadam, parama sukhadam Kevalam gnyaana murtim Dwandwateetam, gagana

We should always be happy and be united: New Year Message
Embodiments of Love!! Love all! One must not give scope to even an iota of

You need to show gratitude for everything you receive
One has experienced so much. Having experienced so much how is one showing the gratitude? God does n

Every action has a reaction: With beautiful analogies
Every action has a consequence. There cannot be an action without reaction. An action however small

We need to learn to see unity in diversity: With analogies
For Bharatiyas all festivals are sacred days. They are true, eternal, beyond attributes. It does not

Nothing is permanent in this world except Atma
Embodiments of Love!! In daily life, the nature which is experienced through th

Work in the Sai organisations as brothers and sisters
All are one and all must be like the brethren of divine. There is no difference. Ill feelings and ba

Organisational structure has been changed for greater good
One more thing: previously there was the ‘world council’; since there were only a few people, it

Roles of State presidents, district presidents and other members of the organisation
In the beginning the rules and regulations are necessary. As the members have understood the rules a

What is Rest?
Rest...Rest....Rest doesn’t mean idle relaxing or sleeping in an AC room with all cosy comforts an

Human body should be put to work
There is a machine, a pump set, and a generator. They are all made up of Iron. If they are not put t

Evaluation of work and self-satisfaction in Sathya Sai Seva Organisations; His guidelines
First and foremost, each and every office bearer should desist from self- praise using their status

We need to understand the nature of Jagath
Transforming one’s love filled heart into one with filled with spirit of sacrifice; one must attai

Swami explains the workings of body, mind, intellect and atma
Man must aspire to become broadminded living in this vast and wide world. Every human being has four

Adwaitha is truth and dwaitha is untruth
The Upanishads teach one to pray to be lead from darkness unto light, from untruth to truth and from

Pancha Bhoutikamu, Durbhalamaina
Composed of the five elements and devoid of strength, When this body will go no one knows. Though

Mind can make you an animal, human or Divine
For a human being to live like a human being, or behave like an animal, or lead a life with divine f

Good culture leads to good qualities
If we wish to possess a good heart, it is essential to move in a good company. At times, however, go

As is our association, so is our Mind
For both the good and bad qualities, Mind is the root cause. The good quality present in the Mind ca

Mind and its working
Students! Mind is very peculiar. Mind moves very fast. Mind is highly wavering. Mind is very powerf

Develop love is the message of Swami
Love, love and love alone. Yesterday, children presented a drama, how nice it was! Because of love,

What is true devotion; From Jesus life
Many consider themselves to be devotees. What is this devotion? Mere worship and service cannot be c

Chukkalanniyu Brahma
All the stars, the Sun, the moon, water, heaven, Vaikuntha, the mother, the father, wealth, deserved

Everything is Brahman in this creation
All are children of God, parts of the divine, the manifestation of divinity. Hence it is said in Gee
What is the meaning of word Guru
What is the inner significance of the word “guru”? ““Gu”, “Ru”= “Gu”- gukaro andha

Veda is Dwaitha
Based on the nature of the world, the four Vedas declare the four great sayings: “Aham Brahmasmi,

One can understand Divine Principle by following intellect and by giving up mind
Some might think that Brahman can be achieved through some Sadhanas or spiritual endeavours, but Bra

As is the action, so is the world
It is the ignorance that is the root cause for all this. What is the cause for ignorance? Man’s ac

What is Brahma Tattwa and Maya Tattwa: With Analogies
Lord Rama at one time was pretending to learn the 'Brahma tatwa', the principle of divinity from the

Chukkalanniyu Brahma
All the stars, the Sun, the moon, water, heaven, Vaikuntha, the mother, the father, wealth, deserved

Significance of night long bhajan during Shivaratri
One thought, one vision and one action, we need to consider all the three as one. Then we would not

How the word, Rishikula turned to school in modern times
The word ‘Rishi’ relates to those people who had no delusions about the body but naturally exhib

Modern day practices in spirituality and demoralisation of Indian culture
Embodiments of the sacred soul! Students!! To follow a spiritual path is the desire of

What is the relationship between Paramardhika, Vyavaharika and Prathibhasika
What is the relationship between “Paramardhika”- relating to the supreme truth, “vyavaharikam

Every ritual should carry the spiritual aspect
People have been singing bhajans throughout the past night. It is a worldly ritual. How does one get

