Don't try to understand Me, experience Me
Seeing My physical form, you may be deluded into thinking that I am also a human being like you. You

If you have faith, God himself will be a puppet in your hand
How simple it is to practise it in your daily life! You don’t need to study any sacred texts. Nor

Where Vedas end, Vedanta begins, explanation of Vedanta
Therefore Vedas are limited to the physical world. Next is the ‘Vedantam’, which is most importa

How to go through the path of Vanaprastha
The Vanaprastham stage is full of austerities. Vanaprastham precedes the Sanyasa stage. It is possib

Vedas classified into three Samhithas
However, all the Vedas pertain to the physical world and its affairs. Further each Veda is divided i

Nama Sankeerthana is the royal path to liberation
‘Nama sankeerthana’ or chanting the name of the Lord is the ideal path, the steady path. God tak

India always prayed for the welfare of all
From time immemorial the culture of Bharath by its spiritual strength has been bringing peace and se

Spirituality must begin at a tender age: Analogy
Some parents criticise when their children start to engage themselves in bhajans or devotion or in m

Knowledge with discrimination is important today
Bharath has progressed in the field of science. The knowledge of science is useful only when accompa

Health confers salvation or liberation, so protect your health
Embodiments of love! All said and done, the summary of Swami’s talk is t

When Swami can cure why hospitals: Beautiful examples
Hence in order to protect and safeguard health, hospitals have been established here and there. Some

We need to keep up good health to experience Eternal bliss
It is a wrong notion that people consider health in relation to worldly existence. One also believes
Importance and working of human body
It is a wrong notion that people consider health in relation to worldly existence. One also believes

Students should not give scope for bad thoughts: Analogies
Students must develop good thoughts through their pious character and good qualities. One must never

What is true knowledge; Football analogy
Students! You are familiar with the game of football. There are six players on each side for this ga

Swami on worldly and spiritual education
Whatever small work we do, we should think, discriminate whether it is good or bad. Take time. Do no

What is Sath, Chit, Ananda
God is the one with the three attributes of “Sath”, “Chit” and “Ananda”. “Sath” is p

True spirituality is seeing oneness in everything
Sathya Sai Organisations must not only teach spirituality but efforts must be made to change every a

Do Sadhana to earn the grace of God and not for the praise of others
One need not go after name and fame in the physical world around. One must indulge in the spiritual

Who is a true Sadhaka and a devotee
A good person is described using many adjectives in Bhagavatha and Bhagavad Gita. He has been likene

We need to do service activities to cleanse our hearts
One without the purity of thought cannot understand the “Paratatwa”, the principle of other, the

Atma latent in everyone is the same
Whether it is in Sai Organisation or in any Organization, or in any region, or in any country, or in

Conduct yourself in conformity with the divine messages conveyed through the discourses
Annamacharya said that the results of our prayers to the Lord shall be commensurate with the sinceri

Mere listening to discourses take you nowhere
In-spite of listening to several discourses, despite spending long spells of time in participating s

How will power can make or mar a person
Contentment is another name to denote equanimity of mind. It is only due to the will-power that the

Limitless human desires are the cause for unrest
Many people due to the impact and influence of the Kali age, perceive the relationship with the divi

Magistrate enquiring Shirdi Baba
After a few years there a magistrate case filed on Baba. Sai Baba had to offer witness in that parti

Shirdi Baba's Life Story
There is another speciality associated with this day. In the year 1838, Shirdi Sai Baba was born in

Shirdi Baba gives the explanation of who is a true Guru: Kelkar Experience
One day Baba called Kelkar and asked him to do “Guru Pooja”, (worship Guru) as it was a Gurupoor

Discriminate to know yourself first: Shankaracharya teachings
Man is discriminating everything but himself. Man must examine himself. That is the essence of spiri

Inner peace gives you outer harmony: Practical Solutions
First and foremost, one must know whom one should take refuge in, to get what one desires. People wa

Why Do We Chant Shanthi Mantram Thrice
People say “Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi”, peace, peace, peace. Why should one chant it thrice? Is

Every Sadhana must lead you on the inward journey
The day one develops inner vision ,one pacifies the attractions of the external vision. Man today un

Sankranti Signifies Man's journey from the outer to inner
The very word ‘Sankranti’ conveys the infinite inner meaning. But man without understanding the

Among all Zodiac signs capricorn is best
Sun enters a zodiac signs every month and enters twelve zodiac signs in twelve months. There are fou

Explanation of Bhur Bhuvah Suvah
In the Gayathri mantra, “Bhur bhuva suvaha”, the first word “Bhur” refers to materialisation

