Don't try to understand Me, experience Me
Seeing My physical form, you may be deluded into thinking that I am also a human being like you. You

Never become a Lover, become Love: Beautiful Analogies
Students can understand the interpretation of subtle aspects. One must never be a lover. A lover may

Inner vision helps you to know your true nature: Beautiful analogies from householder's life
Inner vision helps you to know your true nature: Beautiful analogies from householder's life

Analogy of a mike to explain matter and energy
There is a mike here. As Swami speaks in the mike, everyone is able to hear Him. There is the mike a

Truth and Brahma Tattwa can never be changed: Brahmam Garu Explanation
The words of truth spoken might die but the truth remains eternal. Likewise the nature of Brahman is

Truth, brahman doesn't die at any given point of time: With Analogies
Some millions of years ago, the Sun blew up due to excess of Helium gas in it. The Sun blew up into

Nama Sankeerthana is the ideal form of chanting
Of all the forms of singing the glory of the Lord namely ‘bhava sankeertana’, ‘guna sankeertan

Redeem your lives by Singing His glory
There is none in this world who does not chant the Lord’s name. One thinks of God in one form or t

How am I to know, if you are Shiva or Madhava: Thyagaraja Story
Thyagaraja said, “O lord, how can I decide who you are?! How am I to know if you are Shiva or

Everything is God in this creation
One may say that God has no form but He has a name. ‘God’ itself is a name! ‘Rama’, Krishna

Community bhajan is noblest of all
The word and the mind are futile in their attempts to understand the Divine. By singing together the

All actions of the avatar lead you inward
The whole world is the combination of the name and the form. Possessiveness and attachment are the f

Nama Sankeerthana is the royal path to liberation
‘Nama sankeerthana’ or chanting the name of the Lord is the ideal path, the steady path. God tak

Without faith and love in God, whatever we do is useless: Analogy
It is all useless if one does not have faith in God. People bring fresh vegetables; hire a good cook

We need to show gratitude towards society
Students must develop the spirit of unity along with the formal education. One is born in the societ

Dehamane Jeevi Yandhu
In the entity called ‘body’, there resides God in the form of ‘heart’! Having played t

Jeevatma and Paramatma are one and the same
Where can one find compassion? Compassion is in one’s heart. A heart filled with compassion can be

All Indians must be united: Analogy of Dharmaja
Divine and novel thoughts are within man. For this, unity is very essential. Dharmaja set a very goo

Compassion is what is important today
People study well, hoping to get into good positions and also aspire to go abroad and desire to earn
Who is true human being
Who is a human being? Is it the one with a physical form having legs and hands? Do no

Unity in society is important for country's development
Embodiments of Love! For a family to be safe and secure, for a society to progress, for a nation to

Swami explaining the role and workings of Pancha Koshas
Man is made up of five different kosaas, sheaths viz—Annamaya, Praanamaya, manomaya, vignyaanamaya

The present condition of Students and Youth
The life of today's modern students has no link to what is good and what is really useful to them. S

Flip side of todays education System
In this land of bharath, which was once upon a time having an education system that consisted of var

Never give up truth in lIfe
Never give up truth. Truth is our life. Truth is changeless in all the three periods of time. Truth

Students always be in a good company
When once students go out of the portals of the educational institutions and enter the society, thei

Jaanedu potta nimpukona
"Jaanedu potta nimpukona chikkula nonduchu, Kotividyalan punikamera nerchi,

Story of Valmiki
Ratnakara, who was ruthless and cruel hearted, indulged in many wicked activities to making a living

Never criticize nature; See Divinity in it
We can never neglect worldly nature. This is also divine and it is in the form of action. This is th

Power of thought, word and deed; Dhruva story
The character of Dhruva in Maha Bhagavata is familiar to all of you. He is a five year old boy who d

Pure love would never change; An illustration
Many students are with pure love as long as they are in our institute but when they go out, they say

Love of God is absolutely selfless
Embodiments of Love! The goal of Love is sacrifice. Love does not aspire anything. Love does not bla