Origin of creation and lessons learnt from it
Without the world there is neither learning nor education. Earlier the whole world was in pitch dark

World is the true text book for man
Man reads so many books like the Gita, the Koran, the Bible, and the Ramayana etc. All these texts c

Sadhana is important for Sevadal; Analogies
In our organisations, whether one preaches it or not, seva and “Sadhana” or self practice should

How to control your mind; Analogy of a monkey
So instead of undertaking this kind of meditation with a wavering mind, it is better to undertake ot

Difference between goodness and greatness; Story of Rama and Ravana
“Brahmavid brahmaiva bhavathi”- the knower of the Brahman becomes the Brahman. When one entertai

What is Sin?
What is sin? As per Indian culture, ‘service to others is merit and harming others is sin (paropak

Paapa bheethi, Daiva preethi, Sangha neethi
“The ignorance, due to lack of fear of sin, The absence of love for God,

Two qualities immanent and latent in man
Man has two types of natures imminent in him- one is animal nature and the second one humanness. Thi

Analogy from Mahabharatha explaining the importance of aim and concentration
The tree born out of mud is mud and cannot be anything different from mud. Likewise prakruthi, natur

Brahman and Prakruthi
A number of Vedantic scholars who have studied the vedas and practised them are plagued by doubts as

What is Samadhi State
Students!! The word Samadhi is understood in many different ways in the world.

Atma is permanent and body is impermanent
Atma is permanent and body is impermanent: When one controls one’s mind, prana too is

Scriptures and Puranas proclaim truth
It is only when action is related to the Atma that the nature of Sathya or Truth stands revealed. Wh

Time is verily God; With analogy
All mortals must bow to Time via death. But Time too has a Master. Who is that Master? It is God. Pe

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa on practice
The great saint Ramakrishna Paramahamsa used to live in an ashram in a village named Kamarakpur in B

Man is losing his morals today
Man is the combination of three aspects namely, morality, righteousness and spirituality. Such a sac

God manifests everywhere
Just as the vision in the eyes, sound in the ears, God too manifests Himself in human body by way of

Swami on Abraham Lincoln
You should recognize one important point. Lincoln was born in a very poor family in United States of

How to comprehend Divinity
No one can comprehend the divinity in whole. Though they try to analyze and investigate very few und
Swami on the nature of good and bad people; With analogies
If you can understand the strength and the power of good company and use it in the best manner pos

What is Satsang and good company according to Adi Shankara and Vemana
Shankara was in the position of a teacher for the entire world and he propagated many ideals amongs

Swami explaining the meanings of Govinda
For the verse Bhaja Govindam, Govindam Bhaja, there are varied interpretations given by many learne

God incarnates to re-establish righteousness
Depending upon the nature of the country, the passage of time and the individuals who live in that

Swami on the deterioration of Indian culture
Young students! Today, the question arises in the mind of every youth, whether our country Bharat

Youth should possess the qualities of discipline, devotion and duty
The human being must have the main human qualities. The three qualities of ‘Sathwa’, ‘rajas’

How God is present in human being
God, who is all pervasive, is present in a human being too! In what form is he present? The Lord res

We attain Brahma Tattwa through chanting of Gayathri Mantra
‘Brahmavid brahmaiva bhavathi’ meaning to know the Brahman, is to know oneself. One attains the

Time for Sathwa, Rajas and Tamo activities
The three attributes of ‘Sathwa’, ‘rajas’ and ‘tamas’ are present in time too. What is t

Significance behind chanting Gayathri Mantra three times a day
It has been laid down that the Gayathri mantra has to be chanted three times a day viz, morning, aft

Offer all your actions to God
Creation is the manifestation of the cosmic will. It is referred to as ‘nature’. Whosoever is bo

The main prayer of Sathya Sai Sevadal
Some of you seek an opportunity to do service when there is a storm, flood, or famine. Even if you d

Give up bad qualities while doing Seva
A man whose heart is filled with excessive greed is the home of all bad qualities. Hence, sevaks sho

What is Selfless Service
Premaswarupas! Today, the fact that the all-India Sathya Sai Swayam sevaks are celebrating their fou

Sacrifice is the way to move ahead in life; With analogies
Students learn swimming and know this better. When in the swimming pool, one has to push back the wa