Serve the society whole-heartedly, derive joy and get rid of your ego
Students must not struggle for a job. What is the “udyoga”, job of a student? Yoga is the job. S

Students should lead ideal lives in society and become ideal: Message to students
Dear Students! At this age students must determine to mould themselves into id

Man should get rid of selfishness and self interest to grow in spirituality
One must not only sanctify one’s life by remembering God but also develop morally, ethically and s

What is true education?
The education imparted to the students today does not conform to the moral, ethical or spiritual val

Three p's important for building good character
Embodiments of Love!! In order to be successful in the field of spirituality, every

Students should lead ideal lives in society and become ideal: Message to students
Dear Students! At this age students must determine to mould themselves into id

Motto of Swami's hospital is to provide free healthcare to all the poor
Embodiments of love!! Along with medicine, God’s grace and a spirit of sacrifice is al

Man cannot accomplish even a small task without the divine will: Analogies from human body
Heart is the most important organ in the human body. Life becomes useless if the heart goes on a str

Swami on Allopathy and Ayurveda
Embodiments of Divine Atma!! In Bharath, since ancient times, noble souls and spiritual se

Unity among all the wings of the organisation brings good results
Service is the noblest of all activities. All the plans that have been drafted are excellent but the

Without love spiritual sadhana is a waste
Without sanctifying one’s heart, any number of spiritual practises that one undertakes viz. Japa (

What have you done for Swami
All the spiritual practises that one undertakes, is for one’s own fortification. Therefore one mus

Good virtues and values helps to gain self-confidence in life
People have been undertaking the spiritual practices of ‘japa’ penance, ‘dhyana’ meditation,

Sath, Chith and Ananda
God is the embodiment of eternity and bliss. Among His many names the ‘Sath, Chith, Ananda’ is t
You are fortunate to be part of Sathya Sai Seva Organisations
In the days to come, this shed will not be sufficient to hold the conferences of Sai organisations.

Roles and responsibilities of men and women in Sai Organisations
Women must take responsibilities in the areas of ‘Balvikas’ and bhajan singing. Men should take

Roles and responsibilties of women in Sai Organisation: With a Chinnakatha
In the seva activities done so far, truly speaking, Swami who regards men and women like His two eye

Love for God, fear of sin and morality in society in Sai organisations
There should be certain amount of co-operation among the different state presidents. Small committee

I have resolved to guide you onto the path of Advaitha
Therefore, I have resolved to spread the principles of spirituality based on the ‘Adwaitha’ path

Become servant of servants
Every human being should keep in mind the principles of adwaitha, enter into the society with princi

Aham exists in everyone
The atma that dwells in all is one and the same. One may be named as Rama or Krishna or Madhusudhana

What is true Adwaitha
Therefore, one must hold on to that which is the basis for everything. The root cause for everything

Swami explains the workings of body, mind, intellect and atma
Man must aspire to become broadminded living in this vast and wide world. Every human being has four

Silence improves the spiritual power: Talk less
That is the reason why the sages of ancient times took to silence and were able to realise the divin

Spirituality has become business today
In this Kali age, spirituality has become a business now. That day the spirituality becomes down to

Significance of Guru and Guru Poornima
What is the significance of Guru Poornima? Guru is not who is merely teacher, who teaches all the m

Without peace, one cannot be happy; Analogies of Churchill and Prahlada
We find the science more and more increasing. It gives you lot of comfort. What is the use of all th

Body is an instrument in realizing God
The Scientists said, the place where the science ends spirituality begins. This is important. All th

Secular knowledge cannot give you eternal peace
The sage Narada, who was proficient in 64 branches of knowledge, suffered from lack of peace, so he

How to visualise truth; With analogy
Man is capable of recalling, recapitulation. Thinking faculties are natural trait. Search is wonderf

Reading scriptures cannot give you wisdom
Sastras....Sastras...Sastras.. What are these Sastras? They may impart some general knowledge. It is

Gopikas devotion is unparallel: Vyasa says to Parikshit
At one time, emperor Parikshit said to Suka about his impending death in seven days. He has to leave

Why does the Divine take the form of a human?
So, divinity doesn’t surface with a special form. Divinity also puts up a human form and appears.

