Inner vision helps you to know your true nature: Beautiful analogies from householder's life
Inner vision helps you to know your true nature: Beautiful analogies from householder's life

Truth and Brahma Tattwa can never be changed: Brahmam Garu Explanation
The words of truth spoken might die but the truth remains eternal. Likewise the nature of Brahman is

Vedas classified into three Samhithas
However, all the Vedas pertain to the physical world and its affairs. Further each Veda is divided i

Hari Bhajana Bina Sukha Shanthi
Hari Bhajana Sukha Shanti Nahin Hari Nama Bina Ananada Nahin Prema Bhakti Bina Uddhara Nahin Guru Se

How am I to know, if you are Shiva or Madhava: Thyagaraja Story
Thyagaraja said, “O lord, how can I decide who you are?! How am I to know if you are Shiva or

God bestows two-syllabled name for man's redemption
The earth prayed to Lord Vishnu, “Swami! I can bear any kind of sinners but I cannot bear a person

Everything is God in this creation
One may say that God has no form but He has a name. ‘God’ itself is a name! ‘Rama’, Krishna

Sandu Gondu Landu Mari
Sandu gondu landu mari andarandu Neeve aanandamonduchunduvani Vindu sreedhara.

What is Bhava Sankeerthana
Many are deluded who follow the ‘bhava sankeerthana’ or singing in full realisation of the signi

Vasuki Shayana Srinivasa Chidvilasa
Vasuki sayana srinivasa chidvilasa, Bhava pasamula trunchi manollasa mivvara, Vasu

Bhakthi Reva Paramartha Dayini
Devotion is the basis to attain the knowledge of the Supreme Being. Devotion is the panacea to get r

Subramanyam Subramanyam
Subramanyam Subramanyam Shanmukha Natha Subramanyam Subramanyam Subramanyam Sai Natha Subramanyam

The greatness of India is forgotten by Indians today
Isn’t Savitri, who could win her dead husband’s life back a woman of Bharath?!

Gatha Jeevudagu Pathim
Isn’t Savitri, who could win her dead husband’s life back a woman of Bharath?!

Jeevatma and Paramatma are one and the same
Where can one find compassion? Compassion is in one’s heart. A heart filled with compassion can be

Spirituality must begin at a tender age: Analogy
Some parents criticise when their children start to engage themselves in bhajans or devotion or in m
Compassion is what is important today
People study well, hoping to get into good positions and also aspire to go abroad and desire to earn

Prema muditha manase kaho
Prema muditha man se kaho, Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama!Rama!Ram! SriRama! Rama,Ram!! Paapa ka

Govinda Hare, Gopala Hare
Govinda Harey, Gopala Harey, Hey Gopi Gopa Bala Govinda Harey, Gopala Harey, Hey Murali Gana Lola
Act on the good thought the moment it rises : Ravana's Message to Humanity
Last words of wisdom from Ravana: Good message Ravana fell down after being hit by

Chanting Rama's name and respecting elders turned Ratnakara into Valmiki
Sage Valmiki is the one who composed Ramayana, the history of Rama during the lifetime of Rama. He m

Music enraptures Divine
One cannot describe the sweetness of words and song. A small example to illustrate this: God is call

When God commands HE gets the work done: Story from Ramayana
Rama asked Hanuman, “You must go in search of Sita. Go to Lanka and find out Sita and her whereabo

We need to repose faith in God: Story of Nana Saheb Chandorkar; A shirdi Baba Devotee
One must have implicit faith in God’s words and conduct oneself in accordance with it. Then alone

Story of Valmiki
Ratnakara, who was ruthless and cruel hearted, indulged in many wicked activities to making a living

Prema Muditha Manase Kaho
Prema Muditha Manase Kaho (Rama Rama Ram) X 3 Sri Rama Rama Ram; Paapa katey dukha mitey lekey rama

God always knows what is best for you
“Oh mind! Do not ask. Do not ask. As you go on asking it keeps getting delayed. If you don’t as

Adagakuve o manasa
“Oh mind! Do not ask. Do not ask. As you go on asking it keeps getting delayed. If you don’t a