Carelessness is the reason for diseases
It is one’s impertinence or laziness that is the root cause for all these diseases. ‘Laziness is

Swami on Antibiotics
New medicines are being developed. These new medicines are full of antibiotics. These antibiotics c

Swami on the role of head, heart and hand
The food and habits of man today are very peculiar. Two aspects are important to man namely, the hea

Three paths man need to know to realize himself
Human life is the essence of the six elements viz., the five elements and the self. To realise that

What is the meaning of spirituality
What is the meaning of spirituality? Thinking constantly of the self is considered as spirituality;

Kramamu Tappaka Minta
Every day, without fail, you find sunrise and sunset. Why? The stars that glitter at night, why do t

Human life obtained after much effort
This human birth is the collective effect of the good deeds performed in many previous births. As on

Everyone can transform their Samskaras
When one concludes that all the matter in the world undergoes change from either good to bad or vice

Focus on Atma and not on form
When we make an attempt to realise and understand the real situation and the nature of Atma, then

God is no different from nature
There is only one God. Recognise the fact that there is only one God and one divinity, to whichever

Nature is a reflection of God
The entirety of Nature is only a reflection of God. No one can transgress the laws of Nature. No one

Significance of nature and man
Embodiments of divine love! The wonders of nature are extremely sacred, they have got a message and

Say to God,
Not only that, you say that you belong to God, you don't say God belongs to you. These are the two t

Important guidelines to State presidents
We should regard this conference as the one which lays the foundation for our future. We should remo

Humility and obedience are important in Seva
Embodiments of the Divine! Swayamsevakas! Recognizing the omnipresence and the Omnipotent nature of

The nature of Vinayaka is found everywhere
Today is Vinayaka Chaturthi. The nature of Vinayaka is found everywhere. Vinayaka is the master of S
What prize man should aspire for
All the prizes that we receive are not prizes in the true sense. One with mathi or mind faces so man

Swami on true Love
In fact, true love has got with it a true heart. Love is nothing but the flowering or the fruition o

Man has Incredible powers
Man has infinite power within him. In this world there is no other power which is not present in man

Sanctity of Human life
Certain qualities are increasing in our life. That is just a sign of weakness, nothing else. Some pe

Exercise the power of Discrimination
You should exercise discrimination, between the transient and the permanent. What is permanent? All

Creation, Sustenance and Annihilation
The whole of this universe depends upon three forms of activity. Creation, sustenance and annihilat

The universe is verily God
The universe is the very form of God. "Vishnu" means Expansion. In this expansive world, what exist

Everything happens according to His will
Any act done anywhere, is only because of the will of God. Every day, without fail, you find sunrise

Kramamu Tappaka minta
Every day, without fail, you find sunrise and sunset. Why? The stars that glitter at night, why do t

Follow balvikas teachings all your life
Embodiment's of Love! Since you are children of Balvikas and since you have already understood and a

Students should develop Gratitude
Human nature in which there is no gratitude will turn into an animal nature. So, boys and girls! In

Reverence to Parents linked to Indian culture
All the boys and girls who belong to balvikas should in the very first instance learn to give regard

Lack of kshama leads to jealousy; Analogies of Ravana, Asuya and Anasuya
Anasuya who had three sons. They were no ordinary sons for they were none other than Brahma, Vishnu,

Know yourself first; With analogy
Without knowing who you are and without realising the nature of your true self, whatever you may d

Jagathini Jeevinchu Vadu
The one who lives in this world should first become a human being and understand what the nature o

Path to liberation and realization of God
The one who lives in this world should first become a human being and understand what the nature o

Understand yourself; Sanath Kumara to Narada
Once Narada met Sanath kumara and asked for enlightenment. Sanath kumara asked Narada about the sp

New year doesn't bring joy or sorrow
Embodiments of Love! YEARS have rolled by, but man has not developed noble feelings. A true human

You are Atma; Realize it
Embodiments of love! If you want to worship God, you need not go anywhere. He is not located at any

Remind yourself, "I am a human"
All of humanity belongs to one clan. In fact, there is only one race - the human race. It doesn’t

Students should giveup Ego
Today's students by promoting in their own mind, inferior thoughts and inferior education, they are

True Vidya is Atma Vidya
Just by getting educated and having learning in you and just by creating more and more machines and

Balvikas role in Society
Today we see demons dancing in our society in the form of injustice and hatred. Our ancestors gave u