World needs people with good character
There is no need to establish a new religion or a new organisation or a new form of education. It is

What is Sath, Chit, Ananda
God is the one with the three attributes of “Sath”, “Chit” and “Ananda”. “Sath” is p

What is Satvika Seva: Hanuman Analogy
Swami has said the previous day about the three types of Seva namely: Satvik Seva, Rajasik Seva and

Seva is a medium to transform your ownself; Message to Sevadal
First and foremost, one must dedicate oneself to those service activities that will help cleanse one

Sacrifice is the hallmark of human life
True form of scholarship is not mere assimilation of all that is contained in the texts. A person wi

Service is the highest form of worship
one must not look down upon Seva. Belittling Seva shows one’s petty mindedness. One must strengthe

Our actions are responsible for our destination
The salvation and the destination are in man’s control. Today’s deeds turn into mental impressio

How to tune yourself to God
The entire world is full of electric power. There are unchanging electric waves at a certain level.

As is the thought, so is the manifestation
“Yad bhaavam tadbhavathi”- As is the thought so is the manifestation. A small example: There is

Efficient usage of day to day resources
‘Devi navaratri’ means the worshipping nature by merging all the powers of nature and fostering

Shiridi Baba manifesting as Dattatreya
Many doubted his divinity. The birthday of Dattatreya is celebrated on the tenth day of the bright f

Shirdi Baba's Life Story
There is another speciality associated with this day. In the year 1838, Shirdi Sai Baba was born in

Swami on Nature or Prakruthi
Hence this body is born of nature. There are two types of natures- ‘Para prakruthi’ and ‘Apara

Worship nature to earn the grace of God
Nature must be worshipped to get rid of man’s ignorance. BY worshipping nature, one can earn the g

What is the meaning of Devi Navaratri
What is the meaning of ‘Devi navaratri”? ‘Navaratri’ means nine nights. What is the meaning

Goal of human life is to attain bliss
“Durlabham, maanusho janmaha!!” Human birth is rare to get. “Madaatma sarvabhootantaraatma!!

Singing Pleases the Lord
“Ninu kanugonagalara, Krishna?!! Anuvukante athi sookshmaroopudavu,

Shirdi Baba gives the explanation of who is a true Guru: Kelkar Experience
One day Baba called Kelkar and asked him to do “Guru Pooja”, (worship Guru) as it was a Gurupoor

Everything in this world is a combination of five elements
The whole world is made of the five elements of life. Everything is a combination of these five elem

Man should behave like himself and not like an animal
Many youth feel, “Being born as human, what is the use if man does not have freedom? A tiny fish m

Food and television are the causes for the agitation of mind
What is the cause for the thoughts that arise either in the mind or outside? One might conquer Indra

Direct mind towards heart and march towards Divinity
Therefore, it brings forth the right combination of mind and the nature. There is no difference betw

Sankranthi Signifies inward journey of Man
Hence, Sankranti means the movement towards inner vision, pure heart and unsullied nature. Just as t

The Essence of Patanjali Yoga is Unity in Thought, Word and Deed
To some, the worldly appears to be good. For how long? It is only temporary. This is called happines

What is Sukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha
Each month is divided into two “paksham”, fortnights. One is called as the “Sukla paksha”, t

Difference between Uttarayanamu and Dakshinayanamu
The years, months, days and nights are formed due to the Sun. All these form the aspects of time. Th

Swami on the origin and the secrets of creation
Embodiments of Love, students!! “Yekoham bahushyam”, the one manifests as

To receive god's grace faith and steadfastness are must
Sincerity and faith are essential to deserve God’s grace. Faith forms the base at the bottom of t

Kanlundi Gruddulai
Though they have eye sight they are blind to look at the auspicious form of yours!! Thoug

Surdas and Krishna's Conversation: Chinnakatha
Once upon a time, Lord Krishna approached Surdas and said, “O Surdas, would you like t

Understand the difference between intellect and intelligence: With analogies
Students should understand the difference between intellect and intelligence. One can earn “O” g

Serve the society whole-heartedly, derive joy and get rid of your ego
Students must not struggle for a job. What is the “udyoga”, job of a student? Yoga is the job. S

God is love and love is God
In what form does God exist? He exists in the form of Love! Love is present in everyone. Swami has b

Truth is one and not two
Brahman is the principle of oneness; it does not exist separately. “Yekam sath, viprah bahuda vada

Yetti Vidyalu Jagathini
Yetti vidyalu jagathini yeruganatti, pakshi jaathulu pasuvulu, paramamaina neemamunu gurchi

Man needs to understand his true value
One must enquire for a moment the sanctity, divinity and the novelty of the human life.

