Swami always look for your feelings; Different examples from Mythology
More than the Vedas, it is very essential to understand the teachings of Vedanta. The path of love i

Don't try to understand Me, experience Me
Seeing My physical form, you may be deluded into thinking that I am also a human being like you. You

Never become a Lover, become Love: Beautiful Analogies
Students can understand the interpretation of subtle aspects. One must never be a lover. A lover may

If you have faith, God himself will be a puppet in your hand
How simple it is to practise it in your daily life! You don’t need to study any sacred texts. Nor

God is very soft, even to melt the butter one needs to use fire: Beautiful Analogy
God too is very soft; soft and sweet. But if one wants to experience God, one must expose oneself to

If you follow Swami's command and lead life, HE will manifest in a second
First and foremost one should have steady and intense faith in Vedanta. One can conduct oneself prop

Inner vision helps you to know your true nature: Beautiful analogies from householder's life
Inner vision helps you to know your true nature: Beautiful analogies from householder's life

Sakala Shastra Purana
Sakala shastra puraana sangrahaveththa ayi, Vedanta vedyudau vibhujudaina,

Analogy of a mike to explain matter and energy
There is a mike here. As Swami speaks in the mike, everyone is able to hear Him. There is the mike a

Radha's love is unmatched and she is egoless: Conversation between Yashoda and Radha
Truth and love are one and the same. The whole world becomes ‘shoonyam’- null and void due to th

What is Amanaskamu in Vedanta
Next is the ‘Amanaskamu’. What is the meaning of ‘Amanaskam’? The thing that is seen with

Where Vedas end, Vedanta begins, explanation of Vedanta
Therefore Vedas are limited to the physical world. Next is the ‘Vedantam’, which is most importa

Music is the royal path to liberation
There are many devotees who propagated the divine actions and the divine mystery through music. Ther

All actions of the avatar lead you inward
The whole world is the combination of the name and the form. Possessiveness and attachment are the f

What is Bhakthi or Devotion
People make many efforts, follow many paths and receive God’s grace in the process, to attain the

Love and show your gratitude to parents: Message to Students
Embodiments of love! Students!! Develop love more and more. Love is not something that can

Without faith and love in God, whatever we do is useless: Analogy
It is all useless if one does not have faith in God. People bring fresh vegetables; hire a good cook

We should develop Love for God
A being with faith is called human being but today there is no faith in human beings at all. It is u

Spirituality must begin at a tender age: Analogy
Some parents criticise when their children start to engage themselves in bhajans or devotion or in m

God is present in everyone: Episode of Lakshmi bai Danghe (Shirdi Baba)
Shirdi Baba too taught wisdom on many occasions, in many ways using many examples. God is everywhere

Compassion is what is important today
People study well, hoping to get into good positions and also aspire to go abroad and desire to earn

God's love alone is selfless: With analogies
When one enquires about what is it that is selfless in this world, one finds that God alone is selfl

Unity in society is important for country's development
Embodiments of Love! For a family to be safe and secure, for a society to progress, for a nation to

Health confers salvation or liberation, so protect your health
Embodiments of love! All said and done, the summary of Swami’s talk is t

All wealth without health is futile
Embodiments of Love!! There are many types of wealth and pleasures to be enjoye

Swami on Man's selfishness
Today's man, whatever he is listening or seeing, he does it out of selfishness and self interest. He

Govinda Hare, Gopala Hare
Govinda Harey, Gopala Harey, Hey Gopi Gopa Bala Govinda Harey, Gopala Harey, Hey Murali Gana Lola

We need to develop patriotism
One must develop good thoughts. This is called “Vyaktigata Seelamu”, individual character. One c

Music enraptures Divine
One cannot describe the sweetness of words and song. A small example to illustrate this: God is call

We need to repose faith in God: Story of Nana Saheb Chandorkar; A shirdi Baba Devotee
One must have implicit faith in God’s words and conduct oneself in accordance with it. Then alone

There should be harmony in thoughts, words and deeds: Anecdote of three brothers
There are three brothers in a house. There will be peace at home when the three brothers love each o

What is true knowledge; Football analogy
Students! You are familiar with the game of football. There are six players on each side for this ga

Swami on worldly and spiritual education
Whatever small work we do, we should think, discriminate whether it is good or bad. Take time. Do no

Attachment and selfishness lead to ruin
‘Na Karmanaa, Naprajayaa, Tyagenaike Amrutatvamanusuh’ is the Vedic dictum. Sacrifice gets you e

Purpose of worship is to have faith and love
To shed off the bad qualities, one should develop selfless love. That is Devotion. Different modes o

Everything can be achieved through pure love
Human being comes from God but forgets his source. Clouds originate from sun but they cover the sun.

Nothing exists without Atma
I told you yesterday that Aham (feeling of me & Mine) is the son of Atma and mind is the son of Aham

Only through pain, you can derive pleasure
Many great people, forbearing many difficulties did great penance and meditative exercises in order

Desire for God, rest will come to you
Faith is very important. Devotion and Faith are to be realized properly. Devotion is Love for God a

God always knows what is best for you
“Oh mind! Do not ask. Do not ask. As you go on asking it keeps getting delayed. If you don’t as

Adagakuve o manasa
“Oh mind! Do not ask. Do not ask. As you go on asking it keeps getting delayed. If you don’t a

Pure love doesn't beg; An illustration
Love is a triangle and it is not afraid of anything. It does not beg anyone. Love loves only for the

Pure love would never change; An illustration
Many students are with pure love as long as they are in our institute but when they go out, they say