Messengers of Sathya Sai are rendering Yeoman service to humanity
The Messengers of Sathya Sai are doing excellent work. They are helping to build dwellings for the p

One can understand Divine Principle by following intellect and by giving up mind
Some might think that Brahman can be achieved through some Sadhanas or spiritual endeavours, but Bra

Service helps you to recognise untruth
One may say that one does the spiritual Sadhana for self realisation. Atma is all pervasive. One doe

You are verily God; Do not limit God and His actions
When one is the embodiment of the divine, there is none outside that one can seek as God. Therefore
Service is the biggest Sadhana
Service to others is means of great ‘Sadhana’, practice or spiritual exercise. People do other S
Swami on bhajan singing and training
Members must start and develop ‘bhajan centres’ and train others to sing bhajans properly. One
Three important wings of the organisation
First and the foremost wing of this organisation is love for God, that is spirituality; the second i

You are God; Realize it
One must distance oneself from this duality and develop the feeling of unity with God and spend one

Seva is the biggest Sadhana
One may not undertake any Sadhana or spiritual exercises, but one must have firm faith that seva or

Be prepared to serve and do not expect others to serve you: Chinnakatha
Embodiments of Divine atma! Students!! Students must be ready to serve others but should n

Importance of service and its characteristics
A responsible temperament is very essential for an individual. Seva or service is one of the most im

Modern day practices in spirituality and demoralisation of Indian culture
Embodiments of the sacred soul! Students!! To follow a spiritual path is the desire of

No other Sadhana is greater than Bhajan
So, put efforts in chanting the name of the Lord. People may say that when you go to Sai Baba, there

One should not breed any differences in bhajans or in prayer
The bhajans were sung in a worldly perspective. Swami has observed it. The boys did not join the sin

What is form and formless: Analogy
Therefore all the worldly actions must be based on spiritual principles. There are two aspects, ‘S

Sing bhajans whole-heartedly
The bhajans sung today are mere ritualistic. They are sung by the tune, rhythm and the beat. These a

What is the relationship between Paramardhika, Vyavaharika and Prathibhasika
What is the relationship between “Paramardhika”- relating to the supreme truth, “vyavaharikam

Every ritual should carry the spiritual aspect
People have been singing bhajans throughout the past night. It is a worldly ritual. How does one get

World is the true text book for man
Man reads so many books like the Gita, the Koran, the Bible, and the Ramayana etc. All these texts c

Having found the real Swami, hold firm
Now, it is the unswerving faith, love and devotion towards ‘Sathya Sai’, amongst the members of

Sevadal must find unity in diversity
We must also learn to speak in a good manner. In trying to get youth, especially the students, into

Practice is more important than preaching
Na karmana na prajaya dhanena tyagenaike amrutatwa maanasuhu” The Vedas have taught in u

Namasmarana is the most essential component in spirituality
In the path of spirituality, contemplation of the Lord is most important. By singing the glory of Go

Youth should giveup impure thoughts and develop pure heart
So the young men and women should make an effort to know the sort of life they want to lead and the

Youth shouldn't forget the good and leave God
In the spiritual path it is said, ‘Anoraneeyan, mahato maheeyan’ - God resides in the smallest o

Youth have the incurable disease of Ego
Young men and women today, prone to the effects of their age lose all patience and have no sense of

We need to develop the quality of sacrifice, love for the country and contemplate upon spiritual truths
Swami wishes that we put aside the differences of caste and religion and make an effort to realise t

Shankaracharya's adwaitha philosophy
Making the philosophy of oneness of humanity as the basis, Shankaracharya undertook the task of prea

How religions arisened in the world
Embodiments of the sacred Atma!! Bharath from times immemorial has taught the world the w

How to absorb good qualities; Analogy from Mahabharatha
There is a small example from the epic Mahabharata to illustrate the aspect of ‘guna grahana’ th

Brahman and Prakruthi
A number of Vedantic scholars who have studied the vedas and practised them are plagued by doubts as
Unwavering mind is a pre-requisite to attain Samadhi
In order to understand and reach the state of Samadhi, the fourth line of the verse: ‘Kuruavadaana

What is Samadhi State
Students!! The word Samadhi is understood in many different ways in the world.

Pranayama and Prathyahara
Embodiments of the divine atma! Young boys and girls!! The path of spirituality can be co

Pranayamam, Prathyaharam
Control the breath and follow the eight fold spiritual practices, Turn the vision inward and attain

Analogy to explain time, duty and place
There is plenty of water in the Ganges. However, what each person carries home depends on the size o

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa on practice
The great saint Ramakrishna Paramahamsa used to live in an ashram in a village named Kamarakpur in B

Namaskaram signifies unity
Salutation offered with two hands brought together is referred to as Namaskaram. What is the inner s

Pusthakamul Patinchithini
O Man! You boast about books read and scriptures mastered, And proud you are of ephemeral knowled

Never break your promise; Tarkad story
People sometimes break their promise. There cannot be a greater sin than going back on one’s word,