Swami praise on CM and people of Karnataka
The former Chief Minister of Karnataka, Mr. Patel has helped a lot. The present chief Minister, Mr.

All the defects lies in the way we see things: With beautiful analogies
Man is earning much wealth and various forms of education, but there is no defect in either the educ

Man is unable to see the divinity present in living beings
“Chillara raallaku mokkutu vunte Chitthamu chedura orey orey!!” Bowing to every

Significance of Angeerasa year
There are sixty years as per the Telugu calendar beginning with Prabhava and ending with Akshaya. Th

Ugadi is celebrated to understand the nature of the world
The birthdays of the incarnations are celebrated as festivals in Bharath. The birthdays of the relig

How to understand Atma: With Analogies
Man thinks that it is the eye that sees a particular scene. No! The eye is lifeless, inert. Who is

Nothing in this world is permanent
The Vedas say, “Yad drusyam tanmasyam!” meaning all that which is being seen is sure to perish a

Where has man come from? With analogies
Where has man come from? What is his origin? No man is putting in efforts to enquire and to know the

Do not have hatred towards anybody
Nityananadam, parama sukhadam Kevalam gnyaana murtim Dwandwateetam, gagana

Man's anger and desire are ruining him
The desire and anger in man – one is death itself. For the tree, ‘anger’ is an enemy like the

Satyambu Nandundi
God created everything from truth, The entire creation merges in truth, Is

Truth is all-pervasive, truth is one, truth is God
‘Sat viprah bahuda vadanti’- truth is only one and that truth is God. It is that truth that is o

Same principle of Atma is present in everyone: With Analogies
Embodiments of Love!! Recognise that it is one Atma that pervades all. Do n

We need to learn to see unity in diversity: With analogies
For Bharatiyas all festivals are sacred days. They are true, eternal, beyond attributes. It does not

You are verily God, realise it: With analogies
“Ekam sat viprah bahuda vadanti”- there is only one God and it is ‘Atma’, ‘aham’. That

Who are these three crore deities: Significance behind it
The ancients worshipped God by remembering Him, thinking and believing that He exists everywhere. Go

Nothing is permanent in this world except Atma
Embodiments of Love!! In daily life, the nature which is experienced through th

Love for God, fear of sin and morality in society in Sai organisations
There should be certain amount of co-operation among the different state presidents. Small committee

Roles of State presidents, district presidents and other members of the organisation
In the beginning the rules and regulations are necessary. As the members have understood the rules a

I have resolved to guide you onto the path of Advaitha
Therefore, I have resolved to spread the principles of spirituality based on the ‘Adwaitha’ path

Aham exists in everyone
The atma that dwells in all is one and the same. One may be named as Rama or Krishna or Madhusudhana

What is true Adwaitha
Therefore, one must hold on to that which is the basis for everything. The root cause for everything

Practice human values and not preach
One merely demonstrates the aspects of truth, non-violence, righteousness, peace and love, but is un

Never doubt Divine: A story from Shirdi Baba's Life
God assumes whatever form of God you pray to. Some people pray to God, “Oh God! Be with me and pro

Jagratha, Swapna, Sushupthi, Turiya
The causal force “kaaranamu” is beyond the gross and the subtle. The “kaarana” form is “Su

Students should never get into other avagations; They should concentrate on education; Message to students
The youth today is gathering all unnecessary things into their minds. The student enters the precinc

Excessive talk leads to many problems: Practical analogies
Students!! The present day student is highly confused. The one who can talk does