What is true love according to Swami
Ornaments may be different but gold is one and the same. Color of the cows may be different but th

Love of God is absolutely selfless
Embodiments of Love! The goal of Love is sacrifice. Love does not aspire anything. Love does not bla

Prema Lenatti Manasadhi
Heart and mind devoid of Love are really like a burial ground Just because there is air going in a

Chant the name of the Lord and do service
One must chant the Lord’s name while doing Seva. Chanting the Lord’s name wards away the evil th

Pray for the well-being of all
Every person the world over must include the peace and prosperity of all beings in the world, in the

How should we greet Sairam to people in the organisation
Embodiments of Love!! There might have been differences of opinions in the

Sevadal should never enter into politics: Guidelines to the Members of the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation
The members of Sevadal participating either in samithi or as Sevadal or in bhajan activity or in stu
Swami's guidelines to leaders of the organisation and Sevadal
As long as one is alive, one must participate in Seva at least for a few hours every day. Workers an

Born as a human behave like one
Embodiments of Love!! Having being born as human one must try to broad
You would be called Sathya Sai Sevadal only when you engage yourself in His work truly
To be called as the “Sathya Sai Sevadal”, one must imbibe the qualities of Sathya Sai!! “Dal

What is Satvika Seva: Hanuman Analogy
Swami has said the previous day about the three types of Seva namely: Satvik Seva, Rajasik Seva and

Seva is a medium to transform your ownself; Message to Sevadal
First and foremost, one must dedicate oneself to those service activities that will help cleanse one

Do Sadhana to earn the grace of God and not for the praise of others
One need not go after name and fame in the physical world around. One must indulge in the spiritual

Sacrifice is the hallmark of human life
True form of scholarship is not mere assimilation of all that is contained in the texts. A person wi

When you dont give space for God to enter, how do you expect him to reside in your heart: With an analogy
Although people say that God resides in one’s heart, they seldom make effort to make their hearts

Atma latent in everyone is the same
Whether it is in Sai Organisation or in any Organization, or in any region, or in any country, or in

If there is no love there is no life
You must try to become persons with love-filled hearts. Only then will you be able to undertake sacr

Mere listening to discourses take you nowhere
In-spite of listening to several discourses, despite spending long spells of time in participating s

Singing Pleases the Lord
“Ninu kanugonagalara, Krishna?!! Anuvukante athi sookshmaroopudavu,

The entry of Shyama into Shirdi: Story of Shyama and his experiences with Baba
Shyam’s parents brought him to Shirdi after their retirement. He was two years old at that time. H

Life of Baba at Venkusa Ashram
The boy stayed for twelve years from 1839 to 1851, in the ashram of Venkusa. Venkusa loved the boy v

Vasudhaikakutumbhakam is the message of Sankranti
Students should behave in a very respectful manner, should respect the elders, love the parents, res

Message to youth and students
Since the occasion is right, Swami speaks about the students in today’s world. If a group of five
Man should behave like himself and not like an animal
Many youth feel, “Being born as human, what is the use if man does not have freedom? A tiny fish m

Every Indian festival has an inner significance
Embodiments of Love!! All the festivals of Bharathiyas are significant, have in

Man can put an end to the cycle of birth and death: With Beautiful Analogies
“Apart from the will of the Lord, there is man’s effort also, to some extent, in the process of

Swami on the origin and the secrets of creation
Embodiments of Love, students!! “Yekoham bahushyam”, the one manifests as
Adavulandu Undu
One may be anywhere- in the forest or in the sky, in a city or in a village, on a hill or in midst

To receive god's grace faith and steadfastness are must
Sincerity and faith are essential to deserve God’s grace. Faith forms the base at the bottom of t

Recipients of God's grace are always happy
One must strive to be happy always. Having been in the company of God, one must imbibe the divine q

Divine alone has will power
In order to experience divine feelings one must recognise the nature of the intellect. Intellect ha

Difference between Intellect and Intelligence: Analogy of Vikramaditya
Embodiments of Love!! In this world, “intellect” is considered as synonymous with the word
Develop unconditional love and lead your life
God is the embodiment of love. One must not exhibit it but put it in sacred path. One must never put

Do not pride yourself of young age: Message to youth
Students must realise this concept of love. Unfortunately the students today allow this love to be d

God is love and love is God
In what form does God exist? He exists in the form of Love! Love is present in everyone. Swami has b

Truth is one and not two
Brahman is the principle of oneness; it does not exist separately. “Yekam sath, viprah bahuda vada

Peace is within you; Analogy of a rich man
A rich man decided to go on a pilgrimage. He thought that carrying too much luggage would create dis

Three p's important for building good character
Embodiments of Love!! In order to be successful in the field of spirituality, every
Serve the poor and needy
Embodiments of Love! Participant’s time must have been wasted for they have bee

Swami speaks on the greatness of our hospitals
The glory and greatness of this hospital may not be known today but will be widespread in the coming

Motto of Swami's hospital is to provide free healthcare to all the poor
Embodiments of love!! Along with medicine, God’s grace and a spirit of sacrifice is al

Doctors must foster love and sacrifice
There is an important and new lesson that is useful especially for the doctors namely to give up the

Do not exploit poor people: Message to Hospitals
Today because of the hospital that is built here, there are many buildings and constructions coming

Sacrifice is the hallmark of a true doctor
Fortunately people have acquired the required education and have become big doctors but what is the

Doctors need to be more compassionate
The field of medicine too is plagued with money. Embodiments of Love! All the doctors should b

Swami sounds harsh only to correct you all
Embodiments of Love!! One should not feel hurt and think that Swami has spoken hars