Swami on Kundalini and Yoga practices
There are 33 rings in the spinal column, and located between the 9th and 12th rings is the Sushumna

Why should we do salutations to elders: Chinnakatha from Mahabharatha
What is the head? The head resembles the comprehensive intelligence. It is also said as ‘pragnyana

Man is losing his morals today
Man is the combination of three aspects namely, morality, righteousness and spirituality. Such a sac

Bhagawan's love is Selfless
Embodiments of Love ! Infact your love for Bhagawan and Bhagwan's love for you are one and the same,

You are atman; Realize it
Bhagawan said, You are all the embodiment's the divine. You are imperishable. The spirit or Atma is

Bhagawan's message to Devotees
Embodiment's of Love! What can I say today? Looking at all of you, my heart is overwhelmed with love

Develop good qualities and participate in Satsang; With analogies
We fill a mud pot with water up to its brim. We keep this mud pot very carefully in a place to whi

Why summer course for youth; It's purpose
We have come into this world with our body as a part of ourselves. So long as you remain a part of

Swami on Pancha Koshas with analogies
Without food, the body cannot live. If there is no body, we cannot really picture the mind. If the

Early life of Sri Adi Shankaracharya
More recently, in the year the name of which was Nandana, in the month the name of which was Vaisha

Defects in present educational system
It is because of the defects in our educational system, that a stage has been reached where our you

Life's journey is all about, 'I' to 'WE'
Life consists in man’s attempt to move from the place called “I” to a place called “WE.”

Teachings of ancient Gurus and disciples
From time immemorial, this sacred land has had good traditions, had expounded many spiritual truth

Practice is important than Preaching
This is not something which can be described by words. One can use a hundred thousand words but to d

Be happy for being the recipient of God's love
One should not pride over one’s high education or high position in job. One must be happy at winni
Don't cry for mundane things; Cry for God
You must develop such faith, courage and conviction and should not cry over others words. Crying com

Why Nagarsankeethan is prescribed
Why is ‘nagarsankeerthan’ prescribed? Is it done for lack of doing anything useful at that time?

See Unity in diversity and not vice-versa
Depending upon the circumstances and the state, the inner entity can be classified into four types.

What is Selfless Service
Premaswarupas! Today, the fact that the all-India Sathya Sai Swayam sevaks are celebrating their fou

Swami on the importance of mind, matter and awareness
In the humanity today this equality is the ‘integrated awareness’ or ‘pragnya’. This ‘inte

Who is a true devotee
Embodiments of Love! Be it any place, any state, any country, any region, any gender, any p

What is the meaning of spirituality
What is the meaning of spirituality? Thinking constantly of the self is considered as spirituality;

Faith in God is the basis for man's bliss
Every man aspires for bliss. In order to attain everlasting bliss, he studies sacred texts, listens

Giveup narrow mind from this Ugadi
Embodiments of Love! WE have been experiencing the bliss of celebrating Ugadi (Telugu New Year) fo

Foster love and cultivate sacrifice
It is essential to do certain things. Do not give up God. Cultivate sacrifice. Foster love and recog

Significance and greatness of India
From stone to a precious gem, from an inert thing to the most illuminated, from the lowest caste to

Everything should be treated as a gift of God
Criticizing God whenever you are having some problems and difficulties, praising God when your wishe

Swami on Yogi, Rogi and Bhogi
God's acts depend upon the devotees' understanding. For people who go on praying that God have you n

Serve with humility and egoless state
In this manner, we should mingle with people and together, we should promote the idea of service. Wi

All spiritual paths are challenging
Whatever path one may choose, facing difficulties is inevitable. This world is a dual world. With ha

Sevadal should always speak obligingly
Our words should be very sweet, should be limited and should also be acceptable. These things have b

What are the qualities a Sevadal should have
Members of sevadal should not become like people today who are putting machines on high pedestal and

Humility and obedience are important in Seva
Embodiments of the Divine! Swayamsevakas! Recognizing the omnipresence and the Omnipotent nature of

The nature of Vinayaka is found everywhere
Today is Vinayaka Chaturthi. The nature of Vinayaka is found everywhere. Vinayaka is the master of S

We need to follow the teachings of Vinayaka
Vinayaka has many teachings that help man liberate himself. Worship of Lord Ganesha has been followe

Who is Vigneshwara
Modern man is weak. In modern times, people commit sins, but they neither realise their mistakes nor

Be physically and mentally fit
Today we have sports and games, You should never consider them as worldly, physical acts. You should

Swami on Confidence and Faith
The culture of Bharat lays much emphasis on three principles in the field of education. The first de

What is the True meaning of Spirituality
Spirituality does not mean a life of loneliness or solitude. Spirituality is one which is beyond all

Who are theTrinity
In this world there are none who have seen Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswara. Who is Brahma? Who is Vishnu?