Man is verily God
In fact human being, though he is a human in form, in reality he is divine. God is present like the

You are God. Know it
Right from birth we learn everything. Why do we learn? Today in the world neither a seeker nor an as

Significance of Guru and Guru Poornima
What is the significance of Guru Poornima? Guru is not who is merely teacher, who teaches all the m

Service leads to liberation
Embodiments of Love! Man adopts various means to achieve liberation (from the bondage of mundane ex

God is beyond free fill
Do not worry about the past. When time comes, it merges with the present. Wait for the time. Don’t

Following Divine command unquestionably grants the eternal bliss: Story of Nana, the devotee of Shirdi Baba
When do you get supreme bliss? It is only when you are able to overcome all the three qualities. Wha

Man should transcend three attributes to attain eternal bliss
In a split second you become angry. In a fraction of a moment you get agitated. They just happen in

If man is right, world would be right: Chinnakatha
An Officer was working in his office. In the house, his child was doing mischief. Unable to check hi

Divinity is present in everyone in myriad ways and innumerable forms: Example of Nagayya actor
I am the seed for all the elements and the entire Creation. So, there is no birth for divinity. All

Swami on past life regression
Cultures of previous births are, rather, difficult to unravel and reconcile, during one’s present

Why does the Divine take the form of a human?
So, divinity doesn’t surface with a special form. Divinity also puts up a human form and appears.

God gives suffering that we can bear
So, we will subtly assume the form of God when we think of God all the time. Never be depressed that

Love is My form, Truth is My breath
Love is my form, truth is my breath, bliss is my food. My life is my message, expansion is my life.

Develop love is the message of Swami
Love, love and love alone. Yesterday, children presented a drama, how nice it was! Because of love,

Swami on Prahalada and his devotion
Here is Prahalada. Prahalada is a tiny tot. Though he was so young, he never disobeyed God. He was u

John becoming Moses
At one time a messenger, an angel, was going through a book. John saw that and asked "What is that?"

Give up body attachment; Jesus life
Never attempt to have body identification. The body is bound to change and it will fall. In worldly

Allah Yanchu Mohammadeeyulu
Muslims worship Him as Allah, Christians call Him Jehovah, Vaishnavites pray to Vishnu and Shaivites

In sorrow rests the pleasure, Said Jesus
Pleasure and pain go together. There is no man without these twins, pain and pleasure. Pain and ple

Types of Sankeerthana
This sankeerthana is of four types. One is ‘guna’ sankeerthana, singing the qualities. Second is

How different school of thoughts worship the same God differently
Many of the devotees are ignorant and innocent. A small example to illustrate this: Lord Vishnu is t

All names and forms are of God: Analogy of Sweets
All names and forms are that of God. Hence, “Ek prabhu ko anek naam!”-One God has many names! Go

Everything is Brahman in this creation
All are children of God, parts of the divine, the manifestation of divinity. Hence it is said in Gee

Follow Swami to become one with Him
All are the forms of the divine without any differences of high and low. One might ponder, “Will I

All the powers are latent in man
Embodiments of Love!! For long man has been treading on the wrong path embedded with doubts and c

What is the meaning of word Guru
What is the inner significance of the word “guru”? ““Gu”, “Ru”= “Gu”- gukaro andha

Veda is Dwaitha
Based on the nature of the world, the four Vedas declare the four great sayings: “Aham Brahmasmi,

One can understand Divine Principle by following intellect and by giving up mind
Some might think that Brahman can be achieved through some Sadhanas or spiritual endeavours, but Bra

What is Brahma Tattwa and Maya Tattwa: With Analogies
Lord Rama at one time was pretending to learn the 'Brahma tatwa', the principle of divinity from the
Everything is Brahman: With analogies
Embodiments of Brahman!! When a seed is sowed, it germinates into a plant and grows into

Significance of night long bhajan during Shivaratri
One thought, one vision and one action, we need to consider all the three as one. Then we would not

You are God; Realize it
One must distance oneself from this duality and develop the feeling of unity with God and spend one