Without love spiritual sadhana is a waste
Without sanctifying one’s heart, any number of spiritual practises that one undertakes viz. Japa (

Good virtues and values helps to gain self-confidence in life
People have been undertaking the spiritual practices of ‘japa’ penance, ‘dhyana’ meditation,

Parama Pavanamaina Bharathavaniyandhu
In the sacred land of Bharat, the quality of patience is highly valued!! Of all the vows the vo

Man should discriminate before acting
Embodiments of Love!! One should not waste even a fraction of a second of the most valuab

Puttuta Oka Chintha
“Puttuta Oka chinta, birth is number one worry, Bhoominunduta chinta, to live on earth is ano

When you see the whole creation with Love, it becomes Brahman
It is said that the world is an illusion, brahma alone is the truth. No, the world too is true. When

To deserve God's grace we should develop inward vision
With just a drop of Lord’s grace man can overcome anything. To become a recipient of such grace on

Only love can capture Atma in its true sense
Though atma does not have legs, nothing can move faster than it! The atma does not have hands; but i

Atma is embedded in man; Like a pearl in an ocean
“Manasu nirmalambe manchiki margambu” Pure mind leads to goodness;

Man is unable to see the divinity present in living beings
“Chillara raallaku mokkutu vunte Chitthamu chedura orey orey!!” Bowing to every

Demonstration of Raga, Bhava, Tala: Why should we clap with hands: Swami on different facets of singing
Embodiments of Love!! People sing bhajans while keeping the beat with

Develop sacred thoughts from this Ugadi
Today is the beginning of sacred New Year. On such a day one must develop sacred thoughts. Developin

Develop and experience love: Message for this year
Embodiments of love!! Everyone must foster love, experience love, digest and
Do not have hatred towards anybody
Nityananadam, parama sukhadam Kevalam gnyaana murtim Dwandwateetam, gagana

We should always be happy and be united: New Year Message
Embodiments of Love!! Love all! One must not give scope to even an iota of

You need to show gratitude for everything you receive
One has experienced so much. Having experienced so much how is one showing the gratitude? God does n

Develop faith and confidence
“Where there is confidence there is love. Where there is love there is peace.

Every action has a reaction: With beautiful analogies
Every action has a consequence. There cannot be an action without reaction. An action however small

Man's anger and desire are ruining him
The desire and anger in man – one is death itself. For the tree, ‘anger’ is an enemy like the

Animals live an equanimous life, man doesn't
Embodiments of Love!! Every man is the embodiment of love. Every creature is an emb

You reside in God, realise it
Consider this small aspect: “where is God? God is in my heart” God who is one’s heart will be

Same principle of Atma is present in everyone: With Analogies
Embodiments of Love!! Recognise that it is one Atma that pervades all. Do n

Nothing is permanent in this world except Atma
Embodiments of Love!! In daily life, the nature which is experienced through th

Roles and responsibilties of women in Sai Organisation: With a Chinnakatha
In the seva activities done so far, truly speaking, Swami who regards men and women like His two eye
Members of Sai Organisations should develop human values
People hear about hijacks, kidnaps, robbery etc happening in the society. On investigation one comes

Love for God, fear of sin and morality in society in Sai organisations
There should be certain amount of co-operation among the different state presidents. Small committee

Roles of State presidents, district presidents and other members of the organisation
In the beginning the rules and regulations are necessary. As the members have understood the rules a

Human body should be put to work
There is a machine, a pump set, and a generator. They are all made up of Iron. If they are not put t
We need to understand the nature of Jagath
Transforming one’s love filled heart into one with filled with spirit of sacrifice; one must attai

We need to expand our love
“Prema swroopinam jeevanam!”-– Love is the essence of man’s life. Man today does not experie

Service enables you to develop love
The mind of a man bereft of service, is devil’s workshop. An idle man sits around inert, like a p

Practice human values and not preach
One merely demonstrates the aspects of truth, non-violence, righteousness, peace and love, but is un

Message to students on practical lines
Students!! Students must curb excessive talk and indulge in necessary talk like

Son should get a good name to his parents
Student must live like a student. Who is a student? Life is like the four-storied building. What are

How a student should conduct himself: Powerful message
This age is very sacred; is one of divinity. This is the age that will bear sweet fruits. One must n

Do not preach, act: Story of Deer's meeting
Can any number of dogs equal a lion?? No! Never!! The modern day students persevere with false chiva

Students should never get into other avagations; They should concentrate on education; Message to students
The youth today is gathering all unnecessary things into their minds. The student enters the precinc

Bavanu Hasthinapuramu: Poem by Sahadeva to Krishna
Sahadeva went to Krishna and held His hands tightly and said, “I felt that sending my beloved

Man creates his own problems: Analogy from Mahabharatha
Others do not give either pleasure or pain. Man’s thoughts, words and deeds are solely responsible

Only God is our true friend
The less one talks the more one serves. Through service one can develop friendship. What is meant by

Never doubt Divine
No one should have any doubts on God. If you have doubts, you cannot achieve anything. You should ha

God seeks only your love
Embodiments of love! You are doing so many sadhanas. God doesn't desire for this. God doesn't desire

As is the glass; So is the vision
If you wear black colored glasses on your eyes, the whole world appears black. If you put on red gla

Man is verily God
In fact human being, though he is a human in form, in reality he is divine. God is present like the

Live life with love
As William conversed with everyone with love, Lord Brain considered him Divine. It implies that one

Ego and attachment are two biggest diseases
We find a big disease today prevalent in everybody. There is a cure for all the diseases but none fo