Hari Bhajana Bina Sukha
Hari Bhajana Sukha Shanti Nahin; Hari Nama Bina Ananada Nahin; Prema Bhakti Bina Uddhara Nahin; Guru

What is Satvika Seva: Hanuman Analogy
Swami has said the previous day about the three types of Seva namely: Satvik Seva, Rajasik Seva and

Difficulties would make us grow in life: With explanations from various avatars life
Life is sacred, invaluable and is worth living. Man must perform actions in order to develop such fi

How will power can make or mar a person
Contentment is another name to denote equanimity of mind. It is only due to the will-power that the

Patri grama samuthbhootam
“Patri grama samuthbhootam, Dwarakamayi vaasinam, Bhaktabheeshtam pradam devam,

Swami on Shirdi baba's birth and His childhood
There is another speciality associated with this day. In the year 1838, Shirdi Sai Baba was born in

Shirdi Baba's Life Story
There is another speciality associated with this day. In the year 1838, Shirdi Sai Baba was born in

Worship nature to earn the grace of God
Nature must be worshipped to get rid of man’s ignorance. BY worshipping nature, one can earn the g

What is the meaning of Devi Navaratri
What is the meaning of ‘Devi navaratri”? ‘Navaratri’ means nine nights. What is the meaning

Hari Bhajana Bina Sukha Shanthi Nahi
Hari Bhajana Sukha Shanti Nahin; Hari Nama Bina Ananada Nahin; Prema Bhakti Bina Uddhara Nahin; Guru

Shirdi Baba gives the explanation of who is a true Guru: Kelkar Experience
One day Baba called Kelkar and asked him to do “Guru Pooja”, (worship Guru) as it was a Gurupoor

Early life of Baba with Fakir and his wife
In the same village there lived a Sufi fakir, saint. The fakir took the child and reared him as his

Lyrics are not given importance in music today: Humorous analogy of Thyagaraja Krithi
In a music concert the musician concentrates on the ‘raga’, the tune, ‘tala’, the beat and t

We should change our vision and direction from Sankranti
What must be changed today? The vision, words and hearing must be directed in proper way. That is th

Sankranthi Signifies inward journey of Man
Hence, Sankranti means the movement towards inner vision, pure heart and unsullied nature. Just as t

Among all Zodiac signs capricorn is best
Sun enters a zodiac signs every month and enters twelve zodiac signs in twelve months. There are fou
Man can put an end to the cycle of birth and death: With Beautiful Analogies
“Apart from the will of the Lord, there is man’s effort also, to some extent, in the process of
Inner Significance of festivals in India
Embodiments of Divine Atma!! The festivals celebrated by people of Bharat, are all signifi

Surdas and Krishna's Conversation: Chinnakatha
Once upon a time, Lord Krishna approached Surdas and said, “O Surdas, would you like t

Our pride is the elephant: Elephant - Crocodile story
The elephant that was caught by the crocodile prayed to the Lord Narayana— “Taavultappenu

Mind is pure and blemishless: With analogies
Students!! There are many things that are not known to the students and many things that need to

Difference between Intellect and Intelligence: Analogy of Vikramaditya
Embodiments of Love!! In this world, “intellect” is considered as synonymous with the word

Prema Muditha Manase
Prema muditha man se kaho, Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama!Rama!Ram! SriRama! Rama,Ram!! Paapa ka

All the joy of the world is present in you, its your own property
Nityanandam, paramasukhdam, Kevalam gnyaanamurtim, Dwandateetham, Gaganasadrusham, yogi hrudhyana

Nityanandam Paramasukhadam
Nityanandam, paramasukhdam, Kevalam gnyaanamurtim, Dwandateetham, Gaganasadrusham, yogi hrudhyana

Yetti Vidyalu Jagathini
Yetti vidyalu jagathini yeruganatti, pakshi jaathulu pasuvulu, paramamaina neemamunu gurchi

Man needs to understand his true value
One must enquire for a moment the sanctity, divinity and the novelty of the human life.