Dushanambu himsa durambhuganetti
“Dooshanambu Himsa doorambugaanetti, Daiwachintana taanu dandi parachi, Premathoduga taanu praja

Do not criticize or comments on others
One must abstain from criticising the faults in others or their wrong doings. Criticizing others is

Mind and its working
Embodiments of the Divine Atma!! The human body made up of the senses and five e

Be prepared to serve and do not expect others to serve you: Chinnakatha
Embodiments of Divine atma! Students!! Students must be ready to serve others but should n

We don't have control over what others think about us: Beautifully explained Chinnakatha
People have plants in their houses and tend to them by watering them, cleaning and providing suitabl

No act of service is low: Analogies from Lord Krishna life
When people think of service, they seem to equate it with menial work, usually done by a servant. Th

Mind can separate the good from the bad
Here is a small example: The water of the ocean is salty. The heat of the Sun converts the ocean wat

Turn bookish knowledge into practical knowledge
They do not explain clearly about what truth is and what is justice. All of that amounts to impracti

What is form and formless: Analogy
Therefore all the worldly actions must be based on spiritual principles. There are two aspects, ‘S

What is the relationship between Paramardhika, Vyavaharika and Prathibhasika
What is the relationship between “Paramardhika”- relating to the supreme truth, “vyavaharikam

Origin of creation and lessons learnt from it
Without the world there is neither learning nor education. Earlier the whole world was in pitch dark

World is the true text book for man
Man reads so many books like the Gita, the Koran, the Bible, and the Ramayana etc. All these texts c

Having found the real Swami, hold firm
Now, it is the unswerving faith, love and devotion towards ‘Sathya Sai’, amongst the members of

Sadhana is important for Sevadal; Analogies
In our organisations, whether one preaches it or not, seva and “Sadhana” or self practice should

Analogy of electric wire to explain mind
In our organisations, whether one preaches it or not, seva and “Sadhana” or self practice should

God is the indweller - Eknath's story
Several great sages and personages of India have shown these ideals of service, ideal of worshipping

The significance of Jyothi meditation
On the day of Diwali, a row of lamps or cressets are kept and with one flame all the other flames ar

Difference between goodness and greatness; Story of Rama and Ravana
“Brahmavid brahmaiva bhavathi”- the knower of the Brahman becomes the Brahman. When one entertai

God's love is selfless
One should love God. There is only one lovable object in the cosmos and that is God. Today one can s

What is social service according to Bhagawan
Every human being must possess the quality of gratitude. Having being the beneficiaries one must sho

Are youth having any gratitude towards society
Man is born in society, grows in society, earns name and fame in society and learns many skills in t

Paapa bheethi, Daiva preethi, Sangha neethi
“The ignorance, due to lack of fear of sin, The absence of love for God,

Youth should render selfless service to society
“The ignorance, due to lack of fear of sin, The absence of love for God,

Yad bhavam tad bhavathi
In Vedantic parlance it is quoted as “As is the thought, so is the manifestation! (Yad bahavam tat

Man must realize the value of life
The bygone days will never come again. River Yamuna cannot come back when once it merges in the vast

The welfare of the world depends on youth
The prosperity and welfare of the future rests on the behaviour of youth of this world. The world wi

Mind is a conglomeration of thoughts
One must accumulate good thoughts and intentions in the mind. We have discussed earlier that the min

We need to develop the quality of sacrifice, love for the country and contemplate upon spiritual truths
Swami wishes that we put aside the differences of caste and religion and make an effort to realise t

We must lead an ideal family life to bring in Unity
It is the world and the duty of the householder that form the basis for one’s service to the commu

Ramanujacharya's visishtadwaitha philosophy
He began preaching and establishing the fact that it is the one atma that pervades all beings, God i

Shankaracharya's adwaitha philosophy
Making the philosophy of oneness of humanity as the basis, Shankaracharya undertook the task of prea

Religions and their practices are different; But God is one
Though from ancient times the Hindu philosophy has been fostered and protected by Hindus, unfortunat

Allayanchu Mohammadeeyulu
Muslims call him as ‘Allah’, Christians call Him as ‘Jehovah’, Vaishnavaites call Him as

Brahman and Prakruthi
A number of Vedantic scholars who have studied the vedas and practised them are plagued by doubts as

What is Samadhi State
Students!! The word Samadhi is understood in many different ways in the world.