Love parents, Guru and God within you
You are the father, the mother, friend relation. Love your father, Love your mother. Love your teach

Spend at least a minute to experience God
We struggle for wealth, prosperity, name and fame. We make all efforts for friends and relations. We

Truth and love are basis for our life
We should never give up truth. We should see that love flows ever and ever. This is the true river o

Spirituality has become business today
In this Kali age, spirituality has become a business now. That day the spirituality becomes down to

Expansion of love is ideal in life
In this vast world, Our love also should be broad and wide. Our compassion should also be broad and

Man is precious among all
Man is the embodiment of God. Man has got latent sacred qualities. In fact all the values he has inh

Swami on William Gladstone; UK PM
There are lots of things that we need to achieve. For all this, Love and sacrifice are most importan

Man should strive to know Eternal truth: With analogies
People should endeavor to cultivate qualities like tolerance, love, sympathy, righteousness, justic

Service leads to liberation
Embodiments of Love! Man adopts various means to achieve liberation (from the bondage of mundane ex

Following Divine command unquestionably grants the eternal bliss: Story of Nana, the devotee of Shirdi Baba
When do you get supreme bliss? It is only when you are able to overcome all the three qualities. Wha

Mind can make you an animal, human or Divine
For a human being to live like a human being, or behave like an animal, or lead a life with divine f

Messengers of Sathya Sai are rendering Yeoman service to humanity
The Messengers of Sathya Sai are doing excellent work. They are helping to build dwellings for the p

Without God, we are Zero
Embodiments of Love! All are messengers of God, all are embodiments of love. There is no man without

Become messengers of God
There are three paths. "I'm the messenger of God" (is the first one). I should be the messenger, I s
Love is My form, Truth is My breath
Love is my form, truth is my breath, bliss is my food. My life is my message, expansion is my life.

Develop love is the message of Swami
Love, love and love alone. Yesterday, children presented a drama, how nice it was! Because of love,

Christmas at Prasanthi Nilayam is Special
Embodiments of Love! Every year, we celebrate Christmas. You are from different countries. A true Ch

God's love is true wealth
If money is lost, you can get it back. If the health is lost, you can regain it. But when character

Experience Divine love
Poor feeding and distribution of clothes are also necessary, but they are not that important. They a

You and God are one
Then, what is the meaning when it is said that you and God are one? When we want to know the thought

Give up body attachment; Jesus life
Never attempt to have body identification. The body is bound to change and it will fall. In worldly

State of messengers today
What is the message passed on by the messengers today? Yes, there are some messengers who are passin

Jesus is a true messenger of God
The one who propagates the worldly, fleeting, ephemeral matters, sensual matters, he cannot be calle

Paramatma Prema Dharanilo Janulaku
The first duty is to make people experience the divine love in this world. In fact progress is ensur

Who is a true messenger of God
Embodiments of Love! everyone knows that human life is highly valuable, sacred and noble. Students f

How to attain peace and happiness
What is this peace? We repeat this word "Shanthi", Peace, thrice. (This stands for) Peace at the phy

Everyman is a messenger of God
Every man is a messenger. If we question ourselves, why are we born? Not merely to eat, drink and sl

Our love is the true gift to Swami
Bhagavan does not expect anything. He doesn't say anything for Himself. He does nothing for Himself.

Have the feeling "Swami belongs to you"
Bhagawan has said this many times. When sarees were distributed to the messengers, they said, "Thank

Jesus missing in Jerusalem
Jesus is truth. He is one who experienced it all. When he was very young, the mother and the father

What is Bhava, Raga and Tala
You must recognise the truth that in every aspect in India there are three components which are Bhav

What is real music?
What is the essence of ‘Sankeerthana’, oratorio? The essence of music is to earn love of god. Hi

Everything is Brahman in this creation
All are children of God, parts of the divine, the manifestation of divinity. Hence it is said in Gee

God is your true Guru
Embodiments of love!! How happy and peaceful the whole world would be if e

All the powers are latent in man
Embodiments of Love!! For long man has been treading on the wrong path embedded with doubts and c

As is the vision, so is the world
Embodiments of the Divine atma!! When one’s vision is filled with love one can see the B

Service helps you to recognise untruth
One may say that one does the spiritual Sadhana for self realisation. Atma is all pervasive. One doe

Three important wings of the organisation
First and the foremost wing of this organisation is love for God, that is spirituality; the second i

Pattina Dedhiyo Pattane Pattitivi
Embodiments of Love! Whatever it is that one has caught onto, stay put till it is yours,

Bhagawan's love is universal
Always wish for the well being of others and love all. Swami is a living example for the said princi

Understand the power of thoughts
One must understand the potential of good thoughts. Thoughts travel from one person to another. When

Prema seva rendu rekkalu manaku
Prema seva rendu rekkalu manaku: Love and service are like two wings to the organisation. Paksha

Service and love are two wings of the organisation
Every person must try to develop the divinity and sacredness latent in oneself and undertake service

Love for God must be developed
All the active workers must realise this truth from today and strive to attain the fear of sin, love

Dushanambu himsa durambhuganetti
“Dooshanambu Himsa doorambugaanetti, Daiwachintana taanu dandi parachi, Premathoduga taanu praja

Do not criticize or comments on others
One must abstain from criticising the faults in others or their wrong doings. Criticizing others is

Lokamandhu pekku bheekara Krutyamul
Lokamandhu pekku bheekara krutyamul: “Lokamandu pekku bheekara krutyamul, Jarugu kaaranambu ar