What is true education?
The education imparted to the students today does not conform to the moral, ethical or spiritual val

Serving the poor would make Swami happy
The doctors must serve, especially the poor, for the seva done to them alone will safeguard one in t

Bhajana Bina Sukha Shanthi Nahi
Hari Bhajana Sukha Shanti Nahin; Hari Nama Bina Ananada Nahin; Prema Bhakti Bina Uddhara Nahin; Guru

Parama Pavanamaina Bharathavaniyandhu
In the sacred land of Bharat, the quality of patience is highly valued!! Of all the vows the vo

Subramanyam, Subramanyam
Subrahmanyam Subrahmanyam Shanmukhânâthâ Subrahmanyam Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Subrahmanyam Hara

Prema Muditha Manase Kaho
Prema Muditha Manase Kaho (Rama Rama Ram) X 3 Sri Rama Rama Ram; Paapa kate dukhmite leke Rama naam;

Hari Bhajana Bina Sukha Shanthi Nahi
Hari Bhajana Sukha Shanti Nahin; Hari Nama Bina Ananada Nahin; Japa Dhyana Bina Samyoga Nahin; Prabh

Chitta Suddhi Leni Shiva Poojaletiki
“Chitta sudhdhi leni Shiva pooja yetiki?” What is the use of all the worship without a pure hear

All the defects lies in the way we see things: With beautiful analogies
Man is earning much wealth and various forms of education, but there is no defect in either the educ

Nature of Mind compared to Sun and the moon
To think that one gained victory without mastering the mind is mere delusion. The mind is like the m

Who is victorious in life? Questions Shankaracharya: With beautiful analogies
Shankaracharya questioned, “Chitam jagatyeva?” meaning who is the winner in the world. Each stud

Demonstration of Raga, Bhava, Tala: Why should we clap with hands: Swami on different facets of singing
Embodiments of Love!! People sing bhajans while keeping the beat with

Prema muditha manase kaho
Prema muditha man se kaho, Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama!Rama!Ram! SriRama! Rama,Ram!! Paapa ka

Don't get attached to the body: Swami's example
People know that Swami leads by example. This is Swami’s body. But Swami is the not the body, Swam

Do not have hatred towards anybody
Nityananadam, parama sukhadam Kevalam gnyaana murtim Dwandwateetam, gagana

You are verily God, realise it: With analogies
“Ekam sat viprah bahuda vadanti”- there is only one God and it is ‘Atma’, ‘aham’. That

Hari Bhajana Bina Sukha Shanthi
Hari Bhajana Sukha Shanti Nahin; Hari Nama Bina Ananada Nahin; Prema Bhakti Bina Uddhara Nahin; Guru

Reach and realise divinity through Seva: Analogy of Arjuna
Every Office-bearer must consider, himself, a worker. Embodiments of Divine Atma! You should neve

Aham exists in everyone
The atma that dwells in all is one and the same. One may be named as Rama or Krishna or Madhusudhana

What is true Adwaitha
Therefore, one must hold on to that which is the basis for everything. The root cause for everything

Swami explains the workings of body, mind, intellect and atma
Man must aspire to become broadminded living in this vast and wide world. Every human being has four

Mind is the basis for everything
Man must aspire to become broadminded living in this vast and wide world. Every human being has four

Talk Less and Understand the power of Silence
“Mitha bhasha ati haayi”-Talking less makes one happy. Noble people in the Sanyasa stage used to

How to develop our character: A story of Shirdi Baba devotee Das Ganu
Man’s character can be developed to some extent through proper words, actions and behaviour. Once

Hari Bhajana Bina Sukha Shanthi
Hari Bhajana Sukha Shanti Nahin; Hari Nama Bina Ananada Nahin; Prema Bhakti Bina Uddhara Nahin; Gur

Cry for God; Ramakrishna said
Many went to Ramakrishna and asked him. Vivekananda also was there. They asked him, 'Swami have you

Govinda Krishna jai
Govinda Krishna Jai Govinda krishna Jai Gopala Krishna Jai Gopala Bala Bala Radha Krishna Jai Krishn

Reading scriptures cannot give you wisdom
Sastras....Sastras...Sastras.. What are these Sastras? They may impart some general knowledge. It is

Develop love is the message of Swami
Love, love and love alone. Yesterday, children presented a drama, how nice it was! Because of love,

Give up ego; Bhakta Ramadas story
Never give scope for ego. Ramadas also said this. Ramadas faced difficulties, Thyagaraja faced probl

John becoming Moses
At one time a messenger, an angel, was going through a book. John saw that and asked "What is that?"