What is the path of Karma yoga
Discipline is the essence of Karma Yoga. It is Karma Yoga that allows one to attain proficiency in a

All are embodiment's of God
One must consider every other as the divine self. ‘There are no enemies and no haters. All are my

What should we pray to God
Embodiments of the Divine Atma!! There are many, in this world, who pray to Go

Clean your hearts with Divine love and through service to society
This is the New Year, called “Eshwara”. It has got all forms of wealth and it is the year when o

Body is the temple, God is the indweller; Man should realise it
‘Deho devalayoprocto, jeevodevah sanatanaha”—body is the temple and God is the in dweller. Why

People have time for watching TV but no time for God
Everyone is an embodiment of the divine. One should not harm, cheat or hurt others and so also onese

What is the use of visiting pilgrimage centres without cleansing your hearts
People go to many places like temples and go on pilgrimage. What is the use of such pilgrimage? The

Mind is Vishnu, speech is Brahma and heart is Eshwara
There is divinity in every man and so everybody should feel that one’s heart is the place of divin

Swami on new year and its importance
Today, the New Year begins. This year is named as ‘Eshwara’. Eshwara means the embodiment or pro

Who is trinity
Who is ‘Eshwara’? Vedas refer to “Eashwara” as the soul or the atma. It has also stated that
Trinity is present in Man
People speak about the trinity viz. Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara but nobody has seen them nor seen

Man is losing his morals today
Man is the combination of three aspects namely, morality, righteousness and spirituality. Such a sac

God manifests everywhere
Just as the vision in the eyes, sound in the ears, God too manifests Himself in human body by way of

Rukmini weighing Krishna
You all know this. Sathyabhama, wanted to possess Krishna, keep him all to herself. Sathyabhama has

India is a sacred Land of Love
Develop this principle of love more and more. Think of the welfare of your country. Bharath is noble

All names and forms are One
Any name any form are one and the same. One God has many names. God has many names. One day you may

Unity makes India ideal
Embodiment's of love! Unity is the most essential today to mould Bharat as an ideal country. All our

Conquer your Inner self with Confidence
Every man will have these two, birth and death. Between birth and death there lies whole life and as

You are atman; Realize it
Bhagawan said, You are all the embodiment's the divine. You are imperishable. The spirit or Atma is

The world is an illusion and impermanent
The world which we see around us has been referred to as the Mithyaloka (deluding world). If we thin

Swami narrating a story on Self-Confidence
There was once a guru living in a place and he was communicating wisdom to people who used to come

Faith in oneself leads to faith in God
Today in the world, we see many people who say that they have no faith in God. But, in fact, it is

Swami on the compositions of Adi Shankara
Sing the glory of Lord Govinda. Utter the name of Lord Govinda, Oh! you ignorant person! You should

Adi Shankara came to establish Dharma
Around 5800 years ago, when in this country, righteousness and all that was dependent upon dharma w

God incarnates to re-establish righteousness
Depending upon the nature of the country, the passage of time and the individuals who live in that
Swami on the deterioration of Indian culture
Young students! Today, the question arises in the mind of every youth, whether our country Bharat

My Life is My Message
Many people ask me, "Has Swami got a secretary or an assistant? Who is looking after all the mails a

God is present in everything
At one time when Krishna was a child, he came to his mother Yashoda in great hurry. Yashoda looked a

Forget past, live in present and don't worry about future
Past is past, it is beyond recovery. In spite of all efforts one cannot regain it. Do not think abou

What do you mean by search for truth
Search for truth! Bhagawan has spoken on this yesterday. Why does one search for truth? Bhagawan is

Service is the highest form of worship
Some students, youngsters go to village service activities. Service is noblest of all activities. It

How God is present in human being
God, who is all pervasive, is present in a human being too! In what form is he present? The Lord res