Fear of Sin, love for God and morality in society
God is the very embodiment of truth; one has to love only the truth and has to realise that the worl
Be prepared to serve and do not expect others to serve you: Chinnakatha
Embodiments of Divine atma! Students!! Students must be ready to serve others but should n

Importance of service and its characteristics
A responsible temperament is very essential for an individual. Seva or service is one of the most im

God is Ganalola and Ganapriya: Analogy of Poets; Music melts the heart of God
One should make the Lord’s name as the basis of one’s life and sing His glory whole heartedly. G

God will be your servant if you have devotion for Him: Analogy of Hanuman
The one with complete faith in the Lord will pray whole heartedly and the Lord will respond by grant

Shut your mouth and open up your heart
People need to open their hearts and shut their mouths. But today people go in the wrong direction b

Sai devotees can change the world by following truth and sacrifice
There many people, in lakhs and crores, who call themselves as devotees of Sai. One need not questio

Having found the real Swami, hold firm
Now, it is the unswerving faith, love and devotion towards ‘Sathya Sai’, amongst the members of

Work, worship and wisdom; Karma Marga
“Work is worship”. Sevadals must work with the body, worship with the mind and merge in wisdom t

Sadhana is important for Sevadal; Analogies
In our organisations, whether one preaches it or not, seva and “Sadhana” or self practice should

Analogy of a dog to explain about the mind
There lived a rich and prosperous householder whose heart was filled with love and compassion for ot

Analogy of electric wire to explain mind
In our organisations, whether one preaches it or not, seva and “Sadhana” or self practice should

God is the indweller - Eknath's story
Several great sages and personages of India have shown these ideals of service, ideal of worshipping

Namasmarana is the most essential component in spirituality
In the path of spirituality, contemplation of the Lord is most important. By singing the glory of Go

Difference between goodness and greatness; Story of Rama and Ravana
“Brahmavid brahmaiva bhavathi”- the knower of the Brahman becomes the Brahman. When one entertai

Youth should never leave ideals
Young men and women are the protectors, sustainers and leaders of this world. Youth must make their

Youth have the incurable disease of Ego
Young men and women today, prone to the effects of their age lose all patience and have no sense of

God's love is selfless
One should love God. There is only one lovable object in the cosmos and that is God. Today one can s

Develop sacred qualities and get rid of animal qualities
Embodiments of Love! One must make every effort to know the sacred qualities in a human

Swami on current state of society
Today, there is no spirit of sacrifice among people in high positions and authority either in busine

Paapa bheethi, Daiva preethi, Sangha neethi
“The ignorance, due to lack of fear of sin, The absence of love for God,
Youth should render selfless service to society
“The ignorance, due to lack of fear of sin, The absence of love for God,

Human life once lost cannot be got back
Embodiments of love, young man and women! Citizens of the future world! One can earn m

We need to develop the quality of sacrifice, love for the country and contemplate upon spiritual truths
Swami wishes that we put aside the differences of caste and religion and make an effort to realise t

Buddha's life teachings
Thereafter the religion of Buddha or Buddhism came into existence. Buddha was the son of Mayadevi an

Madhwacharya's dwaitha philosophy
Madhvacharya came thereafter and he held the view that if prominence was given only to Bhakthi (devo

What is Prema and what is Bhakthi
Pure, unwavering and unsullied love is called as Bhakthi. The kind of love which does not desire any

Ramanujacharya's visishtadwaitha philosophy
He began preaching and establishing the fact that it is the one atma that pervades all beings, God i

Religions and their practices are different; But God is one
Though from ancient times the Hindu philosophy has been fostered and protected by Hindus, unfortunat

Religions are never the reason for chaos and confusion
Embodiments of pavitra atma, Religion and sect is not responsible for the strif

Swami's special love for Students; Special
Swami's special love and intimacy for His dear students.

Na Raaka Yeriginanthane; Krishna - Kuchela
“As soon as I sent word to Krishna through His gatekeepers about my arrival, He personally came to

Kuchela - Krishna episode; Love of God
Be it morning or evening I am your servant An incident described in the Bhagavatham, offers an i

Never break your promise; Tarkad story
People sometimes break their promise. There cannot be a greater sin than going back on one’s word,

Discipline is the backbone for mankind
Embodiments of Divine Love, For all living beings, discipline is as important as life itself. It is

Discipline is must to lead an ideal life
Though lacking education, Birds and animals lead regulated lives. Why th

All are embodiment's of God
One must consider every other as the divine self. ‘There are no enemies and no haters. All are my

As is your vision, so is the world
One must experience the bliss and share it with others. When man sees the world through the glasses

What should we pray to God
Embodiments of the Divine Atma!! There are many, in this world, who pray to Go

Clean your hearts with Divine love and through service to society
This is the New Year, called “Eshwara”. It has got all forms of wealth and it is the year when o

Truth has to be told in a sweet way
One believes the prediction of an astrologer. There is a knack in predicting. A big officer went to

Why should we do salutations to elders: Chinnakatha from Mahabharatha
What is the head? The head resembles the comprehensive intelligence. It is also said as ‘pragnyana

Man's selfishness is the root cause for all conflicts
“Ekatma sarva bhootantaraatma”, there is only one spirit present in all the beings. When such br

Man is losing his morals today
Man is the combination of three aspects namely, morality, righteousness and spirituality. Such a sac

Tila Madhye Yada Tailam
Embodiments of Love! Just as there is oil in the sesame seeds, ghee in milk, fragrance in a flower,

Love is the basic principle for anything
Embodiments of love! If you want to have your desire, increase your love. Love will grant all the b

Rukmini weighing Krishna
You all know this. Sathyabhama, wanted to possess Krishna, keep him all to herself. Sathyabhama has