Creation, Sustenance and Annihilation
The whole of this universe depends upon three forms of activity. Creation, sustenance and annihilat

How to comprehend God
Embodiments of love! Divinity is beyond comprehension. It is easy to argue regarding the spiritual

Reverence to Parents linked to Indian culture
All the boys and girls who belong to balvikas should in the very first instance learn to give regard

Children have tender hearts; Mould them
Boys and girls who are the future citizens of this country and those who are responsible for the fut

Vidya Vallanu Vinayammu
Out of education comes humility, out of humility comes deservedness, out of deservedness comes wealt

Role of Balvikas Gurus and Parents
Teachers, who are verily embodiment of Divine souls, must imprint in their mind that it is very nece

What is the role of Balvikas Gurus
Today the teachers are responsible for all the agitations and confusion happening in our country. Ho

Swami teachings to balvikas teachers
Modern-day teachers, 90 out of 100 have no spiritual knowledge. They should recognize the truth that
Impart Indian culture to Balvikas Students
Our ancient Bharatiya culture was essentially based upon discipline and control of one's own self. T

Impart both Spiritual and Secular education
Spiritual education provides permanent happiness, lasting prosperity and welfare of the world.Today

Role of Balvikas Gurus in imparting knowledge
The teacher must take necessary care to teach such spiritual education.The teachers should be prepar

Relation of Balvikas students and Gurus
The close connection that should exist between the balvikas students and Gurus should be for the goa

Be courageous, develop kshama and move forward in life: Analogy from Ramayana
Vibhishana provides the classic example. It was through kshama that he acquired the courage to defy
Move forward developing Kshama; Hassein, hussein analogy
Students! In matters spiritual, make sure that you get a firm grip on whatever it is that you are se

Develop kshama with love
Students! In everyone of your spiritual endeavour, you must make the resolution, “This I MUST achi

Awake, arise stop not till the goal is reached
The Vedas declare: Uttisthata jagrata prapya varannibodhata. Arise, awake, and stop not till the g

Develop kshama from a young age; With analogies
Students! The stage of life you presently are in is most important. This is when you can easily over

Failing in efforts leads to failing in exams
Embodiment's of Love! On occasions, you might fail in the class tests or in the examinations but tha

Kshama is the very breath of life
Kshama is thus the very breath of life. Can there be smoke without fire? Can a car move without a
World is facing troubles due to lack of forgiveness
At one stroke, Kshama subsumes Sathya, Dharma, and the entire Vedas. It is the greatest among tapas

Balasthavath Krida Saktaha
While one is in his boyhood, he has the desire to play and sing. When he grows into a young man he

How to understand Atma; By Shankara Disciples
There is some justification in our trying to first understand the aspects of the human body and the

Swami on the strength of Man
Sumathi stopped the sunrise. Savithri just wiped out the destiny. Where does the strength for women

Swami on significance of Bhakthi
You are not increasing your faith in spiritual things but you are going down towards the material th

Human life is very precious
Obtaining this divine as human birth - you have got the birth of a man which is very precious, beyon

God is all pervasive and permanent
Narada explains the nine types of Bhakthi - listening, singing, thinking of God, serving His feet, p

Body is not permanent
Whatever endeavours you perform, nothing can happen without the grace of Bhavani and Shankara. Ever

You are the embodiment of God
Wherever you see, there is principle of God. You are also God. But you are unable to understand thi

Meaning of Gayathri Mantra
He said, 'Bhur Bhuvah Suvaha'. There is nothing beyond these three in this world. The BHUR is materi
Turn your mind towards God
So today we should fill our hearts with love. What sort of love? Love is One. We find many types of

Be a change before you aspire for it
So we should utter sacred words. We should not use words which hurt anyone. We should not abuse anyb

True greatness of Kerala
Though Kerala was under communist rule, it stands for devotion - people visit temples every day and

True significance of Onam
Onam does not mean limiting the celebration to the preparation of rice-pudding and other sweets. We

Impart virtues to Students; Swami to Teachers
Students of today are only promoting their intelligence. They are forgetting that good qualities are

Swami on the Sacred texts of India
When one wants to fell a tree or destroy a tree, he can do so only by cutting the roots. By working

True Vidya is Atma Vidya
Just by getting educated and having learning in you and just by creating more and more machines and

Balvikas role in Society
Today we see demons dancing in our society in the form of injustice and hatred. Our ancestors gave u