Sandhya Vandanam and ways to put Gayathri mantra into day to day practice
There are some people who feel that they don’t have time to chant the Gayathri mantra. One does ha

Chanting Gayathri Mantra three times a day removes all your sins
It is necessary to chant the Gayathri mantra either in the early hours of the morning or in the even

Different names of Gayathri and their significance
When one utters the name Gayathri, one derives happiness from the atmic principle and the oneness th

Form is transient, name is eternal
In this world mud or clay is in one form. The clay is one but the forms that it can be moulded into

Significance and explanation of Gayathri Mantra
One must chant the Gayathri mantra at fixed time during the period of 4 am to 8 am and at a set time

Gayathri mantra confers on you the second birth
The initiation into the chanting of the Gayathri mantra signifies the dawn of man’s second birth.

Three birth's in one life
The most significant karma in a man’s life lies in his natural birth from the mother’s womb. Thi

Karma, Janma, Dharma and Brahma
The castle of Hindu philosophy has the concepts of karma, janma, dharma and brahma as its walls. For

Names and forms are many, God is one
God is only one but names and forms are many. Each one likes a particular form and or a particular n

Swami on Dehi and Deha
It is said in the Vedas: Not by actions, not by progeny, not by wealth but by sacrifice alone one ca

Lessons learnt form the heart and sacrifice done by blood cells
One needs to ponder on the teachings of one’s heart! But one is becoming tired, impatient and weak

Who are Doctors
Doctors are the very form of God. ‘Vaidyo narayano harihi’, ‘God is in the form of doctors!’

One needs to have gratitude towards society
One learns all the knowledge from the society; the intelligence and specialisation is also learned f

Swami on the importance of mind, matter and awareness
In the humanity today this equality is the ‘integrated awareness’ or ‘pragnya’. This ‘inte

Role of food and water in maintaining good health
The subtle form of water is life. The subtle form of food is mind. Thus there is a close relationshi

Indian culture taught humanity to see God in everyone
Since ancient times, the Bharatiyas have spread their sacred culture all over the world. This cultur

Man needs to have the sense of gratitude
The main quality gifted to man by God is “gratitude”. In the ancient culture of Bharath, it was

Atma is the Brahman present in all forms
To be able to decide something as ‘yes, it is’ or to say ‘no, it is not’ are but the phenome

Everyone can transform their Samskaras
When one concludes that all the matter in the world undergoes change from either good to bad or vice

Pleasure and pain are the reflection of your own self
The things which appear as dual to an individual namely the good or the bad, happiness or sorrow are

Importance of Yoga in realizing Atma
One individual, that is the Atma Swaroopa, either in the waking state, or in the deep sleep state

Focus on Atma and not on form
When we make an attempt to realise and understand the real situation and the nature of Atma, then

There is only one Atma present in everyone
Today, one should understand and experience the oneness of the Atma which goes through every form

Atma is one and the same in everyone
When we are able to realise and understand the significance of the statement that God in you and i

Krishna - Radha Tattwa
Embodiments of divine love! We should not consider Atmic principle only limited to bodies. Only when

The law of life is Unity
We should not think that divinity is existing only in a specific form. There is need for unity. It i

Man is verily God
God doesn't exist separate from us. The form of man itself is the form of God. God essentially is in

Man essentially means Mind
Man essentially means mind, but we are only taking note of the physical form of man. This is a great

Do not hate anyone
That is why Upanishads also have declared, do not hate anyone. Whomsoever you hate or make an enemy,

Significance and greatness of India
From stone to a precious gem, from an inert thing to the most illuminated, from the lowest caste to

Significance of nature and man
Embodiments of divine love! The wonders of nature are extremely sacred, they have got a message and

Swami on Yogi, Rogi and Bhogi
God's acts depend upon the devotees' understanding. For people who go on praying that God have you n

Mind can achieve anything
Real Sadhana consists of turning our mind according to our will. We get all types of joy by turning

Swami on the role and conduct of Sevadal
If you deceive anyone, believe and know that you are deceiving your own chosen God. Every moment, yo