Prema roopambu, Brahmambu premamayamu
God is love, love is God. It is only the connection, love to love. So strengthen the love, you'll re

India is a sacred Land of Love
Develop this principle of love more and more. Think of the welfare of your country. Bharath is noble

Develop positive thoughts
Clean, remove all the negative feelings. Develop, grow more and more positive thoughts. As along the

Bhagawan's love is Selfless
Embodiments of Love ! Infact your love for Bhagawan and Bhagwan's love for you are one and the same,

Love all, hate none
When once you say God dwells in everyone you should love all. But you just say so but you consider s

Respect your Motherland
Embodiment's of love! The sanctity, the sacredness in this country is not there anywhere else. There

Unity makes India ideal
Embodiment's of love! Unity is the most essential today to mould Bharat as an ideal country. All our

My aim is to provide welfare to humanity
Embodiments of love! You say this is the 75th birthday of this body. Bhagawan is not bothered about

Swami on Unity, Purity and Divinity
From Bhagawan's point of view there are no bad people at all and you may do something you are bound

Swami on Abraham Lincoln
You should recognize one important point. Lincoln was born in a very poor family in United States of

Conquer your Inner self with Confidence
Every man will have these two, birth and death. Between birth and death there lies whole life and as

Bhagawan's message to Devotees
Embodiment's of Love! What can I say today? Looking at all of you, my heart is overwhelmed with love

Swami on Reflection, Reaction, Resound
Embodiments of Love! Confidence in the Self, Self confidence should be the goal. With self confidenc

Swami on devotees love for Him
The divinity present in humanity is very much apparent. Lakhs and Lakhs have assembled here because

How man can become Divine
Embodiments of Love! The person who understands and experiences the divine spirit in him being very

Swami on the nature of good and bad people; With analogies
If you can understand the strength and the power of good company and use it in the best manner pos

Benefits of being in a good company; With analogies
You may ask what benefit we may get out of such good company. Man’s good as well as bad features

Swami narrating a story on Self-Confidence
There was once a guru living in a place and he was communicating wisdom to people who used to come
Faith in oneself leads to faith in God
Today in the world, we see many people who say that they have no faith in God. But, in fact, it is

Educational content must be value-oriented
It does not matter even if there are no big reforms in our educational system, but it is sad that i

Make others happy and you will be happy
All religions and all castes are creations of man. As such, we are contributing to the divisions and

Sevadal should serve with broader vision
If you really want to justify your belonging to an organization like the Sathya Sai Organization, yo

Your connection must be heart to heart and love to love
You have behaved in an excellent way, with good habits and good conduct all these four days. At time

Love is the basis for nine paths of devotion
There are nine paths of devotion namely: Listening, Singing, Contemplation, Serving the holy feet, S
Be happy for being the recipient of God's love
One should not pride over one’s high education or high position in job. One must be happy at winni

Aparama Shakthi Yentho Goppara
“Rama, Can the monkey cross the ocean? Can the mother tie you to a mortar? W
Swami on the devotion of Thyagaraja
Thyagaraja was a great devotee but he too had to face so many difficulties.Thyagaraja, who could bea

What do you mean by search for truth
Search for truth! Bhagawan has spoken on this yesterday. Why does one search for truth? Bhagawan is

Divine love lights the lamp of life
Young men and women! One needs oil to light a lamp. It is the oil that helps in making the la
How to make use of our will power
‘Name’ is negative, ‘service’ is positive; the current flows when both the negative and the

Character and discipline are two important qualities for any nation
One may belong to any country, be of any age, and be in any position; it is the character and discip

Serve with love and forbearance
While talking of serving others, we should not do such service which will cause some discomfort to t

Give up bad qualities while doing Seva
A man whose heart is filled with excessive greed is the home of all bad qualities. Hence, sevaks sho

Seva is the expression of Love
The feeling of service in the sevaks should enter your hearts, should flow in your blood and should

Serving others is the highest Sadhana
More than performance of Vratas (ritualistic vows) and Pujas (ritualistic worship), to do service is

Swami's words of appreciation for doctor's
Embodiments of love!! All the assembled here have come from far off places bearing all the

Swami on the role of doctors and on the current state of medical colleges
Many doctors raised doubts in the reports submitted yesterday; they were concerned about the success

Swami on the role of head, heart and hand
The food and habits of man today are very peculiar. Two aspects are important to man namely, the hea

Prema Muditha Manase Kaho
Prema muditha man se kaho, Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama!Rama!Ram! Sri Rama! Rama,Ram!! Paap

Message of Bhagawan to all the Sai devotees
Therefore Sai devotees must, to some extent, sacrifice the selfishness, reduce the involvement in th

Purify your hearts; Ugadi message
What must one do on the day of Ugadi? One must begin the efforts to purify and sanctify one’s hear

Purifying your hearts alone can give you bliss
There are many things happening in this world. Man does many activities, experiences many things—b

What is the significance of Ugadi
Embodiments of Love! Today is ‘Ugadi’. As it is the beginning of time it is called

Indian culture taught humanity to see God in everyone
Since ancient times, the Bharatiyas have spread their sacred culture all over the world. This cultur

Who is a true devotee
Embodiments of Love! Be it any place, any state, any country, any region, any gender, any p

Faith in God is the basis for man's bliss
Every man aspires for bliss. In order to attain everlasting bliss, he studies sacred texts, listens

Unity is the essence of human life
Embodiments of Love! Ages have gone by and the world has undergone many changes; but there is no tra