Paramatma Prema Dharanilo Janulaku
The first duty is to make people experience the divine love in this world. In fact progress is ensur

God is in you; Thyagaraja Pining
God is within me, He is with me, above me, below me, everywhere around me. He is everywhere. How can
Types of Sankeerthana
This sankeerthana is of four types. One is ‘guna’ sankeerthana, singing the qualities. Second is

How different school of thoughts worship the same God differently
Many of the devotees are ignorant and innocent. A small example to illustrate this: Lord Vishnu is t

Significance behind Vishnu's insignia
Swami tells a small instance from the daily life on the occasion of Guru poornima. One is deluded ve

Manasu Nadaramugagonna Manavundu
“Manasu aadharamugagaonna maanavudu Bhramalakante heenamai brathuku chedunu,

One can understand Divine Principle by following intellect and by giving up mind
Some might think that Brahman can be achieved through some Sadhanas or spiritual endeavours, but Bra

Maya or illusion never harms you
In this knowlege of truth,the ‘vaayuvu’ the air is also a truth. It is present everywhere but ne

What is Brahma Tattwa and Maya Tattwa: With Analogies
Lord Rama at one time was pretending to learn the 'Brahma tatwa', the principle of divinity from the

Prema muditha manase kaho
Prema muditha man se kaho, Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama!Rama!Ram! SriRama! Rama,Ram!! Paapa

Parula tittinantha papa phalam babbu
“Parulatittinantha papa phlambu abbu, Viduvadennatikadi viswamandu, Parudu parudu kaadu paramath

Do not criticize or comments on others
One must abstain from criticising the faults in others or their wrong doings. Criticizing others is

Good company fosters good thoughts
Ratnakara, who was a way layer and a thief, became Sage Valmiki the author of the epic Ramayana on a

Vahe Guru Vahe Guru
Vahe Guru Vahe Guru Vahe Guru Ji Bolo Sathya Naam, Sathya Naam, Sathya Naam Ji Bolo Nithya Nithya

Govinda Hare Gopala Hare
Govinda Harey, Gopala Harey, Hey Gopi Gopa Bala Govinda Harey, Gopala Harey, Hey Murali Gana Lola

No other Sadhana is greater than Bhajan
So, put efforts in chanting the name of the Lord. People may say that when you go to Sai Baba, there

God is Ganalola and Ganapriya: Analogy of Poets; Music melts the heart of God
One should make the Lord’s name as the basis of one’s life and sing His glory whole heartedly. G

God will be your servant if you have devotion for Him: Analogy of Hanuman
The one with complete faith in the Lord will pray whole heartedly and the Lord will respond by grant

What is the relationship between Paramardhika, Vyavaharika and Prathibhasika
What is the relationship between “Paramardhika”- relating to the supreme truth, “vyavaharikam

World is the true text book for man
Man reads so many books like the Gita, the Koran, the Bible, and the Ramayana etc. All these texts c

Having found the real Swami, hold firm
Now, it is the unswerving faith, love and devotion towards ‘Sathya Sai’, amongst the members of

God is the indweller - Eknath's story
Several great sages and personages of India have shown these ideals of service, ideal of worshipping

Prema Muditha Manase Kaho
Prema muditha man se kaho, Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama!Rama!Ram! Sri Rama! Rama,Ram!! Paap

Difference between goodness and greatness; Story of Rama and Ravana
“Brahmavid brahmaiva bhavathi”- the knower of the Brahman becomes the Brahman. When one entertai

(Hara) Ganga Jata Dhara Gauri Shankara, Girija Mana Ramana (Jaya) Mrityumjaya Mahadeva Maheshwara,

What is Prema and what is Bhakthi
Pure, unwavering and unsullied love is called as Bhakthi. The kind of love which does not desire any

Ramanujacharya's visishtadwaitha philosophy
He began preaching and establishing the fact that it is the one atma that pervades all beings, God i

Analogy from Mahabharatha explaining the importance of aim and concentration
The tree born out of mud is mud and cannot be anything different from mud. Likewise prakruthi, natur

Dasanu Dasudanu Kavalenu Raa
Dasanu Dasuduga Kavalenu Raa, Nee Dasulaku Sevane Cheyavalera.