Swami on Shivam, Shavam and Soham
The aspect of Eshwara is present everywhere. It is present firmly in our heart. Whom are we calling

See oneness in everything; Analogy to sevadal
Without giving room to any differences of opinion and getting rid of ego and jealousy, when we work

Swami on Sathya Sai Oragnaisation Structure
While working together, there will be differences of opinion, there will be advice's given by variou

Feelings behind actions are important
Therefore, the experience is greater than imagination or feeling. You may feel that you are one wit

Significance of Indian Culture
All ancients extolled the culture of Bharat. The culture of Bharat demonstrates and proves unity in

Who are theTrinity
In this world there are none who have seen Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswara. Who is Brahma? Who is Vishnu?

Creation, Sustenance and Annihilation
The whole of this universe depends upon three forms of activity. Creation, sustenance and annihilat

Aaku paccha Pakshulanni
Can all green birds speak like a parrot? Do all worms crawling on a flower turn into butterflies? A

Human values are latent in us
Embodiments of love! Under the present circumstances, we should know that love is important. As love

The universe is verily God
The universe is the very form of God. "Vishnu" means Expansion. In this expansive world, what exist

Serve society and see God in everything
What is Shivaratri? You should develop auspiciousness as a quality. Let everybody be happy. Not feel

All is Divine
Everything is divine. The universe is God. God is in all beings. The awareness is the divinity prese

Develop kshama from a young age; With analogies
Students! The stage of life you presently are in is most important. This is when you can easily over

Prema rupamu brahmambu premamayamu
Love being His Form, He is present everywhere as Love; Become bonded to this Love And strengthen

God exists; Message to youth with analogies
Young people generally do not have faith in God and they get into a despondent situation by asking

Swami on the strength of Man
Sumathi stopped the sunrise. Savithri just wiped out the destiny. Where does the strength for women

God who resides in everyone is only One
The whole world is universal mother. All are children of the whole world. Everybody is brother and s

Faith can make you achieve anything
Earnestness and faith are very important - the divine forms of Bhavani and Shankara. Therefore, let

Swami on the principle of Atma
Embodiments of love!! Embodiments of the Divine principle!! Every person should endeavor to manifest

What is Sath, Chit and Ananda
You are seeing how devotees love God. You are only measuring your love. No, that is wrong. You have

God is all pervasive and permanent
Narada explains the nine types of Bhakthi - listening, singing, thinking of God, serving His feet, p

Body is not permanent
Whatever endeavours you perform, nothing can happen without the grace of Bhavani and Shankara. Ever

Who are Bhavani and Shankara
Bhavani Shankara is the name by which the deities are called. Bhavani means earnestness. Shankara me

You are Atma; Realize it
Embodiments of love! If you want to worship God, you need not go anywhere. He is not located at any

Niddura Nundi Lechi
From dawn to dusk, from the moment you get up from bed till you retire, you spend all your time in c

Have control over your speech
The faculty of speech is represented by Saraswathi. We should make use of proper words. You cannot s

Remind yourself, "I am a human"
All of humanity belongs to one clan. In fact, there is only one race - the human race. It doesn’t

Swami on Emperor Bali and Vamana
Embodiments of love! Based on the principle of truth Emperor Bali considered all his subjects as his

What is the meaning of Guru
The Balvikas guru is a GURU. What is the inner meaning of the word Guru should be understood. 'Gu' s

Swami's teachings for Balvikas Gurus
Today in the context of there being about 5000 Balvikas gurus and if each teacher can set right at l

Names are many God is one
Divyatma Swarupas! Embodiments of Divine Atma! God is only one. He may take different forms and name

Sath Chith Ananda is the form of Dattatreya
The basic qualities or attributes of divinity are three. They are Sat, Chit, Ananda. These three, Sa

Human life is precious, realize it
Divya Atmaswarupas! We are all born in this world taking this human form. But this human body with t

Balvikas children must respect parents
According to our Indian culture, we refer to mother as our God, we refer to father as our God, mothe

Balvikas role in Society
Today we see demons dancing in our society in the form of injustice and hatred. Our ancestors gave u