Giveup narrow mind from this Ugadi
Embodiments of Love! WE have been experiencing the bliss of celebrating Ugadi (Telugu New Year) fo

Foster love and cultivate sacrifice
It is essential to do certain things. Do not give up God. Cultivate sacrifice. Foster love and recog

Krishna - Radha Tattwa
Embodiments of divine love! We should not consider Atmic principle only limited to bodies. Only when

Love is God; God is Love
We can achieve anything and everything through love. Love is God, God is Love. We should make effort

The law of life is Unity
We should not think that divinity is existing only in a specific form. There is need for unity. It i

God incarnates to hold devotees as Ideals
People have been thinking that the incarnation of Krishna is an ideal person and he holds on to the

Principle of Love and its importance to Life
A man without love is a living corpse. The divinity of man can be recognized only in sacrifice and l

Avatars descend to teach love and Sacrifice
Everything in the world is like a passing cloud. It comes and goes. In this process a number of expe

Significance and greatness of India
From stone to a precious gem, from an inert thing to the most illuminated, from the lowest caste to

Significance of nature and man
Embodiments of divine love! The wonders of nature are extremely sacred, they have got a message and

Everything should be treated as a gift of God
Criticizing God whenever you are having some problems and difficulties, praising God when your wishe

Work and discipline in Sai Organizations
If there are any conveners and presidents amongst whom there are differences of opinion, then all me

Ofiice bearers must speak softly and sweetly
In some instances, some are bringing in politics. Embodiments of love! Most importantly, in Sathya S

Office bearers should not have Ego
Embodiments of love! There is one other thing. In the Sathya Sai organizations, We have appointed pe

Ego is bane and humility is boon in service
Embodiments of Divine atma! This service will give you a high and noble position. That exalted state

Swami on whom to serve and how to serve
For what purpose has this body come? It has come for the purpose of service. Hence, doing service to

Importance of Karma or action with Analogy
Actions are very important. Animal is born in Karma, it grows in Karma and ends in Karma. Karma is G

Promote love and get rid of hatred
Embodiments of the Divine! We must develop faith in the decisions that we have taken in this c

Transformation in villages is important
Many say, “Swami! We have been working in many villages and a lot of changes have come in those vi

Stay away from hatred and criticism
In the Sathya Sai organizations, we should regard ‘Love’ as the essential life giving source. Am

What are the qualities a Sevadal should have
Members of sevadal should not become like people today who are putting machines on high pedestal and

Do service with pure heart
Tirutthunda alwar of Tamilnadu used to say, “Swami, it is with a clean and pure ‘chitta’

First aid kit for Sevadal according to Swami
Amongst the many conclusions that we have reached today, we have made one decision that the members

Swami on Sports meet efforts
Students! Bhagawan has been watching and noticing all the struggle and strain that you have undergon

Swami on the importance of human values
If money is lost, by struggle and strain you can get back the lost money. If the health is lost, by

Significance of Sankranthi
Embodiments of love! Men and women youngsters! The Sankranthi festival of this day has stepped in wi

Do not forget and giveup God
Embodiments of love! You would have never expected that your lives would be so Divine here. Under an

Truth is God
What is meant when we say 'Truth is God'? Let a person be of any country or religion; truth is one.

Achieve oneness with Swami
Embodiments of Love! This experience should confer happiness on you. You should be made happy for al

What is true education
Embodiments of Love! Fill your hearts with love. See that you grow truth in your mind. Let all your

Man is all powerful
Many people compose poems. There are lakhs and lakhs of compositions. Of all these compositions, lov

Swami on true Love
In fact, true love has got with it a true heart. Love is nothing but the flowering or the fruition o

Swami on Confidence and Faith
The culture of Bharat lays much emphasis on three principles in the field of education. The first de

How to help others
Embodiments of love, what meant by "help"? A small example. You all travel in buses and trains. As y

How to comprehend God
Embodiments of love! Divinity is beyond comprehension. It is easy to argue regarding the spiritual

Give up vices to be happy
Embodiments of love! As long as there is pride in man, he will not be loved by anyone. The one witho

Human values are latent in us
Embodiments of love! Under the present circumstances, we should know that love is important. As love

Three types of men who hate even God
Today, when our desires are fulfilled, we are very happy, if they are not fulfilled, we are sad. The

Serve society and see God in everything
What is Shivaratri? You should develop auspiciousness as a quality. Let everybody be happy. Not feel

Ideal brotherhood, Story from Ramayana
A small example. At one time Rama, Lakshmana and Bharata were playing with a ball. After playing for

Love is everything
The main quality of mankind is Love . Love is God, Live in love. Develop this love today. You can gi

Through Love we can achieve anything
Always and at all time you should have the feeling of Love. From the time you get up in the morning,

Follow balvikas teachings all your life
Embodiment's of Love! Since you are children of Balvikas and since you have already understood and a

Cultivate Love and Reverence
Sweet and tender hearted boys and girls! You should recognize that in our culture and in our traditi

Develop love in every act of yours
Therefore, Divinity will be emanated while working together i.e Unity in Divinity. Any work we may d

Swami teachings to balvikas teachers
Modern-day teachers, 90 out of 100 have no spiritual knowledge. They should recognize the truth that

Human life rests on human values
Embodiments of Love! The mansion of human life rests on the four pillars of truth, righteousness,

Sathya Dharma Prema Shanthulu Lekunna
Bereft of truth, righteousness, love and peace, the value of all your education is zero, Bereft of

Foster good thoughts and develop kshama
Embodiments of Love! Drive away bad thoughts and make room for good and noble ones. Through sacred t