India has proclaimed that truth is one
However, the same Atma was present in both of them. Truth is one and age becomes irrelevant where Tr

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa on practice
The great saint Ramakrishna Paramahamsa used to live in an ashram in a village named Kamarakpur in B

Prema Muditha Manase Kaho
Prema muditha man se kaho, Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama!Rama!Ram! SriRama! Rama,Ram!! Paapa ka

Man is losing his morals today
Man is the combination of three aspects namely, morality, righteousness and spirituality. Such a sac

Prema Muditha Manase Kaho
Prema Muditha Manase Kaho (Rama Rama Ram) X 3 Sri Rama Rama Ram Paapa katey dukha mitey lekey r

Respect your Motherland
Embodiment's of love! The sanctity, the sacredness in this country is not there anywhere else. There

Develop goodness both qualitatively and quantitatively; With analogies
It is only when we are able to increase the good in us in a qualitative as well as a quantitative

What is Satsang and good company according to Adi Shankara and Vemana
Shankara was in the position of a teacher for the entire world and he propagated many ideals amongs

World is full of sorrow; Seek peace within
Today in the world, we often hear news about some disturbance being caused in some part of the world

All religions taught us to be good
Young students! Indian culture is based on non-dual thought and non-dual philosophy. This special

Swami explaining the meanings of Govinda
For the verse Bhaja Govindam, Govindam Bhaja, there are varied interpretations given by many learne

God is beyond five elements
No matter how high a position and capacity a scientist may have achieved in his profession, he can

God incarnates to re-establish righteousness
Depending upon the nature of the country, the passage of time and the individuals who live in that

Swami on the deterioration of Indian culture
Young students! Today, the question arises in the mind of every youth, whether our country Bharat

Teachings of ancient Gurus and disciples
From time immemorial, this sacred land has had good traditions, had expounded many spiritual truth

Aparama Shakthi Yentho Goppara
“Rama, Can the monkey cross the ocean? Can the mother tie you to a mortar? W

Swami on the devotion of Thyagaraja
Thyagaraja was a great devotee but he too had to face so many difficulties.Thyagaraja, who could bea

Chanting and service go hand in hand
It is useless if one just chants Lord’s name without serving others. Vibhishana and Hanuman became

In servitude lies the leadership
One must always be men of service. Leadership lies in the spirit of service. Leaders today have neve

Why do you feel shy to sing God's glory
What is wrong in chanting the Lord’s name? When one can sing very cheap, low cinema songs, then wh

Valmiki, Lava and Kusha's role in spreading Ramakatha
One day Sage Valmiki, who wrote Ramayana, was sitting in front of the Ramayana and was lost in deep

Swami on the importance of character; Analogy from Ramayana
One should not talk too much. Naturally, one loses one’s character by talking too much. People, ge

Prema Muditha Manase Kaho
Prema muditha man se kaho, Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama!Rama!Ram! Sri Rama! Rama,Ram!! Paap

Man needs to have the sense of gratitude
The main quality gifted to man by God is “gratitude”. In the ancient culture of Bharath, it was

Kramamu Tappaka Minta
Every day, without fail, you find sunrise and sunset. Why? The stars that glitter at night, why do t

Ksheerabdhi Shayana Narayana
Ksheerabdhi Sayana Narayana, Srilakshmi ramana narayana. Narayana hari narayana, Narahari roopa n

Everyone can transform their Samskaras
When one concludes that all the matter in the world undergoes change from either good to bad or vice

Focus on Atma and not on form
When we make an attempt to realise and understand the real situation and the nature of Atma, then

Govinda Krishna Jai, Gopala Krishna Jai
Govinda Krishna Jai Govinda krishna Jai Gopala Krishna Jai Gopala Bala Bala Radha Krishna Jai Kr

Krishna - Radha Tattwa
Embodiments of divine love! We should not consider Atmic principle only limited to bodies. Only when

Develop Selflessness like Krishna
Develop only good ideas. What ever you do, do it selflessly. This is what Krishna did. He conquered