Practice leads to success: With an small analogy
Embodiments of Love! Students! During the Summer Course, you will receive such advice from elders an

Bad company leads to bad results: Analogy of a mosquito
These days, it is not uncommon to see evil doers [seemingly] get away with it while good people suff

Be courageous, develop kshama and move forward in life: Analogy from Ramayana
Vibhishana provides the classic example. It was through kshama that he acquired the courage to defy

Develop selfless love
Embodiments of Love! Along with love, also cultivate kshama. What is normally professed as love is n

Develop kshama with love
Students! In everyone of your spiritual endeavour, you must make the resolution, “This I MUST achi

Develop kshama from a young age; With analogies
Students! The stage of life you presently are in is most important. This is when you can easily over

Failing in efforts leads to failing in exams
Embodiment's of Love! On occasions, you might fail in the class tests or in the examinations but tha

Lack of kshama leads to jealousy; Analogies of Ravana, Asuya and Anasuya
Anasuya who had three sons. They were no ordinary sons for they were none other than Brahma, Vishnu,

Doubts crop up because of impatience
Students! Often you are seized with doubts. You wonder, “We are happy here because we are close to

Love is the basis for forbearance
Embodiments of Love! Boys and Girls! True and Selfless Love manifests as sacrifice. Such love knows

Prema rupamu brahmambu premamayamu
Love being His Form, He is present everywhere as Love; Become bonded to this Love And strengthen

Lead a Divine life from new year
This is New Year Day according to the Gregorian calendar. We have other New Year days according to

Balasthavath Krida Saktaha
While one is in his boyhood, he has the desire to play and sing. When he grows into a young man he

How to understand Atma; By Shankara Disciples
There is some justification in our trying to first understand the aspects of the human body and the

Balyambu Nanduna
During his youth and boyhood, man mixes with several people and spends his time playing with them.

Wasting of human life
Thus, man is born, journeys through his youth, grows old, declines and dies. Should people think on

Bhagawan's message to all on new year
The new year does not bring anything new with it. The day when fresh and sacred thoughts originate

New year doesn't bring joy or sorrow
Embodiments of Love! YEARS have rolled by, but man has not developed noble feelings. A true human

Dharma and Adharma
Embodiments of Love! The flux that you see in the world is the dance of Shiva. This is something whi

Sannajaajikanna, Sampamgi Lathakanna
More than the fragrance of the jasmine, more than the champak, more than butter, more than the beau

Swami on the Culture of Bharat
The very culture and tradition of Bharat is that, it has inculcated this one and only Love. And it h

God who resides in everyone is only One
The whole world is universal mother. All are children of the whole world. Everybody is brother and s

Revere your Mother and Love her
Be full of love. There is nothing beyond love. In our heart, we should be full of love. Even a belch
Loving God is the true Sadhana
So, every person should love God. There is nothing beyond love for God. That is the Sadhana, the ef

Swami on the principle of Atma
Embodiments of love!! Embodiments of the Divine principle!! Every person should endeavor to manifest

Paapa bheethi, Daiva Preethi
Therefore, we have got to have the fear of sin. We should elevate love of God. If one does not have

God is Ganapriya
God loves singing. Words come out through singing. Those words which come from poetry or prose will

Importance of Mothers words
Mother's words are very sweet! She may beat you or scold you when she is angry but she can never hav

Talli Garbhamunundi Janminchinappudu
When a child comes out of the mother's womb, you cannot see anything around his neck, he doesn’t w

What is Sath, Chit and Ananda
You are seeing how devotees love God. You are only measuring your love. No, that is wrong. You have

Body is not permanent
Whatever endeavours you perform, nothing can happen without the grace of Bhavani and Shankara. Ever

Festivals teach us to be united
To make our hearts sacred we perform and observe so many festivals. The aim of a festival is the tra

You are Atma; Realize it
Embodiments of love! If you want to worship God, you need not go anywhere. He is not located at any

Body is the very temple of God
Embodiments of love! You don’t need to go far to a temple to worship God. The body is verily a tem
Turn your mind towards God
So today we should fill our hearts with love. What sort of love? Love is One. We find many types of

Music is the reflection of Love
We should sing with love. We should speak with love. This is what the Gopikas said, 'In this barren

Be a change before you aspire for it
So we should utter sacred words. We should not use words which hurt anyone. We should not abuse anyb

Follow your Conscience
Embodiments of love! Emperor Bali attained heaven because of truth. Bali wanted his position due to

Have control over your speech
The faculty of speech is represented by Saraswathi. We should make use of proper words. You cannot s

Lead all your life with full of Love
First, love is most important. Love is God, live in love. Therefore, it is the love that we should d

Do not control your vices
It is not possible to control your thoughts. Many people make an effort to control anger and envy. T

True greatness of Kerala
Though Kerala was under communist rule, it stands for devotion - people visit temples every day and

Swami on Emperor Bali and Vamana
Embodiments of love! Based on the principle of truth Emperor Bali considered all his subjects as his

Truth is the basis for everything
Embodiments of love! The whole universe rests on the principle of truth. Truth is present everywhere

Balvikas gurus must be good all time
It is not as if Sai does not know that the balvikas Gurus are giving the important ideals of purity
Important lessons for Balvikas Gurus
It is important to assess to find out of if what is being taught in Balvikas classes are liked and a

Students should not hate each other
Embodiments of love! In your classes, there may be small differences between individuals. On the bas

God is present in everything
Embodiments of love! Boys and Girls! In this Vallabhai Stadium, we are now noticing different kinds

Balvikas role in Society
Today we see demons dancing in our society in the form of injustice and hatred. Our ancestors gave u