Avatars descend to teach love and Sacrifice
Everything in the world is like a passing cloud. It comes and goes. In this process a number of expe

Swami on the devotion of Gopikas
This physical body is a mere instrument. It is God's will which makes this move, which makes this en

Swami on service in ancient India
Whether it is the ancient rishis or devotees of the lord or great and noble men in this country, the

Ganga Jatadhara Gouri Shankara
Ganga Jatadhara Gauri Shankara Girija Mana ramana; (Jaya) Mruthyumjaya Mahadeva Maheshwara Mangala

Hari bhajana Bina Sukha Shanthi Nahi
Hari Bhajana Sukha Shanti Nahin Hari Nama Bina Ananada Nahin Prema Bhakti Bina Uddhara Nahin Guru

Secret of Hanuman
Filling his heart with divine feelings, Hanuman stepped into Lanka. All inhabitants praised Hanuman
Swami on sacrifice, purity and selfishness
In this world, you find sacrifice everywhere. Rivers flow. They don't drink their own water. They di

Prema Muditha Manase Kaho
Prema Muditha Manase Kaho (Rama Rama Ram) X 3 Sri Rama Rama Ram Paapa katey dukha mitey lekey r

Ideal brotherhood, Story from Ramayana
A small example. At one time Rama, Lakshmana and Bharata were playing with a ball. After playing for

Kramamu Tappaka minta
Every day, without fail, you find sunrise and sunset. Why? The stars that glitter at night, why do t

Through Love we can achieve anything
Always and at all time you should have the feeling of Love. From the time you get up in the morning,

Reverence to Parents linked to Indian culture
All the boys and girls who belong to balvikas should in the very first instance learn to give regard

Discrimination power of man
Our life will not move forward if we don't have any knowledge of Sastras or knowledge of experience.

Swami teachings to balvikas teachers
Modern-day teachers, 90 out of 100 have no spiritual knowledge. They should recognize the truth that

Rama Rama Rama Sita
Rama Rama Rama Sita (4) Srimad Ravikulamandu Janinchi Sitadevini Preethi varinchi Premanaha

Be courageous, develop kshama and move forward in life: Analogy from Ramayana
Vibhishana provides the classic example. It was through kshama that he acquired the courage to defy

Develop kshama from a young age; With analogies
Students! The stage of life you presently are in is most important. This is when you can easily over

Buddhi Cheppeda Ravana
O Ravana, I shall teach you a lesson! Lanka is no longer yours, O evil one! Listen carefully and w

Lack of kshama leads to jealousy; Analogies of Ravana, Asuya and Anasuya
Anasuya who had three sons. They were no ordinary sons for they were none other than Brahma, Vishnu,

Govinda Krishna Jai
Govinda Krishna Jai Govinda krishna Jai Gopala Krishna Jai Gopala Bala Bala Radha Krishna Jai Krishn

Practicing Swami's teachings is true New Year
People are celebrating the advent of the New year, but what are they doing to improve their conduct

Swami on the strength of Man
Sumathi stopped the sunrise. Savithri just wiped out the destiny. Where does the strength for women

Swami on the Culture of Bharat
The very culture and tradition of Bharat is that, it has inculcated this one and only Love. And it h

God who resides in everyone is only One
The whole world is universal mother. All are children of the whole world. Everybody is brother and s

One should strive to be good and not great
The mother of today thinks that her children should become very great people. Some mothers say that

Human life is very precious
Obtaining this divine as human birth - you have got the birth of a man which is very precious, beyon

Swami on Emperor Bali and Vamana
Embodiments of love! Based on the principle of truth Emperor Bali considered all his subjects as his

Nigamamul Hariyinchi
What happiness did the demon Somakasura attain by stealing the Vedas and hurling abuses at God? What

Swami on the Sacred texts of India
When one wants to fell a tree or destroy a tree, he can do so only by cutting the roots. By working

Pankajakshuni Pooja Palumarlu
Without performing the pooja of Pankajaksha several times again and again but to think of others and

Names are many God is one
Divyatma Swarupas! Embodiments of Divine Atma! God is only one. He may take different